Index Diachronica: involving /ʌu/

2 results from /ʌu/   8 results to /ʌu/   

from /ʌu/

2 matches

17 Indo-European17. Modern Dutch to Polder Dutch Vowel Shiftɛi œy ʌu → ai ay au
46 Vowel Shifts46.4 Polder Dutch Vowel Shiftɛi œy ʌu → ai ay au

to /ʌu/

8 matches

17 Indo-European17. Early Northern Middle English to Scotsoɡ → ʌu
ol al → ou ɑː → ʌu {ɑ,ɔ}
— uː → ʌu / when-stem final, in northern varieties
— ai oi ui ei au ou iu ɛ(o)u → eː oe əi iː {ɑː,ɔː} ʌu ju j(ʌ)u Old English to Scotsɔ{ɡ,j} → ʌu Middle Dutch to Modern Dutchuː → ʌu (? conjectured based on the above diphthongization and on developments in Polder Dutch vowels)
46 Vowel Shifts46.5 Old English-to-Scots Vowel Shiftsuː → ʌu / when-stem final, in northern varieties
ai oi ui ei au ou iu ɛ(o)u → eː oe əi iː {ɑː,ɔː} ʌu ju j(ʌ)u