Index Diachronica: involving /xʷ/

31 results from /xʷ/   16 results to /xʷ/   10 results with context involving /xʷ/   

from /xʷ/

31 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6. Proto-Agaw to Awngi{x,ɢ}(ʷ) → ∅ / at word boundaries
{x,ɢ}(ʷ) → ɣ(ʷ) Proto-Agaw to Blin{x,ɢ}(ʷ) → ∅ / at word boundaries Proto-Agaw to Kemantney{x,ɢ}(ʷ) → ∅ / at word boundaries
xʷ ɢʷ → w ɣʷ Proto-Agaw to Xamtanga{xʷ,ɢʷ} → ∅ / at word boundaries
{xʷ,ɢʷ} → w / else
12 Northwest Caucasian12.2 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Proto-Circassianxʷ → x(ʷ)
12.2.1 Proto-Circassian to Adyghexʷ χʲ → f~ɸ? ħ
12.3 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Ubykhkʷː xʷ → ɡʷ x
17 Indo-European17.12.1 Proto-Italic to Proto-Latino-Falsicanxʷ → f
xʷ → {w,ɡʷ}
28 Muskogean28.1 Proto-Muskogean to Proto-Eastern Muskogeanxʷ → f
28.2 Proto-Muskogean to Proto-Western Muskogeanxʷ → h / %_{o,i}(C)#
28.2.1 Proto-Western Muskogean to Chickasawxʷɬ → ɬː
28.2.2 Proto-Western Muskogean to Choctawxʷ → h / V_V
29 Na-Dene29.1.1 Proto-Athabaskan-Eyak to Proto-Athabaskanx xʷ → {xʲ,j} {ʂ,ʐ} Proto-Athabaskan to Hupa{qʷ,xʷ} qʷʼ ɢʷ ɣʷ → x(ʷ) q(ʷ)ʼ ɢ(ʷ) w
29.1.2 Proto-Athabaskan-Eyak to Eyak$ → xʷ → {x,s}
29.2 Proto-Na-Dene to Tlingitx(ʷ) → x
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37. Huron to Wyandotxʷ → w
38 Tai-Kadai38.1.1.1 Proto-Tai to Ahomxʷ Kʷ → {kʰ,x} K(ʷ) Proto-Tai to Central Taixʷ ɣʷ → kʷʰ {v,w} Proto-Tai to North Taixr x {x,ɣ}ʷ → r̥ h {w,v,h} Southwest Tai to Laoxʷ ɣʷ → kʷ ɡʷ Southwest Tai to Shanxʷ → kʷ Southwest Tai to Siamesexʷ ɣʷ → kʷ ɡʷ Southwest Tai to Black Taixʷ ɣʷ → kʷ ɡʷ
45 Yuman-Cochimı́45.1.2 Proto-Pai to Paipaixʷ → w / tʃ_
kʷ xʷ → k x / _#
45.1.3 Proto-Pai to Tipaikʷ xʷ → q χ / _# (the paper calls these “back velars”)

to /xʷ/

16 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6. Proto-Agaw to Blinɢ(ʷ) → x(ʷ) / else
10 Austronesian10.3.5.7 Proto-New Caledonia to Pwapwâpː pwː t̪ː tː kː cː → pʰ xʷ t̪ʰ tʰ x s
12 Northwest Caucasian12.2 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Proto-Circassianf → xʷ
ɬʷ ɬʷː → x(ʷ) ɕː
ɬʲʷ(~ɬʷː) ɮʲʷ → x(ʷ) ɣʲ
xʷ → x(ʷ)
ɡʲʷ xʲʷ ɣʲʷ(?) → ɡʷ xʷ ʁʷ
17 Indo-European17.5.1 Proto-Indo-European to Old Irishp t k kʷ b d ɡ m n l r s → f θ x xʷ v ð ɣ M N L R h / V(#)_{R,V} (“We don’t know the exact values of lenited /m n l r/. We can guess that lenited m became a nasalized labial continuant of some sort, but beyond that, we don’t know.”)
17.12 Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Italicǵʰ gʷʰ → ɡʰ xʷ
29 Na-Dene29. Proto-Athabaskan to Hupa{qʷ,xʷ} qʷʼ ɢʷ ɣʷ → x(ʷ) q(ʷ)ʼ ɢ(ʷ) w
29.1.2 Proto-Athabaskan-Eyak to Eyak$ → xʷ → {x,s}
37 Siouan-Iroquoian37.1.2.2 Proto-Northern Iroquoian to Huronkʷ → xʷ / V_V
38 Tai-Kadai38. Southwest Tai to Lükʷʰ ɣʷ → xʷ x(ʷ) Southwest Tai to White Taikʷʰ ɣʷ → xʷ x(ʷ)
39 Tanoan39.3 Proto-Tanoan to Taoskʰ kʰʷ ɡ ɡʷ → x xʷ k w
39.4 Proto-Tanoan to Tewakʰ kʷʰ ɡʷ → x xʷ w

with context involving /xʷ/

10 matches

28 Muskogean28.2 Proto-Muskogean to Proto-Western Muskogeana → o / xʷ_#
35 Salishan35.1.3 Proto-Central Salish to Cowichan Halkomelems → ʃ / _xʷ
35.1.6 Proto-Central Salish to Lushootseeds → {ʃ,s} / _xʷ
35.1.7 Proto-Central Salish to Nooksacks → {s,ʃ} / _xʷ
35.1.8 Proto-Central Salish to Lummi Northern Straitss → ʃ / _xʷ
35.1.9 Proto-Central Salish to Saanich Northern Straitss → {ʃ,s} / _xʷ
35.1.10 Proto-Central Salish to Songish Northern Straitss → {ʃ,s} / _xʷ
35.1.15 Proto-Central Salish to Twanas → {ʃ,s} / _xʷ
45 Yuman-Cochimı́45.1.1 Proto-Pai to Chapaitʃ → ∅ / _xʷ
45.1.3 Proto-Pai to Tipaitʃ → ∅ / _xʷ