March 3, 2014
...except that, like the original, that one starts at 1. Fixed version:
Original: 2008 Christmas Special (521), Hack (1337)
View in: (haven't found this post on Web Archive),, direct image link/enlarge
The 1337 XKCD Hacking Special
Due to the slowing economy, we could only afford to produce the prime-numbered panels. You should be able to infer the missing parts of the story easily enough. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Solid black
Two people, one with dark hair and the other with a ponytail, are standing, facing each other.
Dark hair: We could send it on a new mission... except we no longer have the equipment to send commands to it.
Ponytail: Can't we—
Close-up of the dark-haired person
Dark hair: NASA won't rebuild it. "Too expensive."
Ponytail: Seriously?
Dark hair: I know, right? So the internet found the specs, and we went to work.
Solid black
Close-up of a person wearing a headset looking at a computer screen.
Headset: Transmitting... We have a signal! We have control!
Solid black
The two people from the first panel are standing in a room, along with the person with the headset and one other person, both of whom are sitting at desks with computers.
Headset: My console went dead!
Other at computer: Mine too!
Dark hair: What's happening?!
Solid black
Same scene as before, with Headset's computer talking. The computer's text is shown in red.
Computer: M-E-S-S-W-I-T-H-T-H-E-B-E-S-T D-I-E-L-I-K-E-T-H-E-R-E-S-T
Solid black
A city at night seen from the distance. Two people are talking from a building.
Unknown person 1: Crash?
Unknown person 2: Yeah, burn?
Solid black
Title text: How could you possibly think typing 'import HACK_THE_STARS' was a good idea?