Index Diachronica: involving /əj/

7 results from /əj/   6 results to /əj/   

plain ə1j

from /əj/

7 matches

10 Austronesian10.2.4.1 Proto-Malayo-Javanic to Javanese— əw əj → i u / _# Proto-Malayo-Javanic to Sundanese— əw əj → o e / _#
17 Indo-European17.13.1 Proto-Tocharian to Tocharian A{a,ɛ}i əj → e i
17.13.2 Proto-Tocharian to Tocharian B{a,ɛ}i əj → ai i
36 Sino-Tibetan36.2 Sin Sukchu to Guānhuàəjʔ əw {əm,ən} → eʔ ɛu ɛn
əjŋ → ɛn (varies with ɛn?)
46 Vowel Shifts46.7 Great Vowel Shift (English)iː uː → əj əw → ɑj ɑw

to /əj/

6 matches

10 Austronesian10.2.4 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Proto-Malayo-Javanic— aw aj → əw əj / _# Proto-North Sarawak to Kiputi → əj / _V “(also cases of (C)i → j /__V)” Proto-Kenyah to Òma Lónghi u → əj əw / _V(C)#
17 Indo-European17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tocharianoy ay ey → ɛi ai əj
35 Salishan35.1.13 Proto-Central Salish to Sechelti1 → {i11j}
46 Vowel Shifts46.7 Great Vowel Shift (English)iː uː → əj əw → ɑj ɑw