Thread Necromancy: Mexican Standoff Edition! scores (old xkcd forums)

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Next post gets approximately 46613 hours, 33 minutes, for 7 822 162 956 969 points.

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The scores

  1. The Snide Sniper: 13 242 506 653
  2. SuperJedi224: 6 677 227 540 (most recent)
  3. threetwoone: 6 629 266 109
  4. gmalivuk: 4 355 175 455
  5. chridd: 4 261 955 304
  6. somitomi: 3 464 289 930
  7. patzer: 1 652 829 025
  8. wst: 1 352 621 284
  9. emlightened: 1 025 973 202
  10. heuristically_alone: 621 409 037
  11. Lavender Manna: 289 850 625
  12. WorldTradeRichard: 187 279 225
  13. Schrödinger's Wolves: 180 176 929
  14. Pied typer: 108 955 275
  15. The Moo Prophet: 65 723 449
  16. ThemePark: 53 933 265
  17. Meowers: 27 426 169
  18. username5243: 21 227 489
  19. Earthling on Mars: 342 225
  20. liberonscien: 99 856

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