Index Diachronica: involving /tʲ/

41 results from /tʲ/   10 results to /tʲ/   3 results with context involving /tʲ/   

from /tʲ/

41 matches

17 Indo-European17.11.1 Proto-Slavic to Polishtʲ dʲ sʲ zʲ nʲ rʲ l lʲ → tɕ dʒ ɕ ʑ ȵ r ɫ l (this last probably not before /i/)
zdʲ stʲ → {ʑ,ɕ} {s,ɕ} / _n
stʲ → ɕ / _l
stʲkl → ɕtɕkl → {ɕ,s}kɫ → ʂkɫ
tʲ dʲ → t d / _{l,n,ɲ,r,ʐ}
27 Mayan27.1 Proto-Mayan to Ch’olantʲ(ʼ) → t(ʼ)
27.2 Proto-Mayan to Chujeantʲ(ʼ) → t(ʼ)
27.5 Proto-Mayan to Kaqchikel-Tz’utujiltʲ(ʼ) → tʃ(ʼ)
27.6 Proto-Mayan to Core K’iche’tʲ(ʼ) → tʃ(ʼ)
27.7 Proto-Mayan to Mameantʲ(ʼ) → t(ʼ)
tʲ(ʼ) → ts(ʼ)
27.10 Proto-Mayan to Yucatecantʲ(ʼ) → tʃ(ʼ)
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.1 Proto-Chatino to Papabuco Chatinotʲ → s / _u
tʲ → tʃ / else
32.1.2 Proto-Chatino to Tataltepec Chatinotʲ → tʃ / _i[-long -stress]
tʲ → t / _a
32.1.3 Proto-Chatino to Yaitepec Chatinotʲ → tj
33 Penutian33.1.1.1 Proto-Costanoan to Chochenyotʲ ʂ → j ʃ Proto-Costanoan to Rumsentʲ → tʃ
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.2.1 Proto-Siouan to Catawbatʲ → ʃ / in ”U
tʲ → ʒ / else
37.2.2 Proto-Siouan to Dakotatʲ → ʃ / in ”U
tʲ → ʒ / else
tʲr → {st,ʃt}
37.2.3 Proto-Siouan to Mandantʲ → s / _ʔV
tʲr → sV0rV0
37.2.4 Proto-Siouan to Proto-Čiwere-Winnebagotʲ → ʃ / in ”U
tʲ s → ʒ z / in U[-stress] Proto-Čiwere-Winnebago to Čiweretʲr → ʃV0rV0 Proto-Čiwere-Winnebago to Winnebagotʲ → x / _ʔ
37.2.5 Proto-Siouan to Proto-Crow-Hidatsas ç {tʲ,x} → ts x ʃ
37.2.6 Proto-Siouan to Proto-Dhegihat tʲ s → d ʒ z / in U[-stress]
tʲ → ʃ / in ”U Proto-Dhegiha to Kansatʲr kr → ʃt l Proto-Dhegiha to Omaha-Poncapr sr tʲr kr → bθ sn ʃn ɡθ Proto-Dhegiha to Osagepr sr tʲr kr → bð sts ʃd ɡð Proto-Dhegiha to Quapawtʲ → ʃ
37.2.7 Proto-Siouan to Proto-Ohio-Valleytʲ Lʲ → tʃ j
40 Totozoquean40.1 Proto-Totozoquean to Proto-Mixe-Zoqueannʲ tʲ tʃ kʲ → n t s ts k
40.2 Proto-Totozoquean to Proto-Totonacannʲ tʲ kʲ k → l tʃ k q
42 Uralic42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livonianp t(ʲ) s(ʲ) k → b d(ʲ) z(ʲ) ɡ / ! #_ or adjacent to C[-voice]

to /tʲ/

10 matches

7 Algonquian7.3.2 Proto-Arapaho-Atsina to Gros Ventreʃ {θ,t} m k → s ts tʲ bʲ / _{i(ː),j,#}
10 Austronesian10.4.1 Proto-Micronesian to Marshallesep {t,ts} c → pʲ tʲ rʲ
13 Chumashan13.4 Proto-Chumash to Obispeñoq k → {q,k} {k(ʃ),tʲ} (allophonic)
17 Indo-European17. Old Norse to Shetland Norntː → {tʲ,dʲ}
17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tocharian{t,dʱ} → tʲ / _E(ː)
30 Niger-Congo30.1.1.1 Proto-Bantu to Sebirwat d l → {ʈ,tʲ} {ɖ,dʲ} {ɭ,lʲ,ʎ} (The paper is a bit unclear as to which is meant, as the transcription and the textual aspects of the paper seem to disagree here)
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.2 Proto-Chatino to Tataltepec Chatinot → tʲ / _õ (…again…lolwut)
kʲ → tʲ
et el en → itʲ elʲ enʲ
42 Uralic42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livoniant ts s(C) n l r → tʲ tsʲ sʲ(C) nʲ lʲ rʲ / _i

with context involving /tʲ/

3 matches

17 Indo-European17.13 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Tocharians → sʲ / _tʲ
17.13.1 Proto-Tocharian to Tocharian AV → j / V_nʲtʲ ! V = E
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.1 Proto-Chatino to Papabuco Chatinoẽ → a / tʲ_