Index Diachronica: involving /dʱ/

50 results from /dʱ/   2 results to /dʱ/   1 result with context involving /dʱ/   

plain dʱː

from /dʱ/

50 matches

9 Austroasiatic9.1.2 Proto-Vietic to Middle Vietnamesebʱ {tʰ,dʱ} {t*ʰ,d*ʱ} {kʰ,ɡʱ} → pʰ t tʰ kʰ (after *kʰ *ɡʱ, only first-register tones may occur)
10 Austronesian10.2.6.1 Proto-North Sarawak to Kiputbʱ {dʱ,dzʱ} ɡʱ → f s k Proto-Kenyah to Òma Lónghbʱ dʱ dzʱ ɡʱ → p t c k
17 Indo-European17.1.1 Proto-Indo-European to Gheg Albanianbʱ dʱ ɡ́(ʱ) → b d dh
17.1.2 Proto-Indo-European to Tosk Albanianbʱ dʱ ɡ́(ʱ) → b d dh
17.3.1 Proto-Indo-European to Artsakh Armenianbʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ ɡʷʱ → p t j k / #_
bʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ ɡʱ ɡʷʱ → {w,v} d z ɡ ʒ
17.3.2 Proto-Indo-European to Erevan Armenianbʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ ɡʱ ɡʷʱ → {w,v} d z ɡ ʒ
17.3.3 Proto-Indo-European to Istanbul Armenianbʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ ɡʱ ɡʷʱ → {w,v} d z ɡ ʒ
17.3.4 Proto-Indo-European to Kharpert Armenianbʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ ɡ(ʷ)ʱ → p t j k / #_
bʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ ɡʱ ɡʷʱ → {w,v} d z ɡ ʒ
17.3.5 Proto-Indo-European to Sebastia Armenianbʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ ɡʱ ɡʷʱ → {w,v} d z ɡ ʒ / ! _#
17.3.6 Proto-Indo-European to Southeast Armenianbʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ ɡʱ ɡ(ʷ)ʱ → p t j k / #_
bʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ ɡʱ ɡʷʱ → {w,v} d z ɡ ʒ
17.3.7 Proto-Indo-European to Southwest Armenianbʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ ɡʱ ɡʷʱ → {w,v} d z ɡ ʒ
17.4.1 Proto-Indo-European to Avestanbʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ → b d z
17.6 Proto-Indo-European to Dacianbʱ dʱ ɡ́ʱ ɡʱ ɡʷʱ → b d ɡ́ ɡ ɡʷ
17.7 Proto-Indo-European to Common Germanicbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → β ð ɣ
17.8.1 Proto-Indo-European to Aeolian Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
17.8.2 Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
17.8.3 Proto-Indo-European to Boeotian Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
17.8.4 Proto-Indo-European to Coan Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
17.8.5 Proto-Indo-European to Cretan Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
17.8.6 Proto-Indo-European to Doric Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
17.8.7 Proto-Indo-European to Elian Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
17.8.8 Proto-Indo-European to Ionic Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
17.8.9 Proto-Indo-European to Laconian Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
17.8.10 Proto-Indo-European to Mycenaean Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
17.9 Proto-Indo-European to Hittitebʱ dʱ ɡʱ → p t k
17.10.1 Proto-Indo-Iranian to Proto-Indo-Aryant d(ʱ) n → ʈ ɖ(ʱ) ɳ / C̣_ ! _r
s t d(ʱ) n → ʂ ʈ ɖ(ʱ) ɳ / _C̣
ls lt ld(ʱ) ln → ʂ ʈ ɖ(ʱ) ɳ / “disputed”
tst dzdʱ → tː dʱː
dʱ → ɦ / (unclear environment) Proto-Indo-Aryan to Central Middle Indo-Aryan{bʱ,dʱ,ɡʱ} {j,v} → h ∅ / V_V Proto-Indo-Aryan to Eastern Middle Indo-Aryan{bʱ,dʱ,ɡʱ} {j,v} → h ∅ / V_V Proto-Indo-Aryan to Northwestern Middle Indo-Aryan{bʱ,dʱ,ɡʱ} {j,v} → h ∅ / V_V Proto-Indo-Aryan to Western Middle Indo-Aryan{bʱ,dʱ,ɡʱ} {j,v} → h ∅ / V_V
17.11 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Slavicbʱ dʱ {ɡʱ,ɡ́ʱ} ɡʷʱ → b d ɡ ɡʷ Proto-Indo-European to Latin{bʱ,dʱ,ɡʷʱ} → f / #_
dʱ → b / rV_
dʱ → b / _Vr
dʱ → b / _l
dʱ → b / uː_
dʱ → d
17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tocharian{t,dʱ} → tʲ / _E(ː)
{t,dʱ} → ts / _y
30 Niger-Congo30. Proto-Gbe to Proto-Fon{ts,tʰ} {dz,dʱ} → s z Proto-Gbe to Proto-Gentʰ dʱ → t d Proto-Gbe to Proto-Phla-Pherá{ts,tʰ} {dz,dʱ} → s z

to /dʱ/

2 matches

10 Austronesian10.2.6 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Proto-North Sarawakbː dː dzː ɡː → bʱ dʱ dzʱ ɡʱ (Whimemsz says these become “voiced stops with voiceless releases. . .treated as unit phonemes, not clusters)”
17 Indo-European17.10.1 Proto-Indo-Iranian to Proto-Indo-Aryantst dzdʱ → tː dʱː

with context involving /dʱ/

1 match

17 Indo-European17.10 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Indo-Iraniand → ∅ / _ʒdʱ