Index Diachronica: involving /sʷʲ/

3 results from /sʷʲ/   1 result to /sʷʲ/   

from /sʷʲ/

3 matches

12 Northwest Caucasian12.1 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Proto-Abazgisʷʲ zʲ → sʲ z
tsʷː tsʷʲ → tsʷ (tʃ)
12.3 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Ubykhsʷʲ zʷʲ tsʷʲʼ dzʷʲ → tʃʷ ʒʷ tʃʲʼ dʒʲ

to /sʷʲ/

1 match

12 Northwest Caucasian12.2.1.4 Adyghe to Temirgoy Adyghepː tː tsː tsʷː ʃː tʃː tɕː → p t ts tsʷʲ ʃ tʃ tɕ