Generic Game scores (old xkcd forums)

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The scores

  1. liberonscien: ALL THE POINTS!
  2. Ginger: 0xb3b493
  3. ArguablyDerek: 0x73ec9f
  4. emlightened: 0x6dd16c
  5. Peaceful Whale: 86085
  6. Meowers: 57506.1820447445
  7. Opipik: 44622
  8. somitomi: 9816
  9. thunk: 7650
  10. NathanBros: 84:59
  11. phillip1882: 4414
  12. Flumble: 4117
  13. username5243: 58:33
  14. ucim: 48:14
  15. Freddino18: 40:59
  16. bug sniper: 40:00
  17. orangedragonfire: 1812
  18. Daggoth: 1437
  19. SirGabriel: 1362.04153299332
  20. itaibn: 16:09
  21. Pied typer: 89
  22. Elmach: no idea
  23. eran_rathan: six times nine
  24. heuristically_alone: six times nine
  25. chridd: umpteen
  26. flicky1991: τ (most recent)
  27. The Snide Sniper: 5
  28. threetwoone: e
  29. WorldTradeRichard: 2.35957868397236
  30. Wildcard: 0

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