6 Afro-Asiatic | 6.2.1 Proto-Erythrean to Proto-Cushitic | ɡ → k / #{d,w}V_
| Proto-Agaw to Awngi | z dz ɡ → ɡ {z,dz} ɡ(ʷ)
| Proto-Boreafrasian to Egypto-Berber | ɡwVq → ʕ
ɡ(w) → dʒ / #_Vd
| Proto-Semitic to Classical Arabic | ɡ → ɡʲ → dʒ
| Proto-Semitic to Biblical Hebrew | p b t d k ɡ → b v θ ð x ɣ / non-intial singletons
8 Altaic | 8.1 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Japonic | ɡ → ∅ / iV_
ɡ → k / else
8.2 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Korean | {tʰ,d} {k,ɡ} → r {h,∅} / {C,V}_{C,V}
ɡ → k / #_
8.3 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Mongolic | ɡ → h / ! {C,V}_h
8.5 Proto-Altaic to Proto-Turkic | d ɡ → t k (may have been part of a more sweeping merger; Firespeaker calls it “lenis-fortis”)
8.5.1 Proto-Turkic to Proto-Kypchak | ɡm rɡ → mɡ ɡr (this second one is listed as → rɡ but it might be a typo)
{d,ɡ} → j / ø_
ɡ → w / V_
8.5.2 Proto-Turkic to Sakha | o oɡ ø øɡ iɡ → wo ɥø oː øː iː
eɡ → {je,iː,ji}
9 Austroasiatic | 9.1.2 Proto-Vietic to Middle Vietnamese | (h)ə{p,b} (h)ə{t,d} (h)ə{c,ɟ} (h)ə{k,ɡ} → β dʲ ɟ ɡ
t*ʰ d ɡ → tʰ t k / _w
{əkʰ,əɡɦj} → ɟ (I think Thompson implied this was just a bit of a kludge)
10 Austronesian | Proto-Kalamian to Karamiananen | ɡ → h / V_V
| Proto-Kalamian to Kalamian Tagbanwa | b ɡ → β V / V_V
| Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Madurese | {p,t,k} b d ɡ → ʔ p t k / _#
| Proto-North Sarawak to Kiput | v ɡ ɟ → f k c / V_V
| Proto-Kenyah to Òma Lóngh | b d dz ɡ → p t c k / N_
10.3 Proto-Austronesian to Proto-Oceanic | {ŋk,ŋɡ} ɡ → ɡ k
10.3.2 Proto-Oceanic to Hiw | b d ɡ → p t k
10.3.3 Proto-Oceanic to Lemerig | b bʷ d ɡ → p kpʷ t k
10.3.4 Proto-Oceanic to Mwotlap | p pʷ bʷ k ɡ → β w kpʷ ɣ k
| Proto-New Caledonia to Pwapwâ | bw mw → ɡw ŋw (→ ɡ ŋ / _V[+ rounded])
10.3.7 Proto-Oceanic to Shark Bay | b bʷ ɡ → p pʷ k
10.3.8 Proto-Oceanic to Tolomako | d ɡ → r k
| Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Anejom | b(ʷ) ɡ → p(ʷ) k
| Proto-Erromango to Sye | b d ɡ → p t k / {#,C}_
b d ɡ → m n ŋ / _#
b d ɡ → mp nt ŋk
| Proto-Erromango to Ura | b d ɡ → m n ŋ / _C
b d ɡ → p t k / _#
| Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Proto-Tanna | ɡ q → k ∅
10.3.12 Proto-Oceanic to Vera’a | bʷ ɡ → kpʷ k
10.5 Proto-Austronesian to Proto-Ongan | ɟ ɡ *N *R → {ɟ,j} {ɟ,ɡ} {l,j} {l,r}
10.5.1 Proto-Ongan to Jarawa | ɡ → j
10.5.2 Proto-Ongan to Onge | ɡd ɡl → dː lː
11 Northeast Caucasian | 11.3 Proto-Northeast Caucasian to Khinalug | kː kʼ ɡ → k {kʼ,ɡ} {kʼ,kː}
11.4 Proto-Northeast Caucasian to Lak | ɡ → kː
qʼ qʼː ɡ → {qʼ,j} qʼ {qː,ɣ}
11.5.2 Proto-Lezgic to Archi | kː ɡ → x {kː,ɡ}
11.5.3 Proto-Lezgic to Lezghi | kː ɡ → ɣ kː
11.7.2 Proto-Tsezic to Tsez | kːʼ ɡ → k kʼ
12 Northwest Caucasian | 12.2 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Proto-Circassian | k kʼ ɡ → kʲ kʲʼ ɡʲ
12.3 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Ubykh | k kʼ ɡ x ɣ → kʲ kʲʼ ɡʲ ɕ ɣ~ʁ
17 Indo-European | 17.2.2 Common Anatolian to Luwian | ɡ → dʒ (sporadic)
17.2.3 Common Anatolian to Lycian | {ɡ́,ɡ} → j / _e(ː)
{ɡ́,ɡ} → ∅ / _i(ː)
ɡ → ∅ / V_V
ɡ → dʒ (sporadic)
17.3.1 Proto-Indo-European to Artsakh Armenian | b d ɡ(ʷ) → p t k
17.3.2 Proto-Indo-European to Erevan Armenian | b d ɡ(ʷ) → p t k
17.3.3 Proto-Indo-European to Istanbul Armenian | b d ɡ(ʷ) → p t k
17.3.4 Proto-Indo-European to Kharpert Armenian | b d ɡ(ʷ) → p t k
17.3.5 Proto-Indo-European to Sebastia Armenian | b d ɡ(ʷ) → p t k
17.3.6 Proto-Indo-European to Southeast Armenian | b d ɡ(ʷ) → p t k
17.3.7 Proto-Indo-European to Southwest Armenian | b d ɡ(ʷ) → p t k
17.4.1 Proto-Indo-European to Avestan | k(ʷ) ɡ(ʷ)(ʱ) → tʃ dʒ / _E
k kʷ ɡ(ʷ)(ʱ) → x k ɡ / else
17.5.1 Proto-Indo-European to Old Irish | p t k kʷ b d ɡ m n l r s → f θ x xʷ v ð ɣ M N L R h / V(#)_{R,V} (“We don’t know the exact values of lenited /m n l r/. We can guess that lenited m became a nasalized labial continuant of some sort, but beyond that, we don’t know.”)
p t k kʷ b d ɡ ∅ → b d ɡ ɡʷ mb nd ŋɡ n / n#_”V
17.5.2 Proto-Celtic to Middle Welsh | p t k {b,m} d ɡ → b d ɡ v ð ɣ / _V
mb nd ŋɡ → mː nː ŋː
17.6 Proto-Indo-European to Dacian | {kʷ,kw} {ɡʷ,ɡw} → tʃ dʒ (→ s~z z ?) / _E
{kʷ,kw} {ɡʷ,ɡw} → k ɡ / else
17.7 Proto-Indo-European to Common Germanic | b d ɡ → p t k
| West Germanic to Anglo-Frisian | k ɡ → tʃ j(?)
| Anglo-Frisian to Old English | k ɣ ɡ → tʃ ʝ dʒ / “in certain complex circumstances”
| Midlands Middle English to Early Modern English | mb ŋɡ → m ŋ / _#
| Early Northern Middle English to Scots | oɡ → ʌu
| Old English to Scots | ɔ{ɡ,j} → ʌu
| Scots to Falkirk Scots | ɡ → ʝ / V_# ! _C “(most times)”
| Anglo-Frisian to Old Frisian | k ɡ → tʃ j / _E
ɡ → j / E_
| North Frisian Lenition | p t k → b d ɡ → v r ɣ / Vː_{V,#}
| High German Cosonant Shift and Umlaut | b d ɡ → p t k
| West Germanic to Old Low German | ɡ → k / ŋ_#
ɡ → ʝ / _E (singleton only)
ɡ → ɣ / _V (singleton only)
ɡ → x / _#
| Proto-Norse to Old Norse | b {w,v} d ð ɡ → p f t θ k / _#
{ɡ,ɣ} → ∅ / l_{ð,t}
{ɡ,ɣ} → ∅ / r_{d,n,t}
ɡ → ∅ / #_n
N(ː) k k(ː) N(ː)ɡ ɡ(ː) ɣ → ɲc(ː) c(ː) ɲɟ(ː) ɟ(ː) ʝ / _{i,j}
N(ː) k k(ː) N(ː)ɡ ɡ(ː) ɣ → ɲc(ː) c(ː) ɲɟ(ː) ɟ(ː) ɟ / _{i,j}
| Old Norse to Early Icelandic | ɡ ɟ → ɣ j / V_V
ɡ → ɣ / V_#
b d {ɡ,ɣ} → p t k / _S
| Old Norse to Orkney Norn | b d ɡ → p t k / #_
ɡ → k / _# (sporadic)
ɡn ɡl → nj lj
k ɡ → c ɟ / _{E,j}
| Old Norse to Shetland Norn | ɡ(ː) → dʒ / _iV
k ɡ → c ɟ / _E
ɡl → lɡ
17.8.2 Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greek | b d ɡ → v ð ɣ / V_V
ɡ x → j ç / _{ɛ,i}
17.10 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Indo-Iranian | k ɡ ɡʱ → c ɟ ɟʱ / _e,i,j
| Proto-Indo-Aryan to Eastern Middle Indo-Aryan | b {d,dʒ,ɡ} → v j / V_V
| Proto-Indo-Aryan to Vedic Sanskrit | {pʂ,cʂ,ɟʐʱ,ɡʐʱ} → kʂ
17.11 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Slavic | k ɡ x → tʃ ʒ ʃ / _{e(ː)(i),i(ː)}
k ɡ x → ts dz s / _{æː,i}
k ɡ x → ts dz s / “After some syllables with front vowels”
kj ɡj xj → tʃ ʒ ʃ
17.11.1 Proto-Slavic to Polish | k ɡ → kʲ ɡʲ / _ɛ where the vowel is from a yer or a borrowing
kɨ ɡɨ → kʲi ɡʲi
ɡ → ∅ / _d
| Proto-Indo-European to Latin | ɡ → ∅ / _h
{k,ɡ} → ŋ / _n
| Latin to Catalan | p b t d k ɡ → β {β,w} ∅ {j,w} ɣ {j,∅,ɡ} / V_rV
{kl,ɡl} → ʎ / V_V (the latter is irregular)
ɡn tj → ɲ ∅ / V_V
lj rj kj ɡj → ʎ jr ts ʒ / V_V
k ɡ → ∅ {∅,ʒ} / V_{i,e} (ɡ → ʒ is learned)
ɡ → ∅ / V_V%”V
j ɡj ts z n → tʃ i w s ∅ / _#
ɡ → ʒ / #_{i,e}
ɡ → ∅ / V_dV
| Latin to French | k ɡ → tj dj / _E
{ɡn,nj} → ɲ
k ɡ → t d / {n,r}_r
{kl,ɡl,lj} → ʎ
{k,ɡ} → ∅ / V_B
{k,ɡ} → ∅ / B_a
{k,ɡ} → j / _{a,C}
— ɡ → ∅ / _j
k ɡ → tʃ dʒ / _a
| Vulgar Latin to Italian | k ɡ → tʃ dʒ / _E
ɡ → ∅ / a_V
{dj,ɡj} lj {nj,ɡn} → dʒ ʎ ɲ
| Latin to Portuguese | ɡ → ɡʲ → dʲ → dʒ → ʒ / #_{i,e}
nɡi → ɲ
{kl,ɡl} → ʎ
ɡ → ∅ / #_l
ɡ → {∅,ʒ} / V_{i,e} (ɡ → ʒ is learned)
ɡ → j / V_r
ks ɡn tj → ʃ ɲ {z,s} / V_V (tj → s is learned)
ɡj → {ʒ,j} / V_V (ɡj → j is learned)
| Vulgar Latin to Old Provençal | b d ɡ → β ð ɣ / V_V
k ɡ → tʃ dʒ / _E
ɡ → ∅ / V_(VC…)”V
{d,ɡ} → ∅ / _j
(s)k ɡ → (s)tʃ dʒ / #_a (in the north and northeast)
b {d,dz,dʒ} z ʒ ɡ → p {t,ts,tʃ} s ʃ k / _(s)#
ɡ → k / B_ (your guess is probably better than mine)
ɡ → {k,j} / V_ (if /j/ resulted, it dropped after /i/; forms with k are “most persistent in the west” and more common overall)
ɡ → j / _a (in the north and east; further → dʒ in the north)
ɡ → ɡ / _{o,u/y}
ɡ → j → dʒ / “[b]etween the last two vowels of a proparoxytone”, though it dropped early in some dialects
{t,d}l {k,ɡ}l → lː ʎ
p k tʃ b ɡ β j → b ɡ i {b,u,u→y→i} ∅ {u,u→y→i} i / _r
{l,r}w {n,ŋk,ŋɡ}w → lɡʷ ŋɡʷ → lɡ ŋɡ
dVɡ (n)dVɡ → dʒ(?) ndʒ
rdj rVɡ → rdz rdʒ
rːVɡ rːj → rdʒ ir
rtVɡ → {rdʒ,rts(→ rs)}
tVɡ trj → dʒ ir
rdɡ → r{ɡ,dʒ} / _a
stɡ → s{ɡ,dʒ}
kt ɡd → it id (in the north, northeast, and southwest)
{tʃ,k}t ɡd → tʃ dʒ (else)
ɡ → ∅ / _m
ɡn{d,t} → ŋn{d,t} → ɲ{d,t} → {(i)nd,ɲd,ndʒ} or t(ʃ)
ɡn → ŋn → ɲ
| Vulgar Latin to Rhaeto-Romance | k ɡ → tʃ dʒ / _a (note the similarity with some varieties of Old Provençal)
| Latin to Romanian | ɡ → m / _n
k ɡ → tʃ dʒ / _E
kj ɡj → tʃ {j,∅} (ɡj → ∅ is rare)
| Latin to Sardinian | kw ɡw → pː bː / #_ (“[o]nly Logudorese”)
b d ɡ → β ð ɣ / “except in Nuorese”
ɡn → nː
| Vulgar Latin to Spanish | k ɡ → tʃ dʒ → ts dz / _{j,i,e,ɛ}
{k,ɡ} → x → j / _{t,s,n,l}
{jl,lj} {jn,nj} {jɡ,ɡj} → ʎ ɲ ʝː
ɡ → {∅,ɣ} / V_V
d ɡ → ð ɣ / V_V
— ndzVɡ → nɡ
b ɡ → β ɣ / {l,ɾ}_
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib | 18.3.2 Proto-Tuparí to Mekens | ɡ → k
ɡʷ ŋɡ → kʷ k / _V[-nas]
18.3.3 Proto-Tuparí to Tuparí | kʷ ɡ → ∅ k
ɡʷ ŋɡ → β k / _V[-nas]
18.3.4 Proto-Tuparí to Wayoró | ŋɡ → k / ! _V[-nas]
19 Kartvelian | 19.2 Proto-Kartvellian to Svan | ɡ → {ɡ,dʒ}
21 Lakes Plain | 21.1.1 Proto-Far West to Awera | b d ɡ → β~w ɾ~∅ ɣ / V_V
22 Macro-Arawakan | 22.2 Proto-Arawá to Banawá-Jamamadi | kʰ ɡ → k w
22.4 Proto-Arawá to Jarawara | kʰ ɡ → k w
22.5 Proto-Arawá to Kulína-Dení | ɡ → w
23 Macro-Chibchan | Proto-Chibchan to Motilón | ɡ → ∅
| Proto-Chibchan to Tunebo | ɡ ɡʷ → ∅ b
26 Mande | 26.1 Proto-Mande to Bobo | tʼ {kʼ,ɡ} → t k
kp ɡb → k ɡw
26.4 Proto-Mande to Guro | kp {kpʼ,ɡb} → p b
26.5 Proto-Mande to Kono-Vai | {ɡ,w,kp} kpʼ ɡb → k kp b
26.6 Proto-Mande to Southwest Mande | {tʼ,d} {kʼ,ɡ} → l k
kp kpʼ ɡb → {k,B} kp B (it’s unclear what this 〈B〉 is)
26.7 Proto-Mande to Mandekan | {k,ɡ,kp} {kpʼ,ɡb} → s b
26.11 Proto-Mande to Sembla | tʼ {kʼ,ɡ,w} → {t,d} k
ɡb → b
26.12 Proto-Mande to Soninka | tʼ {kʼ,ɡ} → {t,d} k
kp ɡb → k b
26.13 Proto-Mande to Susu | kp ɡb → k b
29 Na-Dene | 29.1.1 Proto-Athabaskan-Eyak to Proto-Athabaskan | k kʼ kʷ kʷʼ ɡ ɡʷ → kʲ kʲʼ tʂ tʂʼ ɡʲ ɖʐ
| Proto-Eastern Southern Athabaskan to Jicarilla | xʲ xʔ j ɡʔ → ih iʔ i iʔ / _#
30 Niger-Congo | Proto-Bantu to Sebirwa | p t d c ɟ k ɡ → ɸ ɹ {d,l} tʰ ∅ h {∅,ɡ}
| Proto-Bantu to Tswana | {p,t,tʃ,k} {mp,nt,ɲtʃ,nk} {(m)b,(n)d,(ɲ)dʒ,(n)ɡ} {m,n} → s tsʰ ts ɲ / _iV
{tʃ,k} {ntʃ,nk,r} {ɲdʒ,nɡ} mp mb p b {d,l} m n → s tsʰ ts tʃʰ(w) tʃ(w) ʃ(w) dʒ(w) dʒ ŋw ɲ / _{ɪ,e}V
{p,t,tʃ,k} {mp,nt,ɲtʃ,nk} {(m)b,(n)d,(ɲ)dʒ,(n)ɡ} {m,n,ɲ} → sw tsʰw tsw ɲw / _iV
{tʃ,k} {ɲtʃ,nk} {ndʒ,nɡ} → s tsʰ ts / _{i,ɪ,e}
mp nt ɲtʃ nk mp nd ɲdʒ nɡ → pʰ tʰ tɬʰ qʰ p t tɬ k
p t tʃ k {dʒ,ɡ} ɲ → h r tɬʰ χ ∅ n
30.1.2 Pre-Proto-Bantu to Proto-Manenguba | ’p ’t ’d/d2 c {’ɟ} ’k ɡ → f l ɟ s ∅ {w,∅} {k,w} / in C1 position
| Proto-Gbe to Proto-Fon | {t,k}j {d,ɡ}j → tʃ dʒ
| Proto-Gbe to Proto-Gen | {t,k}j {d,ɡ}j → tʃ dʒ
| Proto-Phla-Pherá to Alada | k ɡ → ʃ ʒ / _i
| Proto-Vhe to Adángbe | k ɡ → tʃ dʒ / _i
| Proto-Vhe to Avéno | k ɡ s → ts dz ʃ / _i
| Proto-Vhe to Awalan | s {k,ts} {ɡ,dz} → ʃ tʃ dʒ / _i
| Proto-Vhe to Kpándo | {t,k} {d,ɡ} → ts dz / _i
| Proto-Vhe to Pecı́ | {k,ts} {ɡ,dz} → tʃ dʒ / _i
| Proto-Vhe to TẸ́wun | k ɡ → tʃ dʒ / _i
| Proto-Vhe to Wacı́ | {k,ts} {ɡ,dz} → tʃ dʒ / _i
31 Nyulnyulan | 31.1 Proto-Nyulnyulan to Bardi | aɡu → o
36 Sino-Tibetan | 36.2 Sin Sukchu to Guānhuà | b d dz ɡ → {p,pʼ} {t,tʼ} {ts,tsʼ} {k,kʼ}
| Proto-Naish to Laze | S{b,ɡ} Sk → v h / _V
| Proto-Naish to Mosuo (Na) | S{b,ɡ} Sk → ∅ h
| Proto-Naish to Naxi | Sb Sk Sɡ → b ? ɡ / _V
| Proto-rGyalrongic to bTshan La | k sk kr ɡ Pɡ sɡ Nɡ (s)ɡr çK rK Kç → kʰ zɡw dr Nɡ pk sk mk (s)kr çk rɡj ɡçkr
(ʔ)kj (s)ɡj Nkj → (k)tç (s)kj Ndʒ
| Proto-rGyalrongic to Chos Kia | kj Nkj ʔkj ɡj sɡj → kj. nj ɡ.tsʰ kj skj.
kr (s)ɡr → n.br (s)kr
| Proto-rGyalrongic to Kham To | k (N)ɡ → k. (m)k
Nkj ɡj sɡj → mj ts stʃj
sɡr → skr
| Proto-rGyalrongic to lCog Rtse | (P)ɡ sɡ çK Nɡ k sk rk (s)ɡj (ʔ)kj → (p)k sk çk mk kʰ zɡ Nɡ (s)kj (ʔ)kʰj
Nkj (s)ɡr Kç kr skr ɡr → mɡj (s)kr ɡçkr kʰr zɡr Nɡr
| Proto-rGyalrongic to Suo Mo | kr rk {rK,Pɡ} ɡ Pɡ sɡ → k.r rk. pk k sk
ɡj → cç ? (might be → tsç?)
ɡ → ∅ / #_r
| Proto-rGyalrongic to Tsa Ku Nao | k {sɡ,çK} Nɡ rK → k. sk mɡ nk
| Proto-rGyalrongic to Tzu Ta | Np Nb Nt Nɡ Nç → sts mp mtʰ mk ntsʰdz
k rk kr kj Nkj ɡr → kʰdz nɡ kʰr tʃh dʒ nkʰr
ɡ → ∅ / _r
| Proto-rGyalrongic to Wassu | k kr kj ɡ → k. k.r ts. ɡ
ɡ ç → ∅ zɡ / _r
| Old Tibetan to Amdo dialects | {d,ɡ,s,l,r} → {h,r} / #_
k(ʰ){r,j} ɡ{r,j} → tɕ(ʰ) dʑ
37 Siouan-Iroquoian | Proto-Čiwere-Winnebago to Čiwere | ɡ → ŋ
38 Tai-Kadai | Proto-Tai to Ahom | ɡl → k(w)
| Proto-Tai to Saek | {ɡ,x} → kʰ
| Proto-Tai to Central Tai | ɡ x → k kʰ
| Central Tai to Lungchow | ɡl → kj
| Central Tai to Tay | ɡ → ∅ / _l
| Proto-Tai to North Tai | {kʰ,ɡ}{l,r} → tʃ
{pʰ,b} ɓ {tʰ,d} ɗ {kʰ,ɡ} {kʷʰ,ɡ} → p b t d k kʷ
| Southwest Tai to Lao | ɡ{l,r} → kʰ
ɡ ɣ → kʰ ɡ
| Southwest Tai to Lü | ɡl ɡr → k kʰ
{kʰ,ɣ} ɡ → x k
| Southwest Tai to Shan | ɡl ɡr → k kʰ
ɡ ɣ → k kʰ
| Southwest Tai to Siamese | ŋ ɡ ɣ → {h,ʃ} kʰ ɡ
| Southwest Tai to Black Tai | ɡ ɡl → k tʃ
| Southwest Tai to White Tai | {kʰ,ɣ} ɡ ɡ{l,r} → x k tʃ
39 Tanoan | 39.1 Proto-Tanoan to Jimez | k(ʷ)ʰ kʷ(ʼ) ɡ ɡʷ → h ɡ k kʷ
39.3 Proto-Tanoan to Taos | kʰ kʰʷ ɡ ɡʷ → x xʷ k w
41 Trans-New Guinea | 41.4 Proto-Trans New Guinea to Kaeti | {p,ᵐb} ŋɡ → b ɡ / #_
| Proto-Gorokan to Asaro | ʔ{l,d} ʔɡ → t k
| Proto-Gorokan to Gimi | ʔv ʔm ʔɡ ʔr → t p k v
| Proto-Gorokan to Move | ʔv ʔm ʔɡ ʔr ʔh → p b k t {s,f}
| Proto-Gorokan to Siane | ʔŋɡ ʔd → ŋk t
| Proto-Gorokan to Yagaria | ʔv ʔm ʔɡ ʔr ʔh → p b k t {s,f}
| Proto-Kainantu to Awa | ʔw ʔb ʔd ʔɡ → m p t k
42 Uralic | Proto-Finnic to Proto-Finnish | b d ɡ → β ð ɣ / ! N_
| Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnish | mb nd ŋɡ → mː nː ŋː
42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livonian | dj lj rj ɡj → dʲ lːʲ rːʲ jɡ
44 Vasconic | 44.1 Proto-Vasconic to Aquitanian | ɡ → k / #_ (sometimes?)
44.2 Proto-Basque to Basque | {ɡ,ɣ} → {ɟ,ʝ} / {E,j}_
ɡ → dʒ / {E,j}_ (“in some Biscayan areas”)
47 Most-Wanted Sound Changes | 47.1 List 1: Simple Consonant Changes | r → ɡʟ → ɣ (Hiw) (http://is.gd/jCDLO1)
47.2 List 2: Conditional or complex consonant changes | b d ɡ → bː dː ɡː / V_V (some dialects of Italian; there may be more to it than this, since words like “repubblica” are in standard Italian and not just dialects)