Index Diachronica: involving /◌̃/

128 results from /◌̃/   133 results to /◌̃/   41 results with context involving /◌̃/   

Ṽː ãː ẽː h̃ʷ õː ũː æ̃ œ̃ ǀ̃ ǂ̃ ǃ̃ ɑ̃ ɑ̃ː ɔ̃ ɔ̃ː ə̃ ə̃ː ɛ̃ ɛ̃ː ɥ̃ ɨ̃ ɨ̃ː ɪ̃ ɰ̃ ʋ̃ ʌ̃ ʌ̃ː

ɔ̃ ɛ̃ ◌̃e ◌̃i ◌̃o ◌̃ɛ

from /◌̃/

128 matches

17 Indo-European17. Anglo-Frisian to Old Englishɑ̃ː → õː Proto-Norse to Old NorseṼ → Vː / in #U (maybe only ı̃?)
Ṽ → V[- nas]
17.11.1 Proto-Slavic to Polishɛ ɛ̃ ɛː → ɔ ɔ̃ a / _C[-palatalized +dental] (also sporadically before plain non-dentals)
{ɛ̃,ɔ̃} → ã
a ɛ i ɔ u ɨ ã → aː ɛː iː ɔː uː ɨː ãː / _{C/U}[+voiced][lost yer] (i.e., a voiced consonant or a cluster with one)
{ɔjɔ̃,ɔ̃jɔ̃,ьjɔ̃} → ɔ̃ː
ã → ɛ̃ / short only
ãː → ã → ɔ̃
ɛ̃ → ɛ / _{#,l,ɫ}
ɔ̃ → ɔ / _{l,ɫ}
ɔ̃ → ɔ / _# (in some regions or dialects)
ɛ̃ ɔ̃ → ɛ̃N ɔ̃N / _{S,A}
ɛ̃ ɔ̃ → ɛɰ̃ ɔɰ̃ / _F[-palatal]
ɔ̃ → ɔɰ̃ / _# (in standard registers/pronunciations)
ɛ̃ ɔ̃ → ɛj̃ ɔj̃ / _F[+palatal]
17.11.2 Proto-Slavic to Old Russianẽ õ → ja u Latin to Frenchɛ̃ → ã
{aı̃,eı̃} → ɛ̃
ỹ → œ̃
oı̃ → wɛ̃ Latin to Portugueseɔ̃ → õ
{ã,ãe,õe} → ão / _#
ı̃ → iɲ
17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tocharianõ oː → o a
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.3.1 Proto-Tuparí to Makuráp{a/e} {e/a} {ı̃,ẽ} → e a ẽ
18.3.2 Proto-Tuparí to Mekens{{a/e},{e/a}} {ı̃,ẽ} → a ẽ
18.3.4 Proto-Tuparí to Wayoró{a/e} {e/a} {ı̃,ẽ} → a e ı̃
18.4.1 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Akwáraã → a / Cw_
ã → õ
{ẽ,ı̃} ɨ̃ {u,ũ,õ} → i ɨ o
18.4.2 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Cocamaã {ẽ,ı̃} ɨ̃ → a i ∅
18.4.3 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guajajaraã ẽ ı̃ ɨ̃ {õ,ũ} → ə e i ɨ o
18.4.5 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guarayoõ → o
18.4.6 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Kamayuráã → a / Cw_
18.4.7 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Parintintínẽ ı̃ ũ → {ẽ,e} {ı̃,i} {ũ,õ}
18.4.8 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Sirionó{ɨ̃,õ} ũ → {õ,ẽ} õ
18.4.10 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Urubuɨ̃ ẽ õ → ∅ {ẽ,e} {o,õ,u,ũ}
20 Khoisan20.1.1 Proto-Khoe to ǁ̬Anaǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃n
!̃(n) → ŋ
20.1.2 Proto-Khoe to ǁAniǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃n
! !̬ !̃ → !~k !̬~ɡ !̃(n)~ŋɡ
20.1.3 Proto-Khoe to Bugaǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃
! !ˀ !̬ !̃ → k ∅ ɡ ŋɡ
!̃n → ŋɡj~!̃
20.1.4 Proto-Khoe to Kxoe!̃(n) → ǂ̃
! !ˀ ! !̃ → k ∅ ɡ ŋɡ
!x !̃n → x ŋɡj~!̃
20.1.5 Proto-Khoe to Namaǀ̃(n) → {ǂ̃,ǂ}
! !ˀ !̃n → !ɡ ~ !̃
ǂ {ǂ̃n,ǂˀ,ǂxʼ} → ǂɡ ǂ
20.1.6 Proto-Khoe to Naroǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃
20.1.7 Proto-Khoe to !Oraǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃
! !̃n → ! !̃
ǂ̃n → ǂ
20.1.8 Proto-Khoe to Tetiǀ̃(n) → j
! !ˀ !̬ !̃(n) !x → k ∅ ɡ ŋ x
ǂ ǂ̃n ǂˀ → c ɲ ʔj
20.1.9 Proto-Khoe to Tsʔixaǀ̃(n) ǀxʼ → j ǀˀ
! !ˀ !̬ !̃(n) !x → k ∅ ɡ ŋɡ x
ǂ̃n ǂxʼ → ɲ ǂˀ
20.1.10 Proto-Khoe to ǀ̬Uiǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃n
!̃ !x → !̃(n) !x~x
30 Niger-Congo30.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Bantuʋ̃ → l̃ / #_
u ũ → i ı̃ / #R[-labial]_
ʋ̃ ɪ̃ → ũ ı̃ / #N[-labial]_
i ı̃ V[-round] → uɪ uɪ̃ V[+round] / Cʷ_
ʋ̃ → ʋ / #R[-labial]_
ɪ̃ → ɛ̃ / #(C)V_C
ɰ ɰ̃ → j j̃ / #C_
ɪ ɪ̃ → i ı̃ / #(C)V[-high]C_
ʋ̃ → m / #(C)V_
30.2 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Potou-Akanicɰɰ̃ →l l̃ / #(C)V_
(N)V1[+mid +nas](l̃) → CV[-nas]n
V[+nas](ʋ̃,l̃) → V[-nas](m,n) / #J[+voiced]_
30.2.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic to Proto-Akanicɰ ɰ̃ w̃ → h h̃ h̃ʷ / #_
h̃ hʷ → ɕ ɕʷ Proto-Akanic to Akanl l̃ → j j̃ / #_
{p,ʋ̃} c k͜p → f s p / #_
ı̃ → ∅ / #_ã Proto-Gbe to Ajáɛ ɛ̃ → e ẽ
j{ã,ẽ} → {ɥ,ɥ̃} / _E Proto-Gbe to Proto-Fonoi ɔi ɔ̃i {a,ɛ}i {ɛ̃,ẽ}i ei → oe ɔɛ ɔ̃ɛ̃ ɛɛ ɛ̃ɛ̃ ee
ãi → ɛ̃ɛ̃ Proto-Gbe to Proto-Genɛ ɛ̃ → e ẽ Proto-Gbe to Proto-Vhe{ɛ,e} {~ɛ,ẽ} → ə ə̃ Proto-Vhe to Kpándoə ə̃ → ɛ ɛ̃ Proto-Vhe to Pecı́ə ə̃ → ɛ ɛ̃
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.1 Proto-Chatino to Papabuco Chatinoı̃ → i
ẽ → a / tʲ_
ẽ → i / h_
ẽ → i / in U[+long -stress]
ẽ → e / else
32.1.3 Proto-Chatino to Yaitepec Chatinoẽ → ı̃ / {t,h}_#
ẽ → ı̃ / _ʔ#
ẽ → ı̃ / ʔ_# “in one case”
36 Sino-Tibetan36.3.1.3 Proto-Naish to Naxi{r,s}N → N̥ → hṼ → hV
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.1 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Iroquoianã → ẽ
ı̃ → i
37.1.1 Proto-Iroquoian to Cherokeea(ː)wẽ(ː) → a(ː)ma(ː)
ẽ(ː) õ(ː) → o(ː) ʌ̃(ː) Huron to Wyandotẽ(ː) õ(ː) o(ː) → ɛ̃(ː) ɔ̃(ː) u(ː)
ɛ̃(ː) → ã(ː) / w_ Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Onondagaa(ː) o(ː) õ(ː) → æ(ː) e(ː) ẽ(ː) / r_
õ(ː) → ũ(ː) Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Proto-Mohawk-Oneidaẽ(ː) õ(ː) → ʌ̃(ː) ũ(ː) Proto-Mohawk-Oneida to Mohawk— wə̃ → ũ / {h,s}_ Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Senecaã → ẽ / _rõː
ẽ(ː) → e(ː) / _{e(ː),o(ː)
ẽ(ː) õ(ː) → ɛ̃(ː) ɔ̃(ː) Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Tuscarora{ẽ(ː),õ(ː)} → ə̃(ː)
ə̃(ː) → ɨ̃(ː) / ! “when both short and stressed” Tuscarora to Eastern Tuscaroraə̃(ː) a(ː) o(ː) → ɨ̃(ː) ɔ(ː) u(ː) (“in all positions”)
37.2 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Siouanẽ õ → ı̃ ũ
37.2.3 Proto-Siouan to Mandanã → a / in ”U (sporadic)
37.2.5 Proto-Siouan to Proto-Crow-Hidatsaã ı̃ ũ → a i u Proto-Dhegiha to Kansaũ → aN / stressed Proto-Dhegiha to Omaha-Poncaũ → ã / stressed Proto-Dhegiha to Quapawã → õ (*)
ũ → ã / stressed (*) Proto-Ohio-Valley to Biloxiã → an (sporadic) Proto-Ohio-Valley to Ofoã → {an,õ}
44 Vasconic44.2 Proto-Basque to BasqueṼ → Vɲ / _V (not Souletin)
Ṽ → Vn or a diphthong (not Souletin)
h̃ → h (not Souletin)
u ũ → y ỹ / _r(p(ʰ),β,k(ʰ),ɣ,l,s̺,s̻,ʃ,h) (Souletin)
u ũ → y ỹ / _{s̻,ts̺,ts̻} (but not _s̺) (Souletin)
õ → ũ (Souletin)

to /◌̃/

133 matches

7 Algonquian7.1 Proto-Algonquian to Kennebec River Abenakioː aː eː iː → o ɔ̃ a i
7.2 Proto-Algonquian to St. Francis Abenakiaː → ɔ̃
10 Austronesian10.3.5.1 Proto-New Caledonia to CaaàcVnV → ṼlṼ Proto-New Caledonia to Nemi-Pije-FwaiONV → SʰṼ / Pije and Fwai Proto-Northern to Nixumwak-NêlêmwaVnV → ṼlṼ Proto-New Caledonia to NyelâyuVnV → ṼlṼ
V → Ṽ / _N Proto-Yunaga to Yunaga 1V → Ṽ / _N#
14 Elamo-Dravidian14.3.1 Standard Tamil to Colloquial Tamilam an {aːm,aːn} → õ æ̃ ã / _#
{om,on} {em,en} {oːm,oːn} {eːm,eːn} → ɔ̃ ɛ̃ õ ẽ
um → ũ / _#
17 Indo-European17.7.2.1 West Germanic to Anglo-Frisiana → ɑ̃ / _N (short only)
VN → Ṽː / _F Anglo-Frisian to Old Englishɑ̃ː → õː Scots to Falkirk ScotsV → Ṽː / _nC “(works across word boundaries)”
V → Ṽ / N_ Proto-Norse to Old NorseVN → Ṽ / _# ! in #U
17.10.1 Proto-Indo-Iranian to Proto-Indo-AryanVm → Ṽ / _(#){s,ɕ}
17.11 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Slavic{m̩,n̩} → {ẽ,õ} / _C$
{e(ː),i(ː)} {a(ː),o(ː),u(ː)} → ẽ õ / _N$
17.11.1 Proto-Slavic to Polishɛ ɛ̃ ɛː → ɔ ɔ̃ a / _C[-palatalized +dental] (also sporadically before plain non-dentals)
{ɛ̃,ɔ̃} → ã
a ɛ i ɔ u ɨ ã → aː ɛː iː ɔː uː ɨː ãː / _{C/U}[+voiced][lost yer] (i.e., a voiced consonant or a cluster with one)
{ɔjɔ̃,ɔ̃jɔ̃,ьjɔ̃} → ɔ̃ː
ã → ɛ̃ / short only
ãː → ã → ɔ̃
ɛ̃ ɔ̃ → ɛ̃N ɔ̃N / _{S,A}
ɛ̃ ɔ̃ → ɛɰ̃ ɔɰ̃ / _F[-palatal]
ɔ̃ → ɔɰ̃ / _# (in standard registers/pronunciations)
ɛ̃ ɔ̃ → ɛj̃ ɔj̃ / _F[+palatal]
ȵ → j̃ / _F Latin to Frenchɛ̃ → ã
{aı̃,eı̃} → ɛ̃
ỹ → œ̃
oı̃ → wɛ̃ Latin to Portugueseɔ̃ → õ
{ã,ãe,õe} → ão / _#
17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tocharianoː(s,y) oːn → u {u,õ}
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.1.1 Pre-Bakairi to Eastern BakairiVNV → ṼṼ / ! _(C)#
18.1.2 Pre-Bakairi to Western BakairiV[- stress]NV → ṼṼ
18.2.1 Proto-Ofaié-Jê to Proto-JêVm → Ṽ / _#
18.2.2 Proto-Ofaié-Jê to Ofaié-XavanteɲV → jṼ
ŋ → j̃ / #_ (not sure if this nasalizes the following vowel or not)
ŋʷ hʷ → j̃ h
18.3.1 Proto-Tuparí to Makuráp{a/e} {e/a} {ı̃,ẽ} → e a ẽ
18.3.2 Proto-Tuparí to Mekens{{a/e},{e/a}} {ı̃,ẽ} → a ẽ
18.3.4 Proto-Tuparí to Wayoró{a/e} {e/a} {ı̃,ẽ} → a e ı̃
18.4.1 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Akwáraã → õ
18.4.2 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Cocamau → ũ (? possibly backwards?)
18.4.5 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to GuarayoaN eN iN ɨN uN → ã ẽ ı̃ ɨ̃ ũ / _#
18.4.6 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Kamayuráu → õ (? possibly backwards?)
18.4.7 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to ParintintíneN → ı̃ / _#
ẽ ı̃ ũ → {ẽ,e} {ı̃,i} {ũ,õ}
18.4.8 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to SirionóaN eN iN ɨN uN → ã ẽ ı̃ {ɨ̃,ĩ} õ / _#
{ɨ̃,õ} ũ → {õ,ẽ} õ
18.4.9 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Classical Tupii → ı̃ / ʔ_# (sporadic) Proto-Monde to Proto-Cinta Larga-Suruí-ZoróV → Ṽ / _h
18.4.10 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to UrubuaN iN uN → {aN,ã} ı̃ {uN,ũ} / _#
ɨ̃ ẽ õ → ∅ {ẽ,e} {o,õ,u,ũ}
20 Khoisan20.1.1 Proto-Khoe to ǁ̬Anaǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃n
20.1.2 Proto-Khoe to ǁAniǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃n
! !̬ !̃ → !~k !̬~ɡ !̃(n)~ŋɡ
20.1.3 Proto-Khoe to Bugaǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃
!̃n → ŋɡj~!̃
20.1.4 Proto-Khoe to Kxoe!̃(n) → ǂ̃
!x !̃n → x ŋɡj~!̃
20.1.5 Proto-Khoe to Namaǀ̃(n) → {ǂ̃,ǂ}
! !ˀ !̃n → !ɡ ~ !̃
20.1.6 Proto-Khoe to Naroǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃
20.1.7 Proto-Khoe to !Oraǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃
! !̃n → ! !̃
20.1.10 Proto-Khoe to ǀ̬Uiǀ̃(n) → ǂ̃n
!̃ !x → !̃(n) !x~x
30 Niger-Congo30.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Bantuʋ̃ → l̃ / #_
u ũ → i ı̃ / #R[-labial]_
ʋ̃ ɪ̃ → ũ ı̃ / #N[-labial]_
i ı̃ V[-round] → uɪ uɪ̃ V[+round] / Cʷ_
ɠʷ → w̃ / #_V[+nas]
ɪ̃ → ɛ̃ / #(C)V_C
ɰ ɰ̃ → j j̃ / #C_
ɪ ɪ̃ → i ı̃ / #(C)V[-high]C_
30.2.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic to Proto-Akanicɰ ɰ̃ w̃ → h h̃ h̃ʷ / #_
h → ɲı̃ / #_ã Proto-Akanic to Akanl l̃ → j j̃ / #_
f → j̃ / #_V[+nas] Proto-Gbe to Ajáɛ ɛ̃ → e ẽ
j{ã,ẽ} → {ɥ,ɥ̃} / _E Proto-Gbe to Proto-Fonoi ɔi ɔ̃i {a,ɛ}i {ɛ̃,ẽ}i ei → oe ɔɛ ɔ̃ɛ̃ ɛɛ ɛ̃ɛ̃ ee
ãi → ɛ̃ɛ̃ Proto-Gbe to Proto-Genɛ ɛ̃ → e ẽ Proto-Gbe to Proto-Vhe{ɛ,e} {~ɛ,ẽ} → ə ə̃ Proto-Vhe to Kpándoə ə̃ → ɛ ɛ̃ Proto-Vhe to Pecı́ə ə̃ → ɛ ɛ̃
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.2 Proto-Chatino to Tataltepec Chatinoɛ → ı̃ / S_#
32.1.3 Proto-Chatino to Yaitepec Chatinoẽ → ı̃ / {t,h}_#
ẽ → ı̃ / _ʔ#
ẽ → ı̃ / ʔ_# “in one case”
32.2 Proto-Oto-Manguean to Tlapanec{iHn,eHn,aHn} uHn → ã ũ
36 Sino-Tibetan36.3.1.1 Proto-Naish to LazeN̥V → hṼ Proto-Naish to Mosuo (Na)N̥V → hṼ Proto-Naish to Naxi{r,s}N → N̥ → hṼ → hV
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.1 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Iroquoianã → ẽ
37.1.1 Proto-Iroquoian to Cherokeeẽ(ː) õ(ː) → o(ː) ʌ̃(ː) Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Cayugae(ː) → ẽ / _ẽ(ː)
o(ː) → õ / _õ(ː) Huron to Wyandotẽ(ː) õ(ː) o(ː) → ɛ̃(ː) ɔ̃(ː) u(ː)
ɛ̃(ː) → ã(ː) / w_ Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Onondagaa(ː) o(ː) õ(ː) → æ(ː) e(ː) ẽ(ː) / r_
õ(ː) → ũ(ː) Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Proto-Mohawk-Oneidaẽ(ː) õ(ː) → ʌ̃(ː) ũ(ː) Proto-Mohawk-Oneida to Mohawk— wə̃ → ũ / {h,s}_ Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Senecaã → ẽ / _rõː
a(ː) → ẽ(ː) / adjacent to a nasal vowel
a(ː) æ(ː) → õ(ː) ẽ(ː) / n_
a(ː) → õ(ː) / V[+nas]H_
a(ː) → õ(ː) / V[+nas]({ʔ,s})w_
ẽ(ː) õ(ː) → ɛ̃(ː) ɔ̃(ː) Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Tuscarora{ẽ(ː),õ(ː)} → ə̃(ː)
ə̃(ː) → ɨ̃(ː) / ! “when both short and stressed” Tuscarora to Eastern Tuscaroraə̃(ː) a(ː) o(ː) → ɨ̃(ː) ɔ(ː) u(ː) (“in all positions”)
37.2 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Siouanẽ õ → ı̃ ũ Proto-Dhegiha to Omaha-Poncaũ → ã / stressed Proto-Dhegiha to Quapawã → õ (*)
ũ → ã / stressed (*) Proto-Ohio-Valley to Ofoã → {an,õ}
44 Vasconic44.2 Proto-Basque to BasqueVn → Ṽ / _# (seems to have been reverted in most dialects, except for Souletin)
Vn → Ṽ / _V (?)
V → Ṽ / _N (Souletin, perhaps in other dialects?)
n → h̃ / V_V
u ũ → y ỹ / _r(p(ʰ),β,k(ʰ),ɣ,l,s̺,s̻,ʃ,h) (Souletin)
u ũ → y ỹ / _{s̻,ts̺,ts̻} (but not _s̺) (Souletin)
õ → ũ (Souletin)
46 Vowel Shifts46.14 Pre-Slavic Vowel Changesen an → ẽ ã

with context involving /◌̃/

41 matches

10 Austronesian10.3.5.5 Proto-New Caledonia to NyelâyuⁿS → N / _Ṽ
17 Indo-European17.11.1 Proto-Slavic to Polishn → s → ɕ / k_ɛ̃ where the vowel was from Proto-Slavic
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.4.1 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Akwárat → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.2 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Cocamat → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.3 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guajajarat → ts / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.4 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guaranít → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.5 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guarayot → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.6 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Kamayurát → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.8 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Sirionót → {ts,tʃ} / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.9 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Classical Tupit → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.10 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Urubut → ʃ / _{i,ı̃}
30 Niger-Congo30.2.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic to Proto-Akanich → ɲı̃ / #_ã Proto-Akanic to Akanı̃ → ∅ / #_ã Proto-Vhe to Tɔ̣wunn → ŋ / _ũ
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.1 Proto-Chatino to Papabuco Chatinot → ɾ / _{u,ẽ} when unstressed
32.1.2 Proto-Chatino to Tataltepec Chatinot → tʲ / _õ (…again…lolwut)
32.1.3 Proto-Chatino to Yaitepec Chatinokʲ → k / _{a,ã}
ts → tʃ / #_{a,õ}ʔ
ts → ʃ / #_ẽ
ʃ → s / _{ik,e,ı̃,ẽ}
nʲ → j / _ã (with some exceptions?)
h → ʔ / _ã
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.1 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Iroquoianw → ∅ / _{o,õ,ı̃}
m → w / _ã
t → ts / _{i,ı̃} Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Cayugar → w / {o(ː),õ(ː)}_{a(ː),e(ː),ẽ(ː),i(ː)}
r → j / {e(ː),ẽ(ː),i(ː)}_{a(ː),o(ː),õ(ː)}
e(ː) → ẽ / _ẽ(ː)
o(ː) → õ / _õ(ː) Huron to Wyandot∅ → w / {o(ː),õ(ː)}_V
∅ → j / {e(ː),ẽ(ː),i(ː)}_V Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Onondagar → j / {e(ː),ẽ(ː),i(ː)}_V
r → w / {o(ː),õ(ː)}_V Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Senecaã → ẽ / _rõː
hw → ∅ / õ_
r → j / C[-glottal](h)_{o(ː),õ(ː)
r → w / {o(ː),õ(ː)}_V Proto-Dhegiha to Omaha-Poncan → θ / _{ã,ẽ,õ} Proto-Dhegiha to Osagen → ð / _{ã,ẽ,õ} Proto-Dhegiha to QuapawLʲ → j / #_õ (*)
Lʲ → t / #_ã (*)