Same time from the last poster scores (

Last post that this program has seen was by ratammer on (page 3). If this is out of date, check back in about 10 minutes.

Next post gets approximately 1954 hours, 11 minutes for 117251 points (before ×3). (Last two: 3086 hours, 18 minutes and 2733 hours, 2 minutes)

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The scores

  1. ratammer: 1466603 (most recent)
  2. heuristically_alone: 485388
  3. somitomi: 363048
  4. SuperJedi224: 356694
  5. Freddino18: 236779
  6. chridd: 1617
  7. The Snide Sniper: 1390
  8. quasijem: 1049
  9. patzer: 273

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