Index Diachronica: involving /h2/

26 results from /h2/   4 results with context involving /h2/   

from /h2/

26 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6.1.1.2 North Omotic to Dizin{h1,h2} → h North Omotic to Kafah2 → w / #_ North Omotic to Maaleh2 → w / #_ North Omotic to Shekkachoh2 → w / #_ North Omotic to Yemsah2 → w / #_
17 Indo-European17.2 Proto-Indo-European to Common Anatolianeh2 → æː / “tautosyllabic”
T h2 → D h3 / _#
T h2 → D h3 / V[-stress]_V[-stress]
T h2 → D h3 / ”Vː
T h2 → D h3 / ”W
17.2.1 Common Anatolian to Hittiteh2 h3 → hh h
17.2.2 Common Anatolian to Luwianh2 h3 → hh h
17.2.3 Common Anatolian to Lycianh2 → k / E_E (probably a palatal stop)
h2 → q / _E (possibly plain velar stop)
h2 → x / else (possibly a uvular stop)
17.2.4 Common Anatolian to Lydian{h2,h3} → ∅
17.2.5 Common Anatolian to Palaich2 h3 → hh h
17.5 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Celtic— h1e h2e h3e → e a o
— eh1 eh2 eh3 → eː aː oː
17.9 Proto-Indo-European to Hittiteh2 → x (or some sort of dorsal or laryngeal fricative?)
17.10.1 Proto-Indo-Iranian to Proto-Indo-AryanSh2 → S[+ aspirated]
h2 → *H
17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tocharianh2e → ə / _#
h2e a → a ɨ
{eh2,aH} aː → aː ɔ
ih1 i{h2,h3} → jə jɨ

with context involving /h2/

4 matches

17 Indo-European17.9 Proto-Indo-European to Hittitee(ː) → a(ː) / _h2
e(ː) → a(ː) / h2_
17.10 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Indo-Iraniane → a / _{h2,h3}
e → a / {h2,h3}_