\version "2.18.0" #(set-default-paper-size "letter") \paper { bottom-margin = 14\mm } \header { title = "Vultures at Sunset" composer = "chri d. d." date = "1999" } common = {\time 2/4 \tempo 4=100} trillthing = {f32 e f e f e f e f e f e f e f e} rhtrill = \repeat volta 2 {\transpose f f'' \trillthing | c'8 des'4.} lhtrill = \repeat volta 2 {\trillthing | g,8 aes,4.} dyntrill = \repeat volta 2 {s2\ff\< s2\fff} pedtrill = \repeat volta 2 {s2 s2} rha = {c'8 e'4. | 2 | c'8 e' f' 8 | d' c' f'4 | 2 |} lha = {g,8 a,4. | g,8 b, d r | g,8 b, c 8 | a, g, c'4 | 2 |} dyna = {s2\f\< s s\fff\> s\ff s} peda = {s2 s s s s} rhb = {R2 | c'8 e' g' 8 | 2 | |} lhb = {g,8 b, d 8 | 2 | 2 | 2 |} dynb = {s2 s s s} pedb = {s2 s s s} rhc = {c'4~ 4 | 2 | 2 |} lhc = {g,4~ 4 | 2 | 2 |} dync = {s2 s s} pedc = {s2\sustainOn s s4. s8\sustainOff} rh = {\common \clef treble \rhtrill R2 \rha \rhb \rhc \override Score.RehearsalMark.break-visibility = ##(#t #t #t) \mark \markup {"D.C. "} \bar "|."} lh = {\common \clef bass \lhtrill R2 \lha \lhb \lhc \bar "|."} dyn = {\common \dyntrill s2 \dyna \dynb \dync} ped = {\common \pedtrill s2 \peda \pedb \pedc} \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff \rh \new Dynamics \dyn \new Staff \lh \new Dynamics \ped >> % copied from the example code. gives warnings on current version \layout { % [Convert-ly] The Dynamics context is now included by default. \context { \PianoStaff \accepts Dynamics \override VerticalAlignment.forced-distance = #7 } } } \score { << \new Staff \unfoldRepeats \repeat "unfold" 2 <<\rh \dyn \ped>> \new Staff \unfoldRepeats \repeat "unfold" 2 <<\lh \dyn \ped>> >> \midi {} }