Index Diachronica: involving /ɔə/

1 result from /ɔə/   4 results to /ɔə/   

from /ɔə/

1 match

17 Indo-European17. Early Modern English to Australian Englishɔə → ɔː

to /ɔə/

4 matches

10 Austronesian10.3.2 Proto-Oceanic to Hiwa(C)V[+ high] a(C)V[+ mid] aCa → ɔ(C) a(C) {ɔ,a}(C)ə
o(C)V[+ high] o(C)V[+ mid] o(C)a → ɵ(C) o(C) ɔ(C)ə
17 Indo-European17. Early Modern English to Australian Englishɜːɹ ɑːɹ ɔːɹ eːɹ oːɹ iːɹ uːɹ → ɜː ɑː ɔː ɛə ɔə ɪə ʊə / syllable-finally Early Modern English to British Englishɜːɹ ɑːɹ ɔːɹ eːɹ oːɹ iːɹ uːɹ → ɜː ɑː ɔː ɛə ɔə ɪə ʊə / syllable-finally