Index Diachronica: involving /Cˤ/

2 results from /Cˤ/   1 result to /Cˤ/   3 results with context involving /Cˤ/   

plain C1ˤ C2ˤ

from /Cˤ/

2 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6. Classical Arabic to Moroccan ArabicC1ˤC2 → C1C2ˤ
Cˤ → C / {#,V}_V

to /Cˤ/

1 match

6 Afro-Asiatic6. Classical Arabic to Moroccan ArabicC1ˤC2 → C1C2ˤ

with context involving /Cˤ/

3 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6. Classical Arabic to Cypriot Arabici → a / Cˤ_{q,ɣ,ʕ}
i → a / {q,ɣ,ʕ}_Cˤ
aː → a / {Cˤ,w}_#