Index Diachronica: involving /ei/

28 results from /ei/   18 results to /ei/   1 result with context involving /ei/   


from /ei/

28 matches

10 Austronesian10.3.11.1 Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Anejomei → i
17 Indo-European17.2 Proto-Indo-European to Common Anatolianei eu → ɛː uː
17.5.1 Proto-Indo-European to Old Irishei → eː
17.5.2 Proto-Celtic to Middle Welshei → eː
17.6 Proto-Indo-European to Dacianei → {ei,i} (“PIE *ei evolution is not well reconstructed yet”)
17.7 Proto-Indo-European to Common Germanicei oi → iː ai Early Northern Middle English to Scots— ai oi ui ei au ou iu ɛ(o)u → eː oe əi iː {ɑː,ɔː} ʌu ju j(ʌ)u West Germanic to Old Low Franconianei ou → eː oː (except in southeastern dialects; *ei as a result of the umlaut of *ai was not affected) Middle High German to Standard Germanou øy ei → au oy ai
17.7.3 Common Germanic to Proto-Norseo(u) {ɔ,ɑ,au,ai,æ} {ja,jE,æ(i),e(i),y} → u a i Proto-Norse to Old Norsea(i) {e,w{æ,i}} {we,ei} (w)ɪ → ey ø y ʏ / w_ ! hw_
au {ai,ey,ei} æ{y,i} øy Vː → o e æ ø V / #(C)(C)(C)_CC
{æ,e}i ai au w{ɪ,i} wy wV iu Vː → eː aː oː weː woː wVː eː oː V
e(ː){B,i(ː)} → e(ː)u / {v,w}_ Old Norse to Orkney Nornei → eː / _C(ː,V)# (V can be a syllabic consonant)
17.11 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Slavice(ː)i → i Proto-Indo-European to Latinai → ei → iː / %(C)(C)_ when unstressed
ei oi ou → iː eː uː / %(C)(C)_ when unstressed
{ai,ei,oi} → ei → iː / _(C)(C)# Latin to French{ei,ɔi} → oi / C[-nas]
30 Niger-Congo30. Proto-Gbe to Proto-Fonoi ɔi ɔ̃i {a,ɛ}i {ɛ̃,ẽ}i ei → oe ɔɛ ɔ̃ɛ̃ ɛɛ ɛ̃ɛ̃ ee
38 Tai-Kadai38.1.1.3 Proto-Tai to Central Taiɛi ei → ai iː Proto-Tai to North Taiɛi ei → ai əi North Tai to Po-Ai{əi,ɛi,ei} → ai
{ɛi,ei} → ɨː Proto-Tai to Southwest Taiɛi ei → ai iː
46 Vowel Shifts46.5 Old English-to-Scots Vowel Shiftsai oi ui ei au ou iu ɛ(o)u → eː oe əi iː {ɑː,ɔː} ʌu ju j(ʌ)u
46.10 Late Proto-Finnic to Savonian Vowel Shiftei oi øi → eː oe øe

to /ei/

18 matches

7 Algonquian7.3.1 Proto-Arapaho-Atsina to Arapahoeː → ei / j_
17 Indo-European17.5.2 Proto-Celtic to Middle Welsha o → ei {ɨ,ei} / _(C…)j(C…)#
a → {ɨ,ei} / _(C…)j(C…)#
{a,e,o} → ei / _(C…)j
17.6 Proto-Indo-European to Dacianei → {ei,i} (“PIE *ei evolution is not well reconstructed yet”) West Germanic to Old Low Franconianai u → ei ʏ / _(C…){i(ː),j} (short only; in the case of [ʏ] at least this was not yet phonemic) Middle High German to Standard Germany(ː) yə ø(ː) øy → i(ː) iə e(ː) ei (intermittent)
uː yː iː → ou øy ei, except in certain unstressed endings and monosyllables, _C{C,V,#} (“especially before /xt/”), and Low German borrowings Old Norse to Early Icelandicu o a ø y e i → uː oː aː øi yː ei iː / _{ɲc,ɲɟ,ŋk,ŋɡ}
u o a øː eː y i → ʏɪ oi ai øi ei yː iː / _j
e → ei / _{ɣ,j}
u oː aː ʏɪ {y,i} {y,i}ː æː eː ey → ʏ ou au ai y ɪ i je ei Proto-Indo-European to Latinai → ei → iː / %(C)(C)_ when unstressed
{ai,ei,oi} → ei → iː / _(C)(C)# Latin to Catalanɛj ɔj → jɛj uei / i {u,ui} / stressed
36 Sino-Tibetan36. Proto-rGyalrongic to Tsa Ku Naoew e ej → ə i ei Proto-rGyalrongic to Tzu Taiw ij → iu ei
38 Tai-Kadai38. Central Tai to T’ien-Paoi iː u → ə ei oʊ̯

with context involving /ei/

1 match

17 Indo-European17.11 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Slavick ɡ x → tʃ ʒ ʃ / _{e(ː)(i),i(ː)}