Index Diachronica: involving /kʰ/

79 results from /kʰ/   74 results to /kʰ/   3 results with context involving /kʰ/   

plain kʰʷ kʷʰ

from /kʰ/

79 matches

8 Altaic8.1 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Japonicpʰ tʰ kʰ → p t k
8.2 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Koreanpʰ tʰ kʰ → p t {k,h}
8.3 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Mongolickʰ → ɡ / {C,V}_h
kʰ → k / else
8.4 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Tungusickʰ → x / #_
kʰ → {x,k}
8.5 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Turkickʰ → k
9 Austroasiatic9.1.1 Proto-Vietic to Muong Khen{kʰ,ɡʱ} → x (Presyllables don’t seem to have affected this much)
9.1.2 Proto-Vietic to Middle Vietnamesebʱ {tʰ,dʱ} {t*ʰ,d*ʱ} {kʰ,ɡʱ} → pʰ t tʰ kʰ (after *kʰ *ɡʱ, only first-register tones may occur)
{əkʰ,əɡɦj} → ɟ (I think Thompson implied this was just a bit of a kludge) Middle Vietnamese to Hanoi Vietnamesekʰ → x (only seems to have occurred with first-register tones) Middle Vietnamese to Saigon Vietnamesekʰ → x (only seems to have occurred with first-register tones)
10 Austronesian10. Proto-Northern to Nixumwak-Nêlêmwakʰ → h / _a
pwʰ pʰ tʰ kʰ → fw f rʰ x / in Nelemwa
17 Indo-European17.8.1 Proto-Indo-European to Aeolian Greekkʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → t tʰ d / _E
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → p pʰ b / _{a,o,C}
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.2 Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greekkʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → t tʰ d / _E
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → p pʰ b / _{a,o,C}
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
pʰ tʰ kʰ → f θ x
17.8.3 Proto-Indo-European to Boeotian Greekkʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → t tʰ d / _E
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → p pʰ b / _{a,o,C}
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.4 Proto-Indo-European to Coan Greekkʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → t tʰ d / _E
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → p pʰ b / _{a,o,C}
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.5 Proto-Indo-European to Cretan Greekkʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → t tʰ d / _E
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → p pʰ b / _{a,o,C}
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.6 Proto-Indo-European to Doric Greekkʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → t tʰ d / _E
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → p pʰ b / _{a,o,C}
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.7 Proto-Indo-European to Elian Greekkʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → t tʰ d / _E
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → p pʰ b / _{a,o,C}
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.8 Proto-Indo-European to Ionic Greekkʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → t tʰ d / _E
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → p pʰ b / _{a,o,C}
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.9 Proto-Indo-European to Laconian Greekkʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → t tʰ d / _E
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → p pʰ b / _{a,o,C}
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
pʰ tʰ kʰ → f θ x
17.8.10 Proto-Indo-European to Mycenaean Greekkʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → t tʰ d / _E
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → p pʰ b / _{a,o,C}
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
20 Khoisan20.1.4 Proto-Khoe to Kxoekʰ → kx
20.1.6 Proto-Khoe to Narokʰ → {kx,k}
22 Macro-Arawakan22.2 Proto-Arawá to Banawá-Jamamadikʰ ɡ → k w
22.4 Proto-Arawá to Jarawarakʰ ɡ → k w
22.6 Proto-Arawá to Sorowahákʰ → k
29 Na-Dene29. Proto-Athabaskan to Hare Slavey-Haretɬʰ tʃ(ʷ)ʰ kʰ → ɬ s ʃ
33 Penutian33.2.1 Proto-Wintuan to Nomlakitʃʰ kʰ qʰ {x,χ} → tʃ k(ʰ) {kʰ,qʰ,χ} kʰ
33.2.2 Proto-Wintuan to Patwink(ʰ) kʼ q(ʰ) qʼ → tʃ(h) tʃʼ kʰ kʼ
33.2.3 Proto-Wintuan to South Patwink(ʰ) kʼ q(ʰ) qʼ → tʃ(ʰ) tʃʼ k(ʰ) kʼ
33.2.4 Proto-Wintuan to Wintukʰ qʰ → k χ
36 Sino-Tibetan36.1.1.1 Old Mandarin to Modern Pekingesek(ʰ) h → ɕ͡(ʰ) ɕ / _j Old Tibetan to Amdo dialectsk(ʰ){r,j} ɡ{r,j} → tɕ(ʰ) dʑ
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.1 Proto-Siouan-Iroquoian to Proto-Iroquoiankʰ → r
38 Tai-Kadai38.1.1.4 Proto-Tai to North Tai{kʰ,ɡ}{l,r} → tʃ
{pʰ,b} ɓ {tʰ,d} ɗ {kʰ,ɡ} {kʷʰ,ɡ} → p b t d k kʷ Southwest Tai to Lü{kʰ,ɣ} ɡ → x k
kʷʰ ɣʷ → xʷ x(ʷ) Southwest Tai to White Tai{kʰ,ɣ} ɡ ɡ{l,r} → x k tʃ
kʷʰ ɣʷ → xʷ x(ʷ)
39 Tanoan39.1 Proto-Tanoan to Jimezk(ʷ)ʰ kʷ(ʼ) ɡ ɡʷ → h ɡ k kʷ
39.2 Proto-Tanoan to Kiowakʷ kʷʰ kʷʼ ɡʷ → k kʰ kʼ ɡ
39.3 Proto-Tanoan to Taoskʰ kʰʷ ɡ ɡʷ → x xʷ k w
39.4 Proto-Tanoan to Tewakʰ kʷʰ ɡʷ → x xʷ w

to /kʰ/

74 matches

9 Austroasiatic9.1.2 Proto-Vietic to Middle Vietnamesebʱ {tʰ,dʱ} {t*ʰ,d*ʱ} {kʰ,ɡʱ} → pʰ t tʰ kʰ (after *kʰ *ɡʱ, only first-register tones may occur)
10 Austronesian10.3.5.8 Proto-New Caledonia to Proto-Yunagat(ʰ) → k(ʰ)
11 Northeast Caucasian11.2 Proto-Northeast Caucasian to Dargitɬ tɬː tɬʼ tɬːʼ → k {xʲː,kː} kʰ {ɡ,q}(?)
17 Indo-European17.3.1 Proto-Indo-European to Artsakh Armenianp ḱ k(ʷ) → {w,v} s kʰ
17.3.2 Proto-Indo-European to Erevan Armenianp ḱ k(ʷ) → {w,v} s kʰ
17.3.3 Proto-Indo-European to Istanbul Armenianp ḱ k(ʷ) → {w,v} s kʰ
17.3.4 Proto-Indo-European to Kharpert Armenianp ḱ k(ʷ) → {w,v} s kʰ
17.3.5 Proto-Indo-European to Sebastia Armenianp ḱ k(ʷ) → {w,v} s kʰ
17.3.6 Proto-Indo-European to Southeast Armenianp ḱ k(ʷ) → {w,v} s kʰ
17.3.7 Proto-Indo-European to Southwest Armenianp ḱ k(ʷ) → {w,v} s kʰ
17.8.1 Proto-Indo-European to Aeolian Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.2 Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.3 Proto-Indo-European to Boeotian Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.4 Proto-Indo-European to Coan Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.5 Proto-Indo-European to Cretan Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.6 Proto-Indo-European to Doric Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.7 Proto-Indo-European to Elian Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.8 Proto-Indo-European to Ionic Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.9 Proto-Indo-European to Laconian Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
17.8.10 Proto-Indo-European to Mycenaean Greekbʱ dʱ ɡʱ → pʰ tʰ kʰ
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / _u
kʷ kʰʷ ɡʷ → k kʰ ɡ / u_
29 Na-Dene29. Proto-Athabaskan to Dogribts tsʰ tsʼ s z → kʷ kʷʰ kʷʼ ʍ w Proto-Athabaskan to Bearlake Slavey-Harets tsʰ tsʼ s z → kʷ kʷʰ kʷʼ ʍ w
30 Niger-Congo30.1.1.2 Proto-Bantu to Tswanank k → kʰ h / _u
33 Penutian33.2.1 Proto-Wintuan to Nomlakitʃʰ kʰ qʰ {x,χ} → tʃ k(ʰ) {kʰ,qʰ,χ} kʰ
33.2.2 Proto-Wintuan to Patwink(ʰ) kʼ q(ʰ) qʼ → tʃ(h) tʃʼ kʰ kʼ
33.2.3 Proto-Wintuan to South Patwink(ʰ) kʼ q(ʰ) qʼ → tʃ(ʰ) tʃʼ k(ʰ) kʼ
34 Quechumaran34.2 Proto-Quechumaran to Boliviaph th kh qh → pʰ tʰ kʰ qʰ
34.3 Proto-Quechumaran to Cuzcokh qh → kʰ qʰ
34.7 Proto-Quechumaran to Riobambaqh → kʰ / _i ! _i{ʃ,tʃ}
kh → kʰ / #_{i,u}
χ → kʰ #_
36 Sino-Tibetan36.3.2.1 Proto-rGyalrongic to bTshan Lak sk kr ɡ Pɡ sɡ Nɡ (s)ɡr çK rK Kç → kʰ zɡw dr Nɡ pk sk mk (s)kr çk rɡj ɡçkr
çr Nç → dr mkʰj Proto-rGyalrongic to lCog Rtse(P)ɡ sɡ çK Nɡ k sk rk (s)ɡj (ʔ)kj → (p)k sk çk mk kʰ zɡ Nɡ (s)kj (ʔ)kʰj
Nkj (s)ɡr Kç kr skr ɡr → mɡj (s)kr ɡçkr kʰr zɡr Nɡr Proto-rGyalrongic to Tzu Tak rk kr kj Nkj ɡr → kʰdz nɡ kʰr tʃh dʒ nkʰr
38 Tai-Kadai38.1.1.1 Proto-Tai to Ahomɣ → kʰ
k → kʰ / _r
xʷ Kʷ → {kʰ,x} K(ʷ) Proto-Tai to Saek{ɡ,x} → kʰ Proto-Tai to Central Taiɡ x → k kʰ
kl kr → {kj,tʃ} kʰj
xr → kʰ{l,r}
xʷ ɣʷ → kʷʰ {v,w} Central Tai to Tayɣ → kʰ Proto-Tai to Southwest Taix → kʰ
ɡʷ → kʷʰ Southwest Tai to Laoɡ{l,r} → kʰ
ɡ ɣ → kʰ ɡ Southwest Tai to Lüɡl ɡr → k kʰ Southwest Tai to Shanɡl ɡr → k kʰ
ɡ ɣ → k kʰ Southwest Tai to Siameseŋ ɡ ɣ → {h,ʃ} kʰ ɡ
39 Tanoan39.2 Proto-Tanoan to Kiowakʷ kʷʰ kʷʼ ɡʷ → k kʰ kʼ ɡ

with context involving /kʰ/

3 matches

36 Sino-Tibetan36.3.2.2 Proto-rGyalrongic to Japhugŋ → m / #_kʰ
38 Tai-Kadai38.1.1.5 Proto-Tai to Southwest Tail → ∅ / {p,k(ʰ),ŋ}_
44 Vasconic44.2 Proto-Basque to Basqueu ũ → y ỹ / _r(p(ʰ),β,k(ʰ),ɣ,l,s̺,s̻,ʃ,h) (Souletin)