Index Diachronica: involving /nˀ/

from /nˀ/

6 matches

29 Na-Dene29. Proto-Western Southern Athabaskan to San CarlosVnˀ → V[+ nas] / _#
35 Salishan35.2.1 Proto-Interior Salish to Columbian and Okanagan Nasal-to-Vowel Shiftsnˀ → aʔ / _# (all other Interior Salishan languages have /eʔ/ in this position)
35.3 Shuswap to Eastern Shuswap Nasal-to-Vowel Shiftsen enˀ → i iʔ / {ts(’),s,j(ˀ)}_ in U[- stressed]
en enˀ → a ʔ / in U[- stressed] ! {t(’),lʲ,{n,l}(ˀ)}_
35.4 Shuswap to Spokane-Kalispel Shuswap Nasal-to-Vowel Shiftsn nˀ → i iʔ / C_s
n nˀ → i iʔ / _{i,ʃ} (sporadic)