Double Post scores (old xkcd forums)

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If flicky1991 posts again, he will get 47759 hours, 7 minutes, for 8 211 359 609 209 points.

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The scores

  1. flicky1991: 26 195 245 (most recent)
  2. addams: 25 939 691
  3. adnapemit: 22 336 798
  4. slinches: 12 432 247
  5. Earthling on Mars: 10 894 334
  6. SDK: 9 126 749
  7. Tillian: 1 961 918
  8. Vytron: 1 787 344
  9. Whizbang: 1 338 613
  10. Who: 881 859
  11. faubi: 567 874
  12. Seven: 482 532
  13. SuperJedi224: 468 349
  14. Sableagle: 404 607
  15. thunk: 390 249
  16. heuristically_alone: 373 264
  17. karhell: 187 206
  18. username5243: 138 218
  19. SlyReaper: 81 995
  20. ygh: 54 719
  21. chridd: 49 130
  22. matt96: 45 950
  23. Earthling on Venus: 35 535
  24. Lavender Manna: 30 219
  25. AarexTiaokhiao: 23 154
  26. jewish_scientist: 19 320
  27. Pied typer: 14 672
  28. threetwoone: 13 850
  29. emlightened: 13 398
  30. marionic: 12 181
  31. Peaceful Whale: 10 033
  32. RollingHead: 4704
  33. patzer: 3378
  34. Jeff_UK: 907
  35. bachaddict: 361
  36. Opipik: 352
  37. lmjb1964: 324
  38. mfb: 25
  39. GnomeAnne: 18
  40. Knee Jerk: 9
  41. Ginger: 4
  42. mindy: 4
  43. KingTip: 4
  44. WarDaft: 4
  45. Mikemk: 2
  46. Meowers: 1
  47. liberonscien: 1
  48. NathanBros: 0
  49. Fejfo: 0
  50. Thesh: 0
  51. Freddino18: 0
  52. Rosewinsall: 0
  53. flicky: 0
  54. Moonythedwarf: 0
  55. Schol-R-LEA: 0
  56. WorldTradeRichard: 0
  57. VgKing: 0
  58. stronachbelinda: 0
  59. generalz: 0
  60. ThemePark: 0
  61. Beavertails: 0
  62. PTGFlyer: 0
  63. phillip1882: 0
  64. spykerGM: 0
  65. kriel: 0
  66. Carmeister: 0
  67. SirGabriel: 0
  68. xX_XKCD_Xx: 0
  69. sam_i_am: 0
  70. lalkurti670: 0
  71. ronster1560: 0
  72. SecondTalon: 0
  73. quintopia: 0
  74. Obsoal: 0
  75. Cradarc: 0
  76. zabing12: 0
  77. micdi: 0
  78. Neil_Boekend: 0
  79. Everyone_: 0
  80. ucim: 0
  81. WaffleKirby: 0
  82. Mishrak: 0
  83. sonicspin: 0
  84. snowyowl: 0
  85. Nylonathatep: 0
  86. Sean Quixote: 0
  87. firesoul31: 0
  88. Adam H: 0
  89. Lazar: 0
  90. Daggoth: 0
  91. poxic: 0

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