Index Diachronica: involving /[-stress]/

2 results from /[-stress]/   13 results with context involving /[-stress]/   

E[-stress] U[-stress] V[+nasal][-stress] V[-stress] i[-lonɡ][-stress] ə[-stress] ɨ[-stress]

from /[-stress]/

2 matches

17 Indo-European17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tocharian”ɨ ”ə ɨ[- stress] ə[- stress] → ɨ a a ə
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.1.2 Pre-Bakairi to Western BakairiV[- stress]NV → ṼṼ

with context involving /[-stress]/

13 matches

10 Austronesian10.3.11 Proto-Oceanic to Proto-Southern Vanuatun → ŋ / qV[- stress]_
n → ŋ / _V[- stress]q
17 Indo-European17.2 Proto-Indo-European to Common AnatolianT h2 → D h3 / V[-stress]_V[-stress]
17.7.1 Common Germanic to Gothiciji → iː / U[- stress](C…)_ Early Modern English to American English{t,d} → ɾ / V_V[-stress] Early Modern English to Australian Englisht d → ɾ / V_V[-stress]
ɔː → ɔ / _ɹV[-stress] Proto-Norse to Old NorseSː → S[- long] / U[- stress]_
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.2 Proto-Chatino to Tataltepec Chatinotʲ → tʃ / _i[-long -stress]
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.2.4 Proto-Siouan to Proto-Čiwere-Winnebagot → dʒ / _E[-stress] Proto-Dhegiha to Omaha-PoncaLʲ → {θ,n} / _V[+nas -stress] Proto-Dhegiha to OsageLʲ → ð / _V[+nas -stress]
42 Uralic42. Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnishh → ∅ / V[-stress](X)_V