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2024-04-19 19:53:42 GMT by Me [he] on Number types [view in context]
Also why is 0.1+0.2=0.3000000000000000000004 even in real numbers?
2024-04-19 22:06:36 GMT by chridd [she] on Number types [view in context]
Just making sure this is clear: I don't actually guarantee any new features for this.  This is just something I'm doing in my spare time (and sometimes I have other stuff I want to do), and also I'm not an expert on the stuff here; I'm only going to work on this if I'm sufficiently interested, have time, etc.  I don't have an issue with suggesting features, as long as you understand that I don't have an obligation to add them.

ε₀: It's been a while since I worked on the ordinal numbers part, but from what I can remember, I had trouble finding information about how exactly to do what I'm trying to do here (take an arbitrary expression and simplify it to some canonical form); like, the definitions weren't worded in a way that makes this easy, and there were examples, but not enough to cover all the cases.  I figured out enough to be confident about expressions involving ω, but not enough to be confident about expressions involving ε₀.  (I could look at it again at some point, but again, I don't guarantee anything.)

ג_n: Gimel?  I'm not familiar with that notation.

real number imprecision: because computers can't actually perform exact calculations on real numbers.  I included "real numbers" mostly for completeness, but everything involving real numbers is still doing calculations using floating point numbers.  I did start a rewrite that would give more exact answers *sometimes*, but I never got around to finishing it.
2024-05-04 02:25:57 GMT by wot on Speech synthesis [view in context]

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