Index Diachronica: involving /ĩ/

15 results from /ĩ/   16 results to /ĩ/   12 results with context involving /ĩ/   

aĩ eĩ oĩ

from /ĩ/

15 matches

17 Indo-European17. Latin to French{aı̃,eı̃} → ɛ̃
oı̃ → wɛ̃ Latin to Portugueseı̃ → iɲ
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.3.1 Proto-Tuparí to Makuráp{a/e} {e/a} {ı̃,ẽ} → e a ẽ
18.3.2 Proto-Tuparí to Mekens{{a/e},{e/a}} {ı̃,ẽ} → a ẽ
18.3.4 Proto-Tuparí to Wayoró{a/e} {e/a} {ı̃,ẽ} → a e ı̃
18.4.1 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Akwára{ẽ,ı̃} ɨ̃ {u,ũ,õ} → i ɨ o
18.4.2 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Cocamaã {ẽ,ı̃} ɨ̃ → a i ∅
18.4.3 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guajajaraã ẽ ı̃ ɨ̃ {õ,ũ} → ə e i ɨ o
18.4.7 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Parintintínẽ ı̃ ũ → {ẽ,e} {ı̃,i} {ũ,õ}
30 Niger-Congo30.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Bantui ı̃ V[-round] → uɪ uɪ̃ V[+round] / Cʷ_ Proto-Akanic to Akanı̃ → ∅ / #_ã
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.1 Proto-Chatino to Papabuco Chatinoı̃ → i
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.1 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Iroquoianı̃ → i
37.2.5 Proto-Siouan to Proto-Crow-Hidatsaã ı̃ ũ → a i u

to /ĩ/

16 matches

18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.3.4 Proto-Tuparí to Wayoró{a/e} {e/a} {ı̃,ẽ} → a e ı̃
18.4.5 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to GuarayoaN eN iN ɨN uN → ã ẽ ı̃ ɨ̃ ũ / _#
18.4.7 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to ParintintíneN → ı̃ / _#
ẽ ı̃ ũ → {ẽ,e} {ı̃,i} {ũ,õ}
18.4.8 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to SirionóaN eN iN ɨN uN → ã ẽ ı̃ {ɨ̃,ĩ} õ / _#
18.4.9 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Classical Tupii → ı̃ / ʔ_# (sporadic)
18.4.10 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to UrubuaN iN uN → {aN,ã} ı̃ {uN,ũ} / _#
30 Niger-Congo30.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Bantuu ũ → i ı̃ / #R[-labial]_
ʋ̃ ɪ̃ → ũ ı̃ / #N[-labial]_
ɪ ɪ̃ → i ı̃ / #(C)V[-high]C_
30.2.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic to Proto-Akanich → ɲı̃ / #_ã
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.2 Proto-Chatino to Tataltepec Chatinoɛ → ı̃ / S_#
32.1.3 Proto-Chatino to Yaitepec Chatinoẽ → ı̃ / {t,h}_#
ẽ → ı̃ / _ʔ#
ẽ → ı̃ / ʔ_# “in one case”
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.2 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Siouanẽ õ → ı̃ ũ

with context involving /ĩ/

12 matches

18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.4.1 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Akwárat → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.2 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Cocamat → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.3 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guajajarat → ts / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.4 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guaranít → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.5 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Guarayot → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.6 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Kamayurát → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.8 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Sirionót → {ts,tʃ} / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.9 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Classical Tupit → tʃ / _{i,ı̃}
18.4.10 Proto-Tupí-Guaraní to Urubut → ʃ / _{i,ı̃}
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.3 Proto-Chatino to Yaitepec Chatinoʃ → s / _{ik,e,ı̃,ẽ}
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.1 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Iroquoianw → ∅ / _{o,õ,ı̃}
t → ts / _{i,ı̃}