Index Diachronica: involving /ŋ/

143 results from /ŋ/   104 results to /ŋ/   49 results with context involving /ŋ/   

plain ŋʷ ŋː ŋ̊ ŋ̩

from /ŋ/

143 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6.2.2.1 Proto-North Erythrean to Proto-Chadicŋ → ∅ / V_{ts,q} Proto-North Erythrean to Proto-Boreafrasian{ɲ,ŋw} → n
ŋ → ∅ / #_CV
8 Altaic8.1 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Japonicŋ → m / #_{æ,ø,y}
ŋ → {∅,n} #_ else
8.2 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Korean{nʲ,ŋ} → n / #_
ŋ → {ŋ,∅}
8.3 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Mongolicŋ → ɡ / #_u
ŋ → n / #_{a,o,e}
ŋ → {∅,j} / #_
ŋ → {m,n,ŋ,h}
8.5 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Turkic{pʰ,ŋ} → {∅,j} / #_
8.5.1 Proto-Turkic to Proto-Kypchakŋ → ɡ / syllable-final
10 Austronesian10.2.5 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Palauanŋ → ∅ / C_# Proto-North Sarawak to Kiputk ŋ → ʔ ∅ / Və̯_# Proto-Kenyah to Òma Lónghŋ → ŋ̊ / _#
10.3 Proto-Austronesian to Proto-Oceanic{ŋk,ŋɡ} ɡ → ɡ k
10.3.1 Proto-Oceanic to Hawai’ianŋ r v → n l w Proto-Northern to Nixumwak-Nêlêmwaŋ → n Proto-New Caledonia to Nyelâyuŋ → n Proto-New Caledonia to Pwapwâbw mw → ɡw ŋw (→ ɡ ŋ / _V[+ rounded]) Proto-New Caledonia to Proto-Yunagaŋ → n Proto-Reefs/Santa Cruz to Naguŋ → n / _i Proto-Reefs/Santa Cruz to Natüguŋ → n / _i
10.3.7 Proto-Oceanic to Shark Bayp ŋ → f ∅ / ”V_V Proto-Utupua to Nebaoŋ → n / _i Proto-Vanikoro to Bumaŋ → {ŋ,ɡ} (ŋ remains when _i) Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Anejom{n,ŋ} → ɲ / _E
14 Elamo-Dravidian14.2 Proto-Elamo-Dravidian to Achaemanid Elamitek ŋk ŋkː → ∅ k kː / V_V
15 Eskimo-Aleut15.2.1 Proto-Eskimo to Barrow Iñupiaqm n ŋ → v t ɣ / _C[-nasal]
15.2.2 Proto-Eskimo to Greenlandic Iñupiaqm n ŋ t {{ɣ,ʁ} → {k,q}} → p t k n ŋ / _#
m n ŋ → v t ɣ / _C[-nasal]
15.2.3 Proto-Eskimo to Mackenzie Iñupiaqm n ŋ → v t ɣ / _C[-nasal]
15.2.4 Proto-Eskimo to Wales Iñupiaqm n ŋ → v t ɣ / _C[+nasal]
17 Indo-European17.5.2 Proto-Celtic to Middle Welshmb nd ŋɡ → mː nː ŋː
mp nt ŋk → m̥ n̥ ŋ̊ Midlands Middle English to Early Modern Englishmb ŋɡ → m ŋ / _# Proto-Norse to Old Norseŋ → x / _{m,n} Latin to Catalanŋ → ɲ / _{i,e} Vulgar Latin to Old Provençal{l,r}w {n,ŋk,ŋɡ}w → lɡʷ ŋɡʷ → lɡ ŋɡ
ɡn{d,t} → ŋn{d,t} → ɲ{d,t} → {(i)nd,ɲd,ndʒ} or t(ʃ)
ɡn → ŋn → ɲ
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.2.1 Proto-Ofaié-Jê to Proto-Jêŋʷ {kʷ,hʷ} → m p
18.2.2 Proto-Ofaié-Jê to Ofaié-Xavanteŋ → n / V_V
ŋ → j̃ / #_ (not sure if this nasalizes the following vowel or not)
ŋʷ hʷ → j̃ h
18.3.1 Proto-Tuparí to Makurápð nŋʷ → c β / #_V[-nas]
j ŋʷ m n → ɲ m {m,p} {∅,t} / _V[+nas]
ⁿd ŋ → t {ɡ,k} / _V[-nas]
18.3.2 Proto-Tuparí to Mekensɡʷ ŋɡ → kʷ k / _V[-nas]
ŋ ŋʷ → k m / _V[+nas]
ŋʷ → kʷ / #_V[-nas]
18.3.3 Proto-Tuparí to Tuparíɡʷ ŋɡ → β k / _V[-nas]
ᵐb ŋʷ → p β / #_V[-nas]
ŋ → k / #_V[+nas]
ŋʷ → m / V[+nas]_V[+nas]
18.3.4 Proto-Tuparí to Wayorór ŋʷ → n β / V[+nas]_V[+nas]
ŋɡ → k / ! _V[-nas]
18.4.2 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Cocamaʔ ts ŋ → ∅ {ts,tʃ} n
18.4.4 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to GuaraníVŋ → V[+nas]
18.4.5 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guarayo{Vm,Vŋ} Vn → V[+nas] {Vr,V[+nas]} / _#
18.4.8 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to SirionóVŋ → V[+nas]
18.4.10 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to UrubuVŋ → V[+nas]
20 Khoisan20.2.1 Proto-Kx’a to ǂHoanVn ŋ → V[+nas] ∅ / _#
26 Mande26.1 Proto-Mande to Boboŋ → ɲ
26.2 Proto-Mande to Busaŋ → ɲ
26.3 Proto-Mande to Danŋ → ɲ
26.4 Proto-Mande to Guroŋ → ɲ
26.5 Proto-Mande to Kono-Vaiŋ → ɲ
26.6 Proto-Mande to Southwest Mandeŋ → ɲ
26.7 Proto-Mande to Mandekanŋ → ɲ
26.8 Proto-Mande to Manoŋ → ɲ
26.9 Proto-Mande to Mwaŋ → ɲ
26.10 Proto-Mande to Sanŋ → ɲ
26.11 Proto-Mande to Semblaŋ → ɲ
26.12 Proto-Mande to Soninka{w,ŋ} → j
26.13 Proto-Mande to Susuŋ → j
27 Mayan27.1 Proto-Mayan to Ch’olanŋ → n
27.2 Proto-Mayan to Chujeanŋ → n
27.3 Proto-Mayan to Huastecanŋ → h
27.4 Proto-Mayan to Ixileanŋ → x
27.5 Proto-Mayan to Kaqchikel-Tz’utujilŋ → x
27.6 Proto-Mayan to Core K’iche’ŋ → x
27.7 Proto-Mayan to Mameanŋ → x
27.8 Proto-Mayan to Q’anjob’alanŋ → n
27.9 Proto-Mayan to Tzeltalanŋ → n
27.10 Proto-Mayan to Yucatecanŋ → n
30 Niger-Congo30.1.2 Pre-Proto-Bantu to Proto-Manenguba’m m ’n n {’ɲ,ɲ} ŋ → m {ᵐb,m} n {ⁿd,n} ɲ {ᵑɡ,ŋ} / in C2 position
33 Penutian33.3.2.2 Proto-Nim-Yokuts to Northern Yokutsŋ → n
36 Sino-Tibetan36.1 Proto-Sino-Tibetan to Middle Chinese{m,ŋ}l- → dʑ-
36.1.1 Late Middle Chinese to Old Mandarinŋ → n / n_Cʲa(ta)
ŋ → ∅ / #_ ! #_o(w) Old Mandarin to Modern Pekingeseŋ → ∅ / #_
36.2 Sin Sukchu to Guānhuàŋ → ∅ / _{i,j,w,y}
ŋ → ∅ / _u / _V
There seems to ahve been some stuff going on with palatalized [ŋ] → {ɲ,n} but it seems highly dialectal and I’m not entirely sure just what exactly was going on here
uŋ → oŋ (in one source?)
juŋ → iuŋ / _{∅,x,ʋ,ʔ}
juŋ → iuŋ / _ɡ[+píng tone]
juŋ → uŋ (→ oŋ dialectally?)
jujŋ ujŋ → iuŋ uŋ
aŋ jaŋ → uaŋ aŋ / C̣_
waŋ → uaŋ
əjŋ → ɛn (varies with ɛn?) Proto-rGyalrongic to bTshan Laŋ → ∅ / i_ Proto-rGyalrongic to Japhugaŋ → o / _#
ŋ → m / #_kʰ Proto-rGyalrongic to Kham Toŋ(w) N{ŋ,nj} → ȵ mɳ
ŋ → ɳ / {o,a}_
{ŋ,j} → ∅ / i_ Proto-rGyalrongic to lCog Rtseuŋ → ak Proto-rGyalrongic to Suo Moŋ → ȵ Proto-rGyalrongic to Tsa Ku Naoiŋ → ʅ Proto-rGyalrongic to Tzu Taŋ(w) → ȵ(wj)
uk uŋ → {u,o} e Proto-rGyalrongic to Wassuŋ → j
im iŋ → wa ie
38 Tai-Kadai38.1.1.1 Proto-Tai to Ahomŋ̊ → h North Tai to Dioiŋ → ɡ Southwest Tai to Siameseŋ ɡ ɣ → {h,ʃ} kʰ ɡ
41 Trans-New Guinea41.1 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Apalɨt k ŋ → {l,t} {h,k} n / #_
41.3 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Binandereŋ ᵑɡ → ∅ ɡ / #_
41.4 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Kaeti{p,ᵐb} ŋɡ → b ɡ / #_ Proto-Gorokan to Sianeʔŋɡ ʔd → ŋk t
41.9 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Selepetŋ → {m,ŋ} / _#
41.11 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Middle Wahgin ŋ → m n / #_
42 Uralic42.1 Proto-Uralic to Pre-Finnicŋ → k / _#, in latives
ŋ → n / _# else
42.1.1 Pre-Finnic to Proto-FinnicUŋA eŋi → Oː øː
ŋi → @ / V_
ŋ → n / _t (?)
ŋ → j / _Cʲ (possibly _F instead?)
ŋ → w / _{A,O,U}
ŋ → w / {O,U}_
ŋ → w / _C ! _k
ŋ → w / C_ Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnishmb nd ŋɡ → mː nː ŋː
43 Uto-Aztecan43.1 Proto-Uto-Aztecan to Comanche{ŋ,l} → n
43.4 Proto-Uto-Aztecan to Nahuatlŋ → n
43.6 Proto-Uto-Aztecan to Tohono O’odhams ŋ → h n
46 Vowel Shifts46.16 Development of Proto-Lolo-Burmese -i(C)# and -u(C)# to Lahu-i -i{p,k} -it -i{m,ŋ} -in → -i -ɨʔ -iʔ -ɛ -ɨ
-u -up -ut -uk -um -un -uŋ → -u -ɔʔ -əʔ -uʔ -ɔ -ə -ɛ
47 Most-Wanted Sound Changes47.1 List 1: Simple Consonant Changesŋ → {x,h} (various Mayan languages)

to /ŋ/

104 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6.2.2 Proto-Erythrean to Proto-North Erythreanin → ŋ / #_C
8 Altaic8.2 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Koreanŋ → {ŋ,∅}
8.3 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Mongolicŋ → {m,n,ŋ,h}
9 Austroasiatic9.1.2.2 Middle Vietnamese to Saigon Vietnamesec ɲ t n → t n k ŋ / a_ (short /a/ only)
10 Austronesian10.1.1.5 Proto-Polynesian to Luangiuan → ŋ
10.2.5 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Palauan∅ → ŋ / #_V Proto-Kenyah to Òma Lónghŋ → ŋ̊ / _#
{p,t} {m,n} → k ŋ / ɯ_#
10.3.2 Proto-Oceanic to Hiwβʷ bʷ mʷ → w kʷ ŋʷ
10.3.3 Proto-Oceanic to Lemerigmʷ → ŋmʷ
10.3.4 Proto-Oceanic to Mwotlapmʷ ɲ → ŋmʷ n Proto-New Caledonia to Nemi-Pije-Fwaibw mw → ɡ ŋ Proto-New Caledonia to Nyelâyuɴq → ŋk Proto-New Caledonia to Pwaameibw mw → ɡ ŋ Proto-New Caledonia to Pwapwâbw mw → ɡw ŋw (→ ɡ ŋ / _V[+ rounded]) Proto-Vanikoro to Bumaŋ → {ŋ,ɡ} (ŋ remains when _i)
10.3.11 Proto-Oceanic to Proto-Southern Vanuatun → ŋ / qV[- stress]_
n → ŋ / _V[- stress]q Proto-Erromango to Syeb d ɡ → m n ŋ / _#
b d ɡ → mp nt ŋk Proto-Erromango to Urab d ɡ → m n ŋ / _C Proto-Tanna to North Tannaɣ → ŋ Proto-Tanna to Whitesandsɣ → ŋ
10.3.12 Proto-Oceanic to Vera’amʷ → ŋmʷ
10.5 Proto-Austronesian to Proto-Ongan{m,ɲ} n → {ɲ,∅} {ŋ,∅} / _# (first change marked “in progress?”)
10.5.1 Proto-Ongan to Jarawan → ŋ / _# (?)
10.5.2 Proto-Ongan to Ongen → ŋ / _# (?)
14 Elamo-Dravidian14.3.1 Standard Tamil to Colloquial Tamiln → ŋ / _{k,ɡ}
15 Eskimo-Aleut15.2.1 Proto-Eskimo to Barrow Iñupiaq{p,v} t {k,ɣ} → m n ŋ / _N
15.2.2 Proto-Eskimo to Greenlandic Iñupiaqm n ŋ t {{ɣ,ʁ} → {k,q}} → p t k n ŋ / _#
{p,v} t {k,ɣ} → m n ŋ / _N
15.2.3 Proto-Eskimo to Mackenzie Iñupiaq{p,v} t {k,ɣ} → m n ŋ / _N
15.2.4 Proto-Eskimo to Wales Iñupiaq{p,v} t {k,ɣ} → m n ŋ / _N
16 Extended West Papuan16.1.1 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to NafriN → ŋ / _#
16.1.4 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to Western SentaniN → ŋ / _#
16.1.5 Proto-Tabla-Sentani to TablaN → ŋ / _#
17 Indo-European17.4.1 Proto-Indo-European to Avestanh(j) → ŋh / a_a
hw → ŋʷh / a_a
h → ŋ / a_ra
17.5.1 Proto-Indo-European to Old Irishp t k kʷ b d ɡ ∅ → b d ɡ ɡʷ mb nd ŋɡ n / n#_”V
17.5.2 Proto-Celtic to Middle Welshmb nd ŋɡ → mː nː ŋː
mp nt ŋk → m̥ n̥ ŋ̊ Midlands Middle English to Early Modern Englishmb ŋɡ → m ŋ / _# Scots to Falkirk ScotspVn tVn kVn → ʔm̩ ʔn̩ ʔŋ̩ / _# West Germanic to Old Low Germann → ŋ / _{k,ɡ} Old Norse to Early Icelandicn → ŋ / _{k,ɡ} Old Norse to Shetland Nornms → ŋ(k)s
17.11.1 Proto-Slavic to Polishn → ŋ / _S[+velar] (regional) Proto-Indo-European to Latin{k,ɡ} → ŋ / _n Vulgar Latin to Old Provençal{l,r}w {n,ŋk,ŋɡ}w → lɡʷ ŋɡʷ → lɡ ŋɡ
ɡn{d,t} → ŋn{d,t} → ɲ{d,t} → {(i)nd,ɲd,ndʒ} or t(ʃ)
ɡn → ŋn → ɲ Vulgar Latin to Spanishn → ŋ / _#
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.4.1 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Akwárak b r → {ŋ,∅} {w,m} {n,r,t} / _#
18.4.4 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guaraním p → ŋ k / _w
18.4.5 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guarayom p → ŋ k / _w
18.4.7 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Parintintínk → {ŋ,∅} / _#
∅ → ŋ / {#,V}_w
20 Khoisan20.1.1 Proto-Khoe to ǁ̬Ana!̃(n) → ŋ
20.1.2 Proto-Khoe to ǁAni! !̬ !̃ → !~k !̬~ɡ !̃(n)~ŋɡ
20.1.3 Proto-Khoe to Buga! !ˀ !̬ !̃ → k ∅ ɡ ŋɡ
!̃n → ŋɡj~!̃
20.1.4 Proto-Khoe to Kxoe! !ˀ ! !̃ → k ∅ ɡ ŋɡ
!x !̃n → x ŋɡj~!̃
20.1.8 Proto-Khoe to Teti! !ˀ !̬ !̃(n) !x → k ∅ ɡ ŋ x
20.1.9 Proto-Khoe to Tsʔixa! !ˀ !̬ !̃(n) !x → k ∅ ɡ ŋɡ x
28 Muskogean28.1.2 Proto-Eastern Muskogean to Creekm → ŋ / _k
29 Na-Dene29. Proto-Athabaskan to Deg Hit’anɲ → ŋ
30 Niger-Congo30.1.1.2 Proto-Bantu to Tswana{tʃ,k} {ntʃ,nk,r} {ɲdʒ,nɡ} mp mb p b {d,l} m n → s tsʰ ts tʃʰ(w) tʃ(w) ʃ(w) dʒ(w) dʒ ŋw ɲ / _{ɪ,e}V
mp mb p b m → tʃʰ(w) tʃ(w) ʃ(w) dʒ(w) ŋw / _{ʊ,o}V
30.1.2 Pre-Proto-Bantu to Proto-Manenguba’m m ’n n {’ɲ,ɲ} ŋ → m {ᵐb,m} n {ⁿd,n} ɲ {ᵑɡ,ŋ} / in C2 position Proto-Akanic to Akann → ŋ / #(C)V_ Proto-Gbe to Proto-Genw → ŋ Proto-Gbe to Proto-Vhew → {w,ŋ} Proto-Vhe to Tɔ̣wunn → ŋ / _ũ
32 Oto-Manguean32.2 Proto-Oto-Manguean to Tlapanecnk → {ɡ,ŋ} (the latter “under obscure conditions”)
35 Salishan35.1.5 Proto-Central Salish to Klallamp(ʼ) m → ts(ʼ) ŋ / ! _u
35.1.8 Proto-Central Salish to Lummi Northern Straitsp(’) m → tʃ(’) ŋ / ! _u
35.1.9 Proto-Central Salish to Saanich Northern Straitsp(’) m → tʃ(’) ŋ / ! _u
35.1.10 Proto-Central Salish to Songish Northern Straitsp(’) m → tʃ(’) ŋ / ! _u
35.1.11 Proto-Central Salish to Sooke Northern Straitsp(’) m → tʃ(’) ŋ / ! _u
36 Sino-Tibetan36.2 Sin Sukchu to Guānhuàʔ → ŋ / _V[-high]
uŋ → oŋ (in one source?)
juŋ → iuŋ / _{∅,x,ʋ,ʔ}
juŋ → iuŋ / _ɡ[+píng tone]
juŋ → uŋ (→ oŋ dialectally?)
jujŋ ujŋ → iuŋ uŋ
aŋ jaŋ → uaŋ aŋ / C̣_
waŋ → uaŋ Proto-rGyalrongic to Tzu Tat → ŋ / a_
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37. Huron to Wyandotn → ŋ / _{j,w} Proto-Čiwere-Winnebago to Čiwereɡ → ŋ
41 Trans-New Guinea41.5.1.2 Proto-Gorokan to North ForeN → ŋk / _V
Nw Nm N{n,j} → ŋk mp nt Proto-Gorokan to South ForeNw Nm N{n,j} → ŋk mp nt Proto-Gorokan to Sianeʔŋɡ ʔd → ŋk t Proto-Kainantu to AuyanaN{w,d,r} nj → ŋk nt (not sure if *nj is supposed to be *ɲɟ)
41.9 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Selepetŋ → {m,ŋ} / _#
41.11 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Middle Wahgiᵑɡ → {ᵑɡ,ŋ} / V_V
42 Uralic42. Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnishmb nd ŋɡ → mː nː ŋː
43 Uto-Aztecan43.2 Proto-Uto-Aztecan to Hopiw → ŋʷ / ɨn_
47 Most-Wanted Sound Changes47.1 List 1: Simple Consonant Changesn → ŋ (Samoan, but only in colloquial speech)
h → ŋ (Nyole)
ʕ → ŋ (allegedly in European Hebrew, both Sephardic and Ashkenazi, but possibly not a sound change so much as a substitution) (,,

with context involving /ŋ/

49 matches

7 Algonquian7.11 Proto-Algonquian to Munsee Delawareə → o / _ŋkʷ
10 Austronesian10.2.6.1 Proto-North Sarawak to Kiput{i,ɛ} {u,ɔ} → iə̯ uə̯ / _{k,ŋ}# “(and also sporadically before final *t and *n and some other consonants) Proto-Kenyah to Òma Lónghi → iə / _ŋ#
u → o / _ŋ# “(sporadically failed to occur)” Proto-Malayic to Minangkabau— u i → uə iə / _{k,ŋ,h,l,r}# Proto-Erromango to Syea → o / {w,m,ŋ}_ Proto-Tanna to North Tannad → k / _ŋ Proto-Tanna to Whitesandsd → r / _ŋ (occasionally elsewhere as well)
17 Indo-European17.2.1 Common Anatolian to Hittitee → i / _{m,ŋ} when posttonic in U[+closed] or when pretonic Old English to Scotsɑː → e / ! _{ŋ,n} West Germanic to Old Low Germanɡ → k / ŋ_# Proto-Norse to Old Norsee → ja / ! {{h,k,ŋ}n,w,v,l,r}_, _{u,o,i}
e → jɒ / _(C)(C)(C)u ! {{h,k,ŋ}n,w,v,l,r}_
e → ja / _(C)(C)(C)u ! {{h,k,ŋ}n,w,v,l,r}_
l → ∅ / ŋ_s
n → ∅ / ŋ_{s,w}
β ð ɣ → b d ɡ / {m,n,ŋ,l}_
m → f / _{n,ŋ}
n → θ / _{m,ŋ} Old Norse to Early Icelandicu o a ø y e i → uː oː aː øi yː ei iː / _{ɲc,ɲɟ,ŋk,ŋɡ} Proto-Indo-European to Latine o → i u / _ŋ
a → e → i / %(C)(C)_ŋ when unstressed
ɡʱ → ɡ / ŋ_
ɡʷ(ʱ) → ɡu / ŋ_ Latin to Catalano → u / _{ɲ,nk,ŋ} when stressed
e → i / _{nk,ŋ} when stressed (irregular)
36 Sino-Tibetan36.1.1 Late Middle Chinese to Old Mandarin{o,a} {a(ta),a(ch)} → e a / _ŋ
? → o / _ŋ
∅ → w / C̣_aŋ
e → o / w_ŋ
wʲ → w / _aŋ
wʲ → w / C̣_oŋ Old Mandarin to Modern Pekingeseo → e / _ŋ
j → ∅ / C_weŋ Proto-Naish to Lazea → i / {ŋ,w}_%
a → wɤ / {K,ŋ}w_% Proto-Naish to Mosuo (Na)a → wɤ / {K,ŋ}w_% Proto-Naish to Naxia → i / ŋ_%
a → wa / {K,ŋ}w_%
B → v̩ / {qʰ,(ŋ)q}_ Proto-rGyalrongic to bTshan LaN → m / _{ŋ.nj} Proto-rGyalrongic to Chos KiaN → m. / _ŋ
w → ∅ / ŋ_ Proto-rGyalrongic to lCog RtseN → m / _{ŋ,ɲ}
38 Tai-Kadai38.1.1.3 Proto-Tai to Central Tai{l,r} → ∅ / ŋ_ Proto-Tai to Southwest Tail → ∅ / {p,k(ʰ),ŋ}_
46 Vowel Shifts46.2 California Vowel Shift (English)æ ɪ → e i / _ŋ; some speakers (esp. in southern regions) may also have pin-pen and “a single phoneme in contrast to the nasal diphthong [ãɪ̃] of the U.S. Northeast” (though the article doesn’t specify what this is; maybe it’s just plain ã)
46.11 Middle Chinese to Cantonese Vowel Shift (“The Inner-Outer Flip”)a → ɔ / _{ŋ,k}
ə → ∅ / i_{ŋ,k}