9 Austroasiatic | 9.1.2 Proto-Vietic to Middle Vietnamese | (h)ə{p,b} (h)ə{t,d} (h)ə{c,ɟ} (h)ə{k,ɡ} → β dʲ ɟ ɡ
{pj,bj} {tj,dj} {cj,ɟj} → {β,w} dʲ ɟ
{əkʰ,əɡɦj} → ɟ (I think Thompson implied this was just a bit of a kludge)
10 Austronesian | Proto-North Sarawak to Kiput | w j → v ɟ
| Proto-Kenyah to Òma Lóngh | dz → ɟ / V_V
| Proto-Utupua to Asuboa | dr s l → {d,ɟ} {∅,s} {n,∅}
| Proto-Utupua to Tanibili | dr → ɟ / _i
d c ɲ → ɟ {s,∅} n
10.5 Proto-Austronesian to Proto-Ongan | ɟ ɡ *N *R → {ɟ,j} {ɟ,ɡ} {l,j} {l,r}
10.6 Proto-Austronesian to Proto-Paiwan | t1 d1 d3 Z → t d ɖ ɟ
17 Indo-European | 17.1.1 Proto-Indo-European to Gheg Albanian | s → ɟ / #_
i̯ → ɟ / {a,e,i}_
17.1.2 Proto-Indo-European to Tosk Albanian | s → ɟ / #_
i̯ → ɟ / {a,e,i}_
| Proto-Norse to Old Norse | N(ː) k k(ː) N(ː)ɡ ɡ(ː) ɣ → ɲc(ː) c(ː) ɲɟ(ː) ɟ(ː) ʝ / _{i,j}
N(ː) k k(ː) N(ː)ɡ ɡ(ː) ɣ → ɲc(ː) c(ː) ɲɟ(ː) ɟ(ː) ɟ / _{i,j}
| Old Norse to Orkney Norn | k ɡ → c ɟ / _{E,j}
| Old Norse to Shetland Norn | k ɡ → c ɟ / _E
17.10 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Indo-Iranian | k ɡ ɡʱ → c ɟ ɟʱ / _e,i,j
17.10.1 Proto-Indo-Iranian to Proto-Indo-Aryan | tʃ dʒ(ʱ) → tɕ dʑ(ʱ) → ɕ ɟ(ʱ)
20 Khoisan | 20.2.1 Proto-Kx’a to ÇHoan | t d s → {c,tʃ} ɟ ʃ
22 Macro-Arawakan | 22.2 Proto-Arawá to Banawá-Jamamadi | {ts(ʰ),tʃ} dz → s ɟ
22.4 Proto-Arawá to Jarawara | dz → ɟ
30 Niger-Congo | 30.1.2 Pre-Proto-Bantu to Proto-Manenguba | ’p ’t ’d/d2 c {’ɟ} ’k ɡ → f l ɟ s ∅ {w,∅} {k,w} / in C1 position
p t ’t {’d,d2} c k ’k → b d l {l,∅} ɟ ɡ ∅ / in C2 position
30.2 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Potou-Akanic | ɟ ʄ j c ɠʷ → c ɟ ʄ t ɠ̥p
44 Vasconic | 44.2 Proto-Basque to Basque | d ð → ɟ ʝ / {E,j}_ ? (“some dialects”)
d ð → ɟ ʝ / {ʎ,ɲ}_ (Guipuscoan, High Navarrese)
{ɡ,ɣ} → {ɟ,ʝ} / {E,j}_
j → ʝ → ɟ (typical of Low Navarrese)