Index Diachronica: involving /ou/

17 results from /ou/   10 results to /ou/   2 results with context involving /ou/   


from /ou/

17 matches

8 Altaic8.1.1 Early Middle Japanese to Modern Japaneseau iu uu eu ou → ɔː juː uː joː oː
17 Indo-European17.5.1 Proto-Indo-European to Old Irish{au,eu,ou} → oː
17.5.2 Proto-Celtic to Middle Welsh{au,eu,ou} → ∅
17.7 Proto-Indo-European to Common Germaniceu ou → iu au Early Northern Middle English to Scotsol al → ou ɑː → ʌu {ɑ,ɔ}
— ai oi ui ei au ou iu ɛ(o)u → eː oe əi iː {ɑː,ɔː} ʌu ju j(ʌ)u West Germanic to Old Low Franconianei ou → eː oː (except in southeastern dialects; *ei as a result of the umlaut of *ai was not affected) Middle High German to Standard Germanou øy ei → au oy ai
17.7.3 Common Germanic to Proto-Norseo(u) {ɔ,ɑ,au,ai,æ} {ja,jE,æ(i),e(i),y} → u a i
17.11 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Slavic{a(ː)u,o(ː)u} e(ː)u → u ju Proto-Indo-European to Latin{ew,ow} → ou → uː
ei oi ou → iː eː uː / %(C)(C)_ when unstressed Latin to Frenchó → ou → ɛu / in U[+open]
ou ɛu u uɛi → u œ y yi
38 Tai-Kadai38. North Tai to Po-Ai{ou,oɨ} → oː
46 Vowel Shifts46.5 Old English-to-Scots Vowel Shiftsai oi ui ei au ou iu ɛ(o)u → eː oe əi iː {ɑː,ɔː} ʌu ju j(ʌ)u
46.10 Late Proto-Finnic to Savonian Vowel Shiftɑu ou → ɑː oː

to /ou/

10 matches

10 Austronesian10.3.11.1 Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Anejomua → ou
17 Indo-European17. Early Northern Middle English to Scotsol al → ou ɑː → ʌu {ɑ,ɔ} Middle High German to Standard Germanuː yː iː → ou øy ei, except in certain unstressed endings and monosyllables, _C{C,V,#} (“especially before /xt/”), and Low German borrowings Old Norse to Early Icelandicu oː aː ʏɪ {y,i} {y,i}ː æː eː ey → ʏ ou au ai y ɪ i je ei
17.12 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Italiceu → ou Proto-Indo-European to Latin{ew,ow} → ou → uː Latin to Frenchó → ou → ɛu / in U[+open]
ó → ou / in U[+closed]
o → {ou,ɔ} “(the outcome fluctuates, but ɔ is often the result of analogy rather than strict sound change; always ou before another vowel)”
17.12.2 Proto-Italic to Proto-Sibellianeu → ou

with context involving /ou/

2 matches

17 Indo-European17.7.2.3 Middle High German to Standard Germanw → ∅ / {ou,øy,yː}_ Latin to Romaniane → ə / ou_#