Index Diachronica: involving /ⁿd/

10 results from /ⁿd/   19 results to /ⁿd/   

from /ⁿd/

10 matches

18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.3.1 Proto-Tuparí to Makurápⁿd ŋ → t {ɡ,k} / _V[-nas]
18.3.2 Proto-Tuparí to Mekens{ᵐb,ⁿd,ð} → t / _V[+nas]
41 Trans-New Guinea41.1 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Apalɨp k ⁿd → β {h,k} nj / V_V
41.3 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Binandereᵐb ⁿd ᵑɡ nj → {p,ᵐb} {ⁿd,z} k z / V_V
41.4 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Kaetiⁿd ᵑɡ → d k
41.7 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Kâtek ᵐb ⁿd → {k,h} b {s,t} / #_
ᵐb ⁿd → {ᵐb,p} s / V_V
41.8 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Kiwait ᵐb ⁿd {k,ᵑɡ} nj → {r,t} p {d,t} ɡ r / V_V
41.9 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Selepetᵐb ⁿd s → b {s,t} {t,s} / #_
41.10 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Telefolᵐb ⁿd ᵑɡ → b n k / V_V

to /ⁿd/

19 matches

21 Lakes Plain21.2.3.3 Proto-West Tariku to Fayub d → b~ᵐb d~ⁿd Proto-West Tariku to Kirikirib d → b~ᵐb d~ⁿd Proto-West Tariku to Tauseb d → b~ᵐb d~ⁿd Proto-West Tariku to Weirateb d → b~ᵐb d~ⁿd
25 Macro-Panoan25.1.3 Proto-Tacanan to Reyesanob d → ᵐb ⁿdz
29 Na-Dene29. Proto-Athabaskan to Easter Gwich’in{n,ɲ} → ⁿdʒ / _E[-nas]
{n,ɲ} → ⁿd / _V[-nas] Proto-Athabaskan to Hann → (ⁿ)d / $_V[-nas] Proto-Eastern Southern Athabaskan to Jicarillan → ⁿd Proto-Eastern Southern Athabaskan to Lipann → ⁿd Proto-Western Southern Athabaskan to Chiricahuan → ⁿd Proto-Western Southern Athabaskan to Mescaleron → ⁿd Proto-Western Southern Athabaskan to San Carlosn → ⁿd Proto-Athabaskan to Tanacross{n,ɲ} → ⁿd Proto-Athabaskan to Upper Tanana{n,ɲ} → ⁿd
30 Niger-Congo30.1.2 Pre-Proto-Bantu to Proto-Manenguba’m m ’n n {’ɲ,ɲ} ŋ → m {ᵐb,m} n {ⁿd,n} ɲ {ᵑɡ,ŋ} / in C2 position
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37. Huron to Wyandotn → ⁿd / _{V[-nas],r}
41 Trans-New Guinea41.3 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Binandereᵐb ⁿd ᵑɡ nj → {p,ᵐb} {ⁿd,z} k z / V_V
41.9 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Selepett ᵐb nj s → r {b,p} ⁿd {s,d} / V_V