6 Afro-Asiatic | Proto-Boreafrasian to Egypto-Berber | ʕ → i / #_VR
| Classical Arabic to Cypriot Arabic | S → [+ voice] / {V,R}_V
S → [+ voice] / V_R
| Proto-Semitic to Biblical Hebrew | — i iː u uː → eə iːə oə uːə / _R
— i u → e a / _R{$,#} (in verbs)
— a → ə / _R if ə in an adjacent syllable
— a → ə / R_ if ə in an adjacent syllable
— i → ə / _R if a frontal allophone of ə in an adjacent syllable
— i → ə / R_ if a frontal allophone of ə in an adjacent syllable
— u → ə / _R if a backed allophone of ə in an adjacent syllable
— u → ə / R_ if a backed allophone of ə in an adjacent syllable
— i → a / _R
— i → a / R_
| Biblical Hebrew to Modern Israeli Hebrew | ə → ɛ / #R_C or when breaking up what would otherwise be a three-consonant cluster; in the case of two schwas, only the first one is dropped
7 Algonquian | 7.2 Proto-Algonquian to St. Francis Abenaki | N → ∅ / _RO
i → e / _R
17 Indo-European | 17.1.1 Proto-Indo-European to Gheg Albanian | ḱ → k / _R
17.1.2 Proto-Indo-European to Tosk Albanian | ḱ → k / _R
17.2 Proto-Indo-European to Common Anatolian | H → R / VR_V
17.2.3 Common Anatolian to Lycian | s → z / _{R,j,w} “(in Milyan, this happened after the change of ḱ to s)”
17.5 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Celtic | — ∅ → a / CR_HC
— H → a / #R_C
— e → a / _Ra (short a only), though “[t]he e was often restored by analogy”
— ∅ → a / C_RC
— Vː → V[-long] / _RC
17.5.1 Proto-Indo-European to Old Irish | r̩ l̩ → {ri,ra} {li,la} / _{S,R} (which vowel crops up is unpredictable)
p t k kʷ b d ɡ m n l r s → f θ x xʷ v ð ɣ M N L R h / V(#)_{R,V} (“We don’t know the exact values of lenited /m n l r/. We can guess that lenited m became a nasalized labial continuant of some sort, but beyond that, we don’t know.”)
| Old Norse to Orkney Norn | p(ː) t(ː) k(ː) → b(ː) d(ː) ɡ(ː) / {V,R}_{V,R}
17.9 Proto-Indo-European to Hittite | — e(ː) → a(ː) / _R “sometimes??”
17.10.1 Proto-Indo-Iranian to Proto-Indo-Aryan | n → ɳ / R(V)_
| Vulgar Latin to Old Provençal | — V → ∅ / R_(C…)
{p,b} → ∅ / R_s# (unless blocked by analogy)
| Latin to Romanian | Ci → Cʲ / _# ! R…R_#
17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tocharian | H → ɛ / _R, when R = syllabic
29 Na-Dene | Proto-Athabaskan to Holikachuk | ə → ∅ / {R,F}_#
| Proto-Athabaskan to Lower Koyukon | ə → ∅ / {R,F}_#
30 Niger-Congo | 30.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Bantu | u ũ → i ı̃ / #R[-labial]_
ʋ̃ → ʋ / #R[-labial]_
35 Salishan | 35.1.2 Proto-Central Salish to Chilliwack Halkomelem | ʔ → ∅ / VR_V3
35.1.7 Proto-Central Salish to Nooksack | ʔ → ∅ / VR_V3
ʔ → ∅ / V3R_{C,#}
ʔ → ∅ / V1R_#
35.1.8 Proto-Central Salish to Lummi Northern Straits | ʔ → {∅,ʔ} / V3R_{C,#}
35.1.12 Proto-Central Salish to Pentlatch | ʔ → ∅ / V3R_{V,#}
35.1.15 Proto-Central Salish to Twana | ʔ → ∅ / V1R_#
ʔ → ∅ / V3R_C
36 Sino-Tibetan | Proto-Naish to Laze | {a,i} → ɯ / R_%
| Proto-Naish to Mosuo (Na) | a → e / {R,T}_%
i → ɯ / {R,Kr}_
| Proto-Naish to Naxi | a → ɯ / {R,w}_%
i → ɯ / {R,kr}_%
37 Siouan-Iroquoian | 37.1.1 Proto-Iroquoian to Cherokee | ∅ → i / C_R
| Cayuga to Upper Cayuga | t k kʷ → d ɡ ɡʷ / _{V,R}
| Cayuga to Lower Cayuga | t k kʷ → d ɡ ɡʷ / _{V,R} ! _V[-voiced]
| Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Huron | k → x / {#,R,ʔ,V}_{V,ʔ,R,#}
| Huron to Wyandot | Vh → Vː / _R
| Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Onondaga | ”V → ”Vː / _C(R)V
V → Vː / _”C[-glottal](R)V{ː,H} in “even numbered syllables only”
V → Vː / _KRV “in the second syllable of a word”
t tʃ k(ʷ) → d dʒ ɡ(ʷ) / _{V,R}
| Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Proto-Mohawk-Oneida | ”V → ”Vː[+falling tone] / _{ʔ,hR}
h → ∅ / ”Vː[+falling tone]_R
| Proto-Mohawk-Oneida to Mohawk | — t tʃ k(ʷ) → d dʒ ɡ(ʷ) / _{V,R}
— s → z / {#,V}_{V,R} ! R = j
| Proto-Mohawk-Oneida to Oneida | {h,ʔ} → ∅ / _R “in post-tonic syllables”
— V[-long] → V̊ / R_#
t tʃ k(ʷ) → d dʒ ɡ(ʷ) / _{V,R}
s → z / {#,V}_{V,R}
| Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Seneca | — t k(ʷ) → d ɡ(ʷ) / _{V,R}
| Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Tuscarora | ”V → ”Vː / _{k(ʷ),(ˀ)t}{s,R,H} (“penultimate syllables only”)
”V → ”Vː / _RR
t k(ʷ) → d ɡ(ʷ) / _{V,R}
42 Uralic | Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnish | p → β → U / _R
k → ɣ i / {i,e}_R{i,e}
k → ɣ → U / {A,O,U}_R ! R = j
42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livonian | V → Vː / _RC(C)ɑ (includes diphthongs)
o → oː / _{RC#,i}