
Vyue thiss pagě in standěrd Ǐngglish spellǐng/View this page in standard English spelling

chridedeespelleean izz an ideea forě an oltěrnitivě sistěm uvě spellǐng Ǐngglish that Ie camě up with wen Ie wuzz much yunggěr (not nessissarilly azz sumthǐng Ie intenděd tue acshlěy yuzě, just becuzz Ie felt likě it). Its intenděd tue bee uh morě raigyulěr věrzhun uvě Ǐngglishěs kěrěnt spellǐng rulěs. It yuzěs thee oardinary Ǐngglish alfubbet pluss tue extra lettěrs: ě, wich izz olwizz silěnt, and ǐ, wich reprezents thuh voulě in wěrds spellěd with ing. Thuh namě uvě thuh spellǐng sistěm, chridedeespelleean, can olsoa bee spellěd chridedeespelleeanně in oarděr tue shoa thuh nue lettěr.

I doant noa warě thee oarijjinlě descripshun uvě thiss izz, soa thiss izz how Ie rememběr it; thee oarijjinlě may bee difrěnt. Houevěr, Imě still trieǐng tue stay true tue thee oarijjinlě; tharě or sum thǐngs Ie mitě chaingě iff Ie wěr makǐng thiss tueday.

Thiss sistěm izz entieěrly basěd on mie oan dieullect uvě Ǐngglish. That meněs that it duzz not distǐnggwish thuh voulěs in lot, cloth, thot, and polm (sens Ie pronouns them ol thuh samě); it ussuměs that r at thee ends uvě sillublěs izz pronounsěd azz uh consunnent; and it ussuměs that wěrds likě tuně doant havě uh y sound. It olsoa cunsidděrs thuh voulě at thuh beginnǐng uvě ubbout tue bee thuh samě azz thuh voulě in jump.


Eech voulě sound izz reprezentěd bie eethěr uh sǐngglě lettěr orě tue lettěrs in uh roa (uh diegraff). Eech sǐngglě lettěr hazz tue sounds: uh shoart sound, and uh long sound. Thuh voulě yuzěs its long sound wen folloaěd bie uh sǐngglě consunnent lettěr and then unnuthěr voulě lettěr (includǐng ě); uthěrwizě, it yuzěs its shoart sound.

SoundBeforě consunnent-voulěElswarěEnd uvě uh wěrd
TipěIPAIgzamplěsWun sillublěMěltiplě sillublěs
/ɑ/off, offlě (awful)〈o〉〈aw〉
/ʌ/, /ə/unděr, ubbout (about)〈u〉〈uh〉〈a〉
Long/eɪ/atě, mary (marry, merry, Mary)〈a〉〈ai〉〈ay〉
/i/evěn, he〈e〉〈ee〉〈y〉
/oʊ/oboa (oboe), noarth (north), foars (force)〈o〉〈oa〉
/u/uběr, tuně, bulluně (balloon)〈u〉〈ue〉
Olwizz diegraffs/ʊ/book〈oo〉
Always before /ŋ/sǐng, makǐng〈ǐ〉


Thuh consunnents 〈b〉, 〈d〉, 〈f〉, 〈h〉, 〈j〉, 〈k〉, 〈l〉, 〈m〉, 〈n〉, 〈p〉, 〈r〉, 〈s〉, 〈t〉, 〈v〉, 〈w〉, 〈y〉, and 〈z〉 or prunnounsěd azz thay or tippicly prunnounsěd in Ǐngglish. Uthěr consunnents and diegraffs:

〈wh〉 may opshuněly bee yuzěd tue spell thuh sound in thuh queshtěn wěrd which (iff wun distǐnggwishěs it frum thuh majjiclě pěrsun wich).

Midlě uvě wěrd

Wen uh sǐngglě consunnent upperěs beetweně tue voulěs, iff thuh fěrst voulě izz uh shoart voulě, then thuh consunnent izz dublěd. Iff thuh consunnent wuzz orijjiněly 〈k〉, it becums 〈ck〉.

Wen měltiplě consunnents upperě beetweně tue voulěs, iff thuh fěrst voulě izz uh long voulě, then thuh long voulě izz spellěd azz uh diegraff.

End uvě wěrd

Consunnents yuzěd at thee end uvě uh wěrd or spellěd difrěntly dependǐng on thuh tipě uvě thuh last voulě:

Houevěr, tharě or exxepshuns:

SoundAftěr shoart voulěAftěr long voulěAftěr olwizz-diegraffNotěs
/g/〈g〉〈g〉〈g〉Long voulěs or spellěd azz diegraffs beforě /g/.
/v/〈vě〉〈vě〉〈vě〉Long voulěs or spellěd azz diegraffs; thuh 〈ě〉 in thiss casě duzzěnt makě thuh voulě long.
/b/〈b〉〈bě〉〈b〉Non-exxepshun forě cumparissěn
/kt/〈ct〉〈ct〉〈ct〉Non-exxepshun forě cumparissěn

Sillabbick consunnents

Sillabbick r (/ɚ/), azz in lettěr and něrs (nurse), izz spellěd 〈ěr〉; likěwizě, sillabbick n and m (likě in opěn and bottěm (bottom)) or spellěd 〈ěn〉 and 〈ěm〉, reespectivly. Sillabbick l (/l̩/) izz spellěd 〈lě〉 at thee end uvě uh wěrd orě beforě uh suffix, and 〈ěl〉 elswarě.


Thuh suffix s (plěrlě nouns, puzzessivě nouns, sǐnggyulěr prezzěnt-tens věrbs, kěntracshun uvě izz and hazz) izz spellěd 〈ěs〉 iff its pronounsěd azz uh seprit sillublě, and 〈s〉 uthěrwizě. Thuh suffix ed (past tens, past portissiplě) izz spellěd 〈ěd〉. Thezě spellǐngs or oanly yuzěd iff thuh foarm izz raigyulěr (e.g., slept izz 〈slept〉, not 〈sleppěd〉; says izz 〈sezz〉, not 〈ses〉).

Wen addǐng uh suffix stortǐng with uh voulě tue uh wěrd endǐng in 〈ě〉, thuh 〈ě〉 izz droppěd, exxept aftěr 〈g〉. Iff tharě izz noa 〈ě〉, but it ends in uh shoart voulě folloaěd bie uh sǐngglě consunnent, thuh consunnent izz dublěd.