Index Diachronica: involving /ʁʲ/

2 results from /ʁʲ/   2 results to /ʁʲ/   

from /ʁʲ/

2 matches

12 Northwest Caucasian12.1 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Proto-Abazgiχ(ʲ) ʁ(ʲ) → ħ ʕ
12.2 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Proto-Circassianqʲʼ ʁʲ → ʔ ʁ

to /ʁʲ/

2 matches

12 Northwest Caucasian12.3 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Ubykhqʲː(ʼ) ɢʲ χʲ → qʲ(ʼ) ʁʲ xʲ
qʲʷ qʲʷː qʲʷʼ ɢʲʷ χʲʷ ʁʲʷ → xʲ qʲ qʲʼ ʁʲ χʲ ʁʲ