Thread Necromancy III: Electric Boogaloo II scores (old xkcd forums)

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The scores

  1. faubi: 24735:09
  2. chridd: 10637:08
  3. gmalivuk: 6887:39
  4. Halleck: 6419:52
  5. somitomi: 5587:11
  6. Lorenz: 3731:50
  7. TheSweetKill: 2469:41
  8. flicky1991: 2069:38
  9. emlightened: 1159:57
  10. Flumble: 1130:39 (most recent)
  11. wst: 880:43
  12. Kromix: 781:05
  13. BurningLed: 698:25
  14. tomtom2357: 658:26
  15. eggdudeguy: 590:38
  16. Pied typer: 486:01
  17. SuperJedi224: 282:52
  18. sellyme: 84:50
  19. Nevea: 55:13
  20. cjdrum: 35:03
  21. Vytron: 22:37
  22. username5243: 7:34
  23. Ralith The Third: 3:31
  24. Peaceful Whale: 3:15
  25. FourTael: 0:00

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