Index Diachronica: involving /ʋ/

7 results from /ʋ/   9 results to /ʋ/   2 results with context involving /ʋ/   

from /ʋ/

7 matches

30 Niger-Congo30.2.1.1 Proto-Akanic to Akanʋ l → w ɹ / #(C)V_
36 Sino-Tibetan36.2 Sin Sukchu to Guānhuàv ʋ → f v
42 Uralic42.1.1.1 Proto-Finnic to Proto-Finnishʋ → ∅ / #_{o,u,y} Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnishʋ → ∅ / _UC
42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livonianʋ → ∅ / {d,z}_
lʋ rʋ jʋ → lː rː jː
ʋ → ∅ / C_

to /ʋ/

9 matches

17 Indo-European17.2.4 Common Anatolian to Lydian{m,n} → ʋ / _# “(that’s a Greek nu, I’m not sure what it’s supposed to represent)”
30 Niger-Congo30.1 Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu to Proto-Bantuʋ̃ → ʋ / #R[-labial]_
42 Uralic42.1.1 Pre-Finnic to Proto-Finnicw → ʋ Proto-Finnic to Proto-Finnishɣ → j~ʋ
f → ʋ / #_
∅ → ʋ / #_{yː,øː,oː} Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnishβ → ʋ
ɣ → ʋ / U_U
42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livonianw → ʋ / #_o

with context involving /ʋ/

2 matches

36 Sino-Tibetan36.2 Sin Sukchu to Guānhuàuɛn → ɛn / ʋ_
juŋ → iuŋ / _{∅,x,ʋ,ʔ}