Index Diachronica: involving /Ḱ/

6 results from /Ḱ/   8 results with context involving /Ḱ/   

from /Ḱ/

6 matches

17 Indo-European17.2.1 Common Anatolian to HittiteḰ → K
17.2.4 Common Anatolian to LydianḰ → K
17.2.5 Common Anatolian to PalaicḰ → K
17.5 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Celtic— Ḱ → K
17.10 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Indo-IranianḰ → TŠ
17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-TocharianḰ → K

with context involving /Ḱ/

8 matches

10 Austronesian10.3.11.1 Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Anejome → i / Ḱ_ “[tendency]”
e → i / _Ḱ “[tendency]”
17 Indo-European17.7.3.1 Proto-Norse to Old Norsej → ∅ / Ḱ_
a → e / _{i,j,Ḱ}
eː → e / Ḱ_ Old Norse to Shetland Norn{u,o}(ː) a aː {ɒ,œ,y} e i(ː) → {o,ɔ}(i) æ(i) {ɔ,ɒ}(i) {o,ɔ}(i) {æ,e} / _{Ḱ,Cʲ}
{ɒ,ey} j{u,o,a}ː yː → o ø u / Ḱ_
æ → e / ! _{Ḱ,Cʲ}