\version "2.18.0" #(set-default-paper-size "letter") \paper { bottom-margin = 14\mm } #(define black-note '(0.3 0.15 0)) #(define gray-note '(0.7 0.7 0.75)) % Original text: "R.H. - Play softly - random but similar note lengths - random notes going in shown directions" % smallStreamM = \markup { \column { % \line {Play any notes; go up when this line goes up, down when it goes down;} % \line {varied but similar note lengths; repeat any number of times} % } } smallStreamM = \markup { \column { \line {Vary notes and rhythms, but follow the noteheads. Repeat each line any number of times.} \line {An optional rainstick may accompany the beginning (piano should start shortly before} \line {rainstick finishes if used). Use only white keys on piano except where indicated otherwise.} \line {\with-color #blue "(Small stream)"} }} % Original text: "R.H. plays random wavy pattern"; "L.H. randomly plays groups of notes. When this happens, R.H. plays very high." smallStreamDMR = \markup { Random wavy pattern in the treble clef. Not necessary to follow noteheads here. %{Play higher notes sometimes.%} \with-color #blue "(Stream going over rocks)" } smallStreamDML = \markup { When R.H. plays higher notes, play clusters } % Original text: "Like beginning, only louder, faster, also getting gradually louder, faster fastRiverM = \markup { Return to first instructions. Stop ignoring the notes now. \italic accel. \with-color #blue "(Fast river)" } % Original text: "Play random wavy pattern using the whole piano" oceanM = \markup { Play random wavy pattern using the whole piano (ignore noteheads again). \with-color #blue "(Ocean)" } sunsetM = \markup { \column { \line {Play a fourth:} \line {" " if the previous note is high, the fourth is low} \line {" " if the previous note is low, the fourth is high} \line {\with-color #'(1 3/5 0) "(Sunset)"} } } grayM = \markup { \column { \wordwrap { \with-color #black-note Black/brown noteheads: Noteheads indicate approximate rhythms and direction of pitches. If the noteheads go up, the notes should go up; if they go down, the notes should go down. } " " \wordwrap { \with-color #gray-note Gray/blue noteheads: Follow the instructions. The noteheads are just an example of one interpretation of the instructions. } } } rit = \markup { \italic rit. } % They don't have this already? % Notes entered are the same as those in the MIDI % and the same as the ones in the original smallStreamAR = \relative c' { g'4^\smallStreamM_\p\< c a e' b c a d c e b d } smallStreamAL = { s1_"Ped. ad lib" s4. \stopStaff r1 \startStaff s8 s2 } smallStreamBR = \relative c' { c'4 a b e c a c e f c d f } smallStreamBL = \relative c' { g,4 s s s b s c8 d e4 f s e d } smallStreamCR = \relative c' { g''4 d g d d f g d c f c g' } smallStreamCL = \relative c' { c,4 s a s f' s g s d s e s } smallStreamDR = \relative c' { b'4^\smallStreamDMR e b c d a' e c d e b a'\f } smallStreamDL = { s4_\smallStreamDML s s s s _> s s s s s _> } waterfall = { % s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 s1 \change Staff = top d''8^\markup {"Random black-key glissandos going down" \with-color #blue "(Waterfall)"}\glissando \change Staff = bottom a, \change Staff = top e''\glissando \change Staff = bottom c \change Staff = top g''\glissando \change Staff = bottom f \change Staff = top g''\glissando \change Staff = bottom g \change Staff = top f''\glissando \change Staff = bottom d % added in second version \change Staff = top d''\glissando \change Staff = bottom _>_"Now start playing clusters at the bottom" % added in second version \change Staff = top f''\glissando \change Staff = bottom \change Staff = top e''\glissando \change Staff = bottom _> \change Staff = top g''\glissando \change Staff = bottom _> \change Staff = top e''\glissando \change Staff = bottom _> } waterfallS = { s4 s s s s s s s s s } fastRiverR = { s1^\fastRiverM s1 s1 s1 } fastRiverL = \relative c' { e,8^\mf^\< g c, f e b' e, g c, f d a' e f e a f d g f a c, a' e e g c, f e g c, a'^\f } % any way to make the spacing rit.? oceanA = { %groan% - I have to type all this? e16 a, b,, a, e c' \change Staff = top d' a' g'' c''' g'' a' a' g' f' a' d' b \change Staff = bottom a d f, d,, f f' \change Staff = top d'' g'' d''' g'' c'' a' c'' b' a' f' b \change Staff = bottom e a, c, g \change Staff = top f' e'' b' f' g \change Staff = bottom b, d, a,, a, } oceanB = { d8^\rit a \change Staff = top f' d'' b'' g'' b' f' \change Staff = bottom d' g a, f f' \change Staff = top a' f'' a'' b' f' d' a\change Staff = bottom d b, f, f g\fermata %s s s s s s s } oceanAS = { s1^\oceanM s1 s1 } oceanBS = { s1 s1_\> s1 s8\pp } sunsetR = { s1 4^\fermata_\sunsetM s1} sunsetL = { s1 s4 s1 } \header { title = "Water" composer = "chri d. d." %opus? arranger = "3/16/2003" % Date of original version; new version 1/29/2007 copyright = "Copyright © 2003, 2007, 2009 chri d. d." tagline = \markup {\small {Music engraving by LilyPond $(string-append (lilypond-version) ",") a kind of water I did \italic not include in this piece (www.lilypond.org)}} } \grayM \score { % << \new GrandStaff << \new Staff = "top" { \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = #'() \override Stem.transparent = ##t \override NoteHead.color = #black-note \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16) \cadenzaOn \override Staff.StaffSymbol.transparent = ##t \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner.stencil = #'() \clef treble \smallStreamAR %\override GrandStaff.BarLine.color = #grey \bar ":..:" \break \smallStreamBR \bar ":..:" \break \smallStreamCR \bar ":|." \break \override TextScript.padding = #4 \override NoteHead.color = #gray-note \smallStreamDR \bar "" \pageBreak \waterfallS \bar "" \break \override NoteHead.color = #black-note \fastRiverR \bar "" \break \override NoteHead.color = #gray-note \oceanAS \bar "" \break \oceanBS \bar "" \break \override TextScript.padding = #.5 \override Script.padding = #1 \sunsetR % s1 \bar "|." } \new Staff = "bottom" { \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = #'() \override Stem.transparent = ##t \override Beam.transparent = ##t \override NoteHead.color = #black-note \set Score.proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/16) \cadenzaOn \override Staff.StaffSymbol.transparent = ##t % I'm not sure this is what they mean by \relative... \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner.stencil = #'() \clef bass \smallStreamAL \bar ":..:" \break \smallStreamBL \bar ":..:" \break \smallStreamCL \bar ":|." \break \override NoteHead.color = #gray-note \smallStreamDL \bar "" \break % \waterfallS \override TextScript.padding = #2 \waterfall % \change Staff = bottom s \bar "" \break \override NoteHead.color = #black-note \fastRiverL \bar "" \break \override NoteHead.color = #gray-note \oceanA \bar "" \break \override TextScript.padding = #5 \override Script.padding = #1 \oceanB \bar "" %\break \sunsetL \bar "|." } >> \layout { } \midi { } % ! % >> % \context Staff = top \new Voice \waterfall }