Index Diachronica: involving /ɑ/

72 results from /ɑ/   37 results to /ɑ/   4 results with context involving /ɑ/   

æɑ ɑe ɑi ɑu ɑɒ ɑʊ

from /ɑ/

72 matches

17 Indo-European17. Old English to Kentish Middle Englisheɑ eːɑ eo eːo → ɑ ɛː e eː
ɑɣ → ɑw
{eɑh,eɑç,eɑx,eɑʝ,eɑɣ} → ɑw
eːɑw iːw → ew ju
ɑ e o → ɑː ɛː oː / in U[+open] ! in #U with the following U containing /iː/ or ending in one of /m n r l/ Old English to Midlands Middle Englisheɑ eːɑ eo eːo → ɑ ɛː e eː
ɑɣ → ɑw
{eɑh,eɑç,eɑx,eɑʝ,eɑɣ} → ɑw
eːɑw iːw → ew ju
ɑ e o → ɑː ɛː oː / in U[+open] ! in #U with the following U containing /iː/ or ending in one of /m n r l/
{e,ɑ,o} → ə → ∅ / _# Midlands Middle English to Early Modern Englisha ɑ {ɛ,ɪ,ɤ} → ɑː ɔː ɜː / _ɹ{C,#}
ɑʊ → ɑː / _P
ɑʊ → ɑː / _N (sometimes)
ɑʊ → ɔː / else Early Modern English to Australian Englishɑ → ɒ Early Modern English to British Englishɑ → ɒ Old English to Northern Middle Englisheɑ eːɑ eo eːo → ɑ ɛː e eː
ɑɣ → ɑw
{eɑh,eɑç,eɑx,eɑʝ,eɑɣ} → ɑw
eːɑw iːw → ew ju
ɑ e o → ɑː ɛː oː / in U[+open] ! in #U with the following U containing /iː/ or ending in one of /m n r l/
{e,ɑ,o} → ə → ∅ / _#, when unstressed (it appears this sound may also have gone to /ɪ/) Old English to Scotsɑ → a / ! _{l,r} (sporadic)
æː(ɑ) eː(o) → ɛ iː
æ(ɑ) → e
{ɔu,ɑu} → ɑ Old English to Southern Middle Englisheɑ eːɑ eo eːo → ɑ ɛː e eː
ɑɣ → ɑw
{eɑh,eɑç,eɑx,eɑʝ,eɑɣ} → ɑw
eːɑw iːw → ew ju
ɑ e o → ɑː ɛː oː / in U[+open] ! in #U with the following U containing /iː/ or ending in one of /m n r l/
{e,ɑ,o} → ə / _#
17.7.3 Common Germanic to Proto-Norseo(u) {ɔ,ɑ,au,ai,æ} {ja,jE,æ(i),e(i),y} → u a i
17.8.2 Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greekɑj → ɛː
ɑu ɛu eu → ɑv ɛv ev
17.8.3 Proto-Indo-European to Boeotian Greek{eː,ej} ɛː ɑ(ː)j {oj,ɔːj} → iː eː ɛː {y,ø}
17.8.8 Proto-Indo-European to Ionic Greekɑj → ɛː
19 Kartvelian19.3 Proto-Kartvelian to Zanɛ ɑ → ɑ ɔ
29 Na-Dene29. Proto-Athabaskan to Ahtnaɑ ə ʊ → a e o Proto-Athabaskan to Babineu ɑ ʊ → {o,u} ə u Proto-Athabaskan to Beaverɑ → ə Proto-Athabaskan to Chilcotine {ɑ,ə} → i {e,ɪ} Proto-Athabaskan to Chipewyanɑ ʊ → a o Proto-Athabaskan to Dakelhu {ɑ,ʊ} → {o,u} ə Proto-Athabaskan to Deg Hit’ane u a {ɑ,ʊ} → a i u ə Proto-Athabaskan to Dogribɑ ə ʊ u → a e o i Proto-Athabaskan to Easter Gwich’ina u {ɑ,ə} ʊ → {i,e} ju a o Proto-Athabaskan to Hana ɑ ə ʊ → æ a {ə,ë} o Proto-Athabaskan to Holikachuki e a u {ɑ,ʊ} → e a ɔ o ŭ Proto-Athabaskan to Lower Koyukone a ɑ ʊ → a o ŏ ŭ Proto-Athabaskan to Upper Koyukone a ɑ ʊ → a o ŏ ŭ Proto-Athabaskan to Upper Kuskokwim Kolchane a {ɑ,ʊ} → a o ŭ Proto-Athabaskan to Bearlake Slavey-Hareɑ ə ʊ → a ɛ o Proto-Athabaskan to Mountain Slavey-Hareɑ ə ʊ → a e o Proto-Athabaskan to Slavey Slavey-Hareɑ ə ʊ → a e o Proto-Athabaskan to Tahltan-Kaska-Tagishɑ ə ʊ → a {i,e} u Proto-Athabaskan to Tanacrossɑ ə ʊ → {æ̆,ă} æ̆ ŏ Proto-Athabaskan to Lower Tananae a {ɑ,ʊ} → æ ɔ ŭ Proto-Athabaskan to Upper Tanana{a,ɑ} e i u ʊ → e(a) {i,ea} ju {a,ɨ} o Proto-Athabaskan to Northern Tutchone{ɑ,ə,ʊ} → {a,o} Proto-Athabaskan to Southern Tutchone{ɑ,ə,ʊ} → {a,o}
42 Uralic42.1.1 Pre-Finnic to Proto-Finnicɑ → e / ”{o,u}(X)C_j
ɑ → o / ”{a,e,i}(X)C_j
42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livonianɑ æ → æe / _(C…)i
ɑ → ə / VC(C)ɑC(C)_# when unstressed
VCːɑ → VːCɑ
46 Vowel Shifts46.2 California Vowel Shift (English)ɑ → ɔ (does not occur in Sacramento)
46.10 Late Proto-Finnic to Savonian Vowel Shiftɑː æː ɑi æi → uɑ iæ ɑe æe
ɑu ou → ɑː oː
46.12 Northern Cities Vowel Shift (English)ɑ ɔ → a ɑ
46.19 Southern [United States] Shift (English)ɑɹ → ɒɹ (“often”)

to /ɑ/

37 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6. Classical Arabic to Egyptian Arabica(ː) → ɑ(ː) / near emphatics
a(ː) → ɑ(ː) / if ɑ(ː) is elsewhere in the word Classical Arabic to Tunisian Arabica → ɑ / near emphatics
17 Indo-European17. Old English to Kentish Middle Englisheɑ eːɑ eo eːo → ɑ ɛː e eː
ɑɣ → ɑw
{eɑh,eɑç,eɑx,eɑʝ,eɑɣ} → ɑw Old English to Midlands Middle Englisheɑ eːɑ eo eːo → ɑ ɛː e eː
ɑɣ → ɑw
{eɑh,eɑç,eɑx,eɑʝ,eɑɣ} → ɑw Midlands Middle English to Early Modern Englishəɪ əʊ → ɑi æʊ / “in some parts of South-Eastern England” Early Modern English to American Englishæː ɑː ɔː → æə~eə ɑ ɔ Old English to Northern Middle Englisheɑ eːɑ eo eːo → ɑ ɛː e eː
ɑɣ → ɑw
{eɑh,eɑç,eɑx,eɑʝ,eɑɣ} → ɑw Early Northern Middle English to Scotsol al → ou ɑː → ʌu {ɑ,ɔ}
— a ɔ u → {a,ɑ} ɔ ʌ Old English to Scotsæ → ɑ / _{x,l}
{ɔu,ɑu} → ɑ Old English to Southern Middle Englisheɑ eːɑ eo eːo → ɑ ɛː e eː
ɑɣ → ɑw
{eɑh,eɑç,eɑx,eɑʝ,eɑɣ} → ɑw Old Norse to Orkney Nornu a e eː → ʌ ɑ ɪ ɛ / _Cː
17.8.2 Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greekɑu ɛu eu → ɑv ɛv ev
19 Kartvelian19.3 Proto-Kartvelian to Zanɛ ɑ → ɑ ɔ
29 Na-Dene29. Proto-Athabaskan to Sarcee{e,ə} ʊ → ɑ u
36 Sino-Tibetan36.3.1.1 Proto-Naish to Lazea aS → ɑ {ɑ,u} Proto-Naish to Naxia aS → ɑ {ɑ,o} / _%
38 Tai-Kadai38. North Tai to Po-Aiə → {a,ɒ,ɑ,ʌ} ?
42 Uralic42.1 Proto-Uralic to Pre-Finnicɤ(ː?) ɑː æː → ɑ(ː?) oː eː / stressed
42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livonianæ → ɑ / unstressed
VCːɑ → VːCɑ
46 Vowel Shifts46.5 Old English-to-Scots Vowel Shiftsa ɔ u → {a,ɑ} ɔ ʌ
46.7 Great Vowel Shift (English)iː uː → əj əw → ɑj ɑw
46.10 Late Proto-Finnic to Savonian Vowel Shiftɑː æː ɑi æi → uɑ iæ ɑe æe
46.12 Northern Cities Vowel Shift (English)ɑ ɔ → a ɑ
46.19 Southern [United States] Shift (English)aɪ → ɑeː / else (only for some speakers)
ɔ → ɑɒ (for some speakers)

with context involving /ɑ/

4 matches

17 Indo-European17. Old English to Scotsl → u / {ɔ,ɑ}_
42 Uralic42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livonianɑ → ə / VC(C)ɑC(C)_# when unstressed
V → Vː / _RC(C)ɑ (includes diphthongs)
e o → eː oː / _Cɑ