Index Diachronica: involving /[-hiɡh]/

9 results from /[-hiɡh]/   1 result to /[-hiɡh]/   6 results with context involving /[-hiɡh]/   

C[-hiɡh] V[+nasal][-hiɡh] V[-hiɡh] V[-hiɡh][+ATR] V[-hiɡh][-lonɡ]

from /[-hiɡh]/

9 matches

7 Algonquian7.2 Proto-Algonquian to St. Francis AbenakiV[- high - long] → ∅ / #C_OO
10 Austronesian10.3.3 Proto-Oceanic to Lemerig— iCV[- high] → aC
— oCV[- high] → ɔC
— uCV[- high] → oC
10.3.4 Proto-Oceanic to MwotlapV[- high] → ∅ / {ɔ,ɛ,ɪ}C_
10.3.12 Proto-Oceanic to Vera’ai(C)V[- high] → i(C)ɪ
uCV[- high] → uCʊ
17 Indo-European17. Latin to FrenchV[-high] → ə → ∅ / _V “(except that a is kept before o)”
30 Niger-Congo30. Proto-Gbe to AjáV[+ nas - high] → [+ high] / _i

to /[-hiɡh]/

1 match

30 Niger-Congo30.2.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic to Proto-AkanicV[+high +ATR](C(V[+high -ATR])) → #(C)V[-high +ATR](CV[+high +ATR]) / #J[+dorsal -voiced]_

with context involving /[-hiɡh]/

6 matches

10 Austronesian10.3.4 Proto-Oceanic to Mwotlapo e i → ɔ ɛ ɪ / C_V[- high]
10.3.7 Proto-Oceanic to Shark Bay”a → i / _CV[- high]
10.4.1 Proto-Micronesian to MarshalleseV[+high] → ɘ / _C[-high]
21 Lakes Plain21.1.1 Proto-Far West to Awerab → β~m / #_V[-high]
30 Niger-Congo30.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Bantuɪ ɪ̃ → i ı̃ / #(C)V[-high]C_
36 Sino-Tibetan36.2 Sin Sukchu to Guānhuàʔ → ŋ / _V[-high]