Index Diachronica: involving /lː/

25 results from /lː/   18 results to /lː/   2 results with context involving /lː/   

from /lː/

25 matches

14 Elamo-Dravidian14.1 Proto-Elamo-Dravidian to Proto-Dravidianl lː → {l,ɭ} ɭ(ː) / V_V
17 Indo-European17.7.3.1 Proto-Norse to Old Norsel(ː)ʀ n(ː)ʀ → lː nː / ”Vː_ (or all V_ ?)
{l(ː),n}{r,ʀ} → ∅ / V{ː,V}_
nː lː rː sː → n l r s / C_
lː nː → l n / C_#
ðl(ː) ðn(ː) → lː nː
rː lː → r l / {p,t,k,f,s}_ Old Norse to Early Icelandic{l(ː),rl} → ɬ / v_#
{l(ː),rl} C → ɬ C[- voice] / _{S[- voice],s}
{l(ː),rl} C → ɬ C[- voice] / S_ ! Sː_
{l(ː),rl} rː → dɬ r̥ / _#
{lː,rl} → tɬ / _#
{lː,rl} → tl Old Norse to Orkney Nornlː → ʎ Old Norse to Shetland Nornnd ld (→ nː lː ?) → ɲ ʎ
rn {lː,rl} → ɲ ʎ Latin to Catalanlː nː → ʎ ɲ Latin to French{lːe,lːo} → u / {e,o}_# “[this is actually an analogical development, but it applies as regularly as a sound law]” Vulgar Latin to Old Provençallː → l (in the south)
lː{j,Vdʒ} lnj → ʎ ɲ Latin to Romanianlː → ∅ / _i
”elːa → e”a / _# Latin to Sardiniannd {lː,ld} → ɳɖ ɖː / V_V
l{i,j} → lː → {ts,dz,ldz,dʒ,lː} (“varies”) Vulgar Latin to Spanishnː lː ɾɾ → ɲ ʎ r

to /lː/

18 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6.1.1.7 North Omotic to Yemsar → {r,lː} / V_
10 Austronesian10.2.5 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Palauanrl → lː
10.5.2 Proto-Ongan to Ongeɡd ɡl → dː lː
14 Elamo-Dravidian14.3.1 Standard Tamil to Colloquial Tamill ɭ → lːʉ ɭːʉ / _#(C)V[-long]
17 Indo-European17.1.1 Proto-Indo-European to Gheg Albanianl r → l(ː) r(ː)
17.5.1 Proto-Indo-European to Old Irish— {l,h}l {l,h}r l{p,s,n} r{p,s} ln → lː rː lː rː (lː?) / [anything]_ Proto-Norse to Old Norsel(ː)ʀ n(ː)ʀ → lː nː / ”Vː_ (or all V_ ?)
ðl(ː) ðn(ː) → lː nː
lθ nθ → lː nː
lθ nθ → lː nː Old Norse to Shetland Nornnd ld (→ nː lː ?) → ɲ ʎ Vulgar Latin to Old Provençal{t,d}l {k,ɡ}l → lː ʎ Latin to Sardinianl{i,j} → lː → {ts,dz,ldz,dʒ,lː} (“varies”)
28 Muskogean28.2 Proto-Muskogean to Proto-Western Muskogeantl st → lː tː
35 Salishan35.1.2 Proto-Central Salish to Chilliwack Halkomelemlʔn → lː / V3_V
42 Uralic42.1.1.1 Proto-Finnic to Proto-Finnish(t(ː))sn kx(tx) rn ln → sː xː rː lː Proto-Finnish to Standard Finnishlð rð → lː rː
42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livonianlʋ rʋ jʋ → lː rː jː

with context involving /lː/

2 matches

17 Indo-European17.7.3.1 Proto-Norse to Old Norses → ts / {l,n}ː_ Old Norse to Orkney Nornu → ø / _l(ː)