Index Diachronica: involving /ʁʷ/

2 results from /ʁʷ/   9 results to /ʁʷ/   

from /ʁʷ/

2 matches

12 Northwest Caucasian12.1 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Proto-Abazgiχʷ ʁʷ → ħʷ ʕʷ
30 Niger-Congo30. Proto-Gbe to Proto-Vheχʷ ʁʷ → ɸ β

to /ʁʷ/

9 matches

12 Northwest Caucasian12.2 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Proto-Circassianɡʲʷ xʲʷ ɣʲʷ(?) → ɡʷ xʷ ʁʷ
qʷʼ ɢʷ → qʷː ʁʷ
qʲʷː qʲʷ ɢʲʷ,ʁʲʷ} χʲʷ → qʷː ʔʷ ʁʷ χʷ
{qˤʷː,qˤʷʼ} χˤʷ ʁˤʷ → qʷː χʷ ʁʷ
qˤʲʷ {qˤʲʷː,qˤʲʷ} ʁˤʲʷ → ħ ʔʷ w~ʁʷ
12.3 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Ubykhqʷː ɢʷ → qʷ ʁʷ
30 Niger-Congo30. Proto-Gbe to Proto-Fonhʷ → ʁʷ Proto-Gbe to Proto-Genhʷ → {w,ʁʷ} Proto-Gbe to Proto-Phla-Pheráhʷ → ʁʷ