October 27, 2016
Original: Datacenter Scale (1737)
At the top of the image, the tops of four panels are visible as normal:
Unknown: RAID controllers don't
Unknown: Machine? We throw
Unknown: We just replace
Unknown: We don't have sprinklers
Below all of these panels is a thick, horizontal white stripe. Below the stripe the panels on the left and right are cut off (actually they're the left and right sides of the same panel), and the tops of all the panels are cut off. There are no borders around any of the panels, and there are white specks within all the text and lines. There is also a weird dark stripe going across the page below all of the text.
Long, dark hair: [unreadable] rything is redundant higher levels, when a e fails, we just throw y the whole machine.
No hair: [unreadable] at a time.
Long, light hair: Yeah, who replaces one server?
Short hair: [unreadable] once at our scale, messing with racks isn't economical.
Long, dark hair: Wow.
No hair: Like Google!
Medium-length, dark hair: [unreadable] when a datacenter catches fire, we just rope it off and rebuild one town over.
Short hair: Makes sense.
No hair: I wonder if the rope is really necessary.
Long, dark hair: [unknown] Eve at I driv awa
Title text: Uh oh... AAAA FIRE RUN AWAY!!!