Here's the code that I used to make this page. I've slightly modified it so that it can work on other computers, but other than that, it's basically just intended for me to use so it might not account for things other people might want. (Also I did a lot of manual editing to the output.) (If there's some other program to do this, maybe use that one instead?) Known limitations:
- It doesn't interpret markdown; I went through and fixed that manually. (HTML tags in posts should work properly, though anything that depends on e.g. named animations existing or using the default font will have to be fixed.)
- Some image attachments (maybe specifically on newer posts?) aren't interpreted correctly, and will just show up as "?????". This affected two posts for me, so I fixed them manually.
- This program assumes that all attachments are in the same directory as the resulting file (I did
cp path/to/archive/project/felidoptera/posts/published/*/* path-to-output
). For me, there weren't any filename conflicts, but this might not be the case for other people.
- It doesn't give any indication if the post is a share of someone else's; I fixed that manually. (I didn't respond to any asks, so I don't know how it would handle that.)
- It's hardcoded to assume any audio is MP3.
- Time zone for dates is hardcoded to UTC-12:00, which is what I use for the rest of my website when showing dates without times (that means that the day usually starts when I'm asleep, which it wouldn't if it started at midnight in my time zone).
- It uses some HTML class names that are specific to my website.
- It doesn't have, like, CSS or anything. Or a title, or navigation, or a description, etc. That also has to be edited in manually.
- It puts all posts in one big page (if you don't want that you can manually cut and paste).
- Probably others that I'm not thinking of right now.
The "Original" links on that page all point to the web archive; I also did that manually, with the help of this user script (which let me make sure that everything really was there; some of my more recent posts were missing).
To run, extract the archive (.zip
) and pass the resulting folder (it should have a folder named "project" inside of it) to the command.
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