from /ʀ/
16 matches
10 Austronesian | 10.2 Proto-Austronesian to Proto-Batak | {ts,ʈ} {ɟ͡ʝ,ɖ} {lʲ,ɲ} {ʔ,x,s,h} ʀ → t d n ∅ r (velar fricative is conjectured; changes → d “unsure”)
10.2.5 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Palauan | ʀ → r / _C[+dental]
ʀ → s
| Proto-North Sarawak to Kiput | ʀ → {l,ɾ} / ! _# (the latter is more common)
ʀ → ʔ / _# “(in a handful of forms)”
ʀ → ɾ
| Proto-North Sarawak to Proto-Kenyah | ʀ →h / V_V(C)#
ʀ → h / _#
17 Indo-European | Proto-Norse to Old Norse | ʀ → r_n
ʀ → r / C_n
ʀn → nː
rː{r,ʀ} sʀ → rː sː
l(ː)ʀ n(ː)ʀ → lː nː / ”Vː_ (or all V_ ?)
{l(ː),n}{r,ʀ} → ∅ / V{ː,V}_
ʀ → r
29 Na-Dene | Proto-Athabaskan to Hupa | q ʀ → x w
with context involving /ʀ/
11 matches
17 Indo-European | Proto-Norse to Old Norse | i → eː / _ʀ#
a → ∅ / C(C)_{ʀ,s,t,θ}#
a → ∅ / _{ʀ,s,t,θ}#
{B,E} → ∅ / CC_{ʀ,s,t,θ}# ! B = ɒ
E → ∅ / _{ʀ,s,t,θ}
u → ∅ / _({ʀ,s,t,θ})#
u {o,ɒ} a au juː → y ø æ æy yː / #(C)(C)_ʀ
{s,z} → ∅ / {r,ʀ}_N
ey → {jo,æ}ː / _ʀ
ɣ → ɡ / _{r,ʀ,θ,ð}
nː → ð / _{r,ʀ}