A Game of Commitment scores (old xkcd forums)
The scores
- chridd: 25950.2523809524 (streak = 400; 1 posts since last post; has posted today)
- flicky1991: 24406.5309523809 (streak = 372; 0 posts since last post; has posted today) (most recent)
- The Snide Sniper: 9120.07222222222
- Soupspoon: 1179.69642857143
- faubi: 643.804365079365
- threetwoone: 19.1119047619048
- heuristically_alone: 7.41071428571429
- SuperJedi224: 1.7
- Ginger: 1.01111111111111
- username5243: 0.2
- Lavender Manna: 0.166666666666667
- NathanBros: 0
- lllllllllwith10ls: 0
- Mark_Cangila: 0
- Peaceful Whale: 0
- xkcd forums: -1