Index Diachronica: involving /s̻/

3 results from /s̻/   1 result to /s̻/   5 results with context involving /s̻/   

from /s̻/

3 matches

44 Vasconic44.2 Proto-Basque to Basques̻ ts̻ → ʃ tʃ / {E,j}_ (mostly Biscayan)
s̻ ts̺ → s̺ ts̻ (Biscayan, partially in Guipuscoan, Donostia, San Sebastián, though these latter two may be varieties of Guipuscoan)
s̻ → s̺ / _{C,#} (sometimes)

to /s̻/

1 match

44 Vasconic44.2 Proto-Basque to Basques̻ ts̺ → s̺ ts̻ (Biscayan, partially in Guipuscoan, Donostia, San Sebastián, though these latter two may be varieties of Guipuscoan)

with context involving /s̻/

5 matches

44 Vasconic44.2 Proto-Basque to Basqueu ũ → y ỹ / _r(p(ʰ),β,k(ʰ),ɣ,l,s̺,s̻,ʃ,h) (Souletin)
u ũ → y ỹ / _{s̻,ts̺,ts̻} (but not _s̺) (Souletin)
∅ → e / #_{s̺,s̻}C
∅ → j / V_{N,s̺,s̻}S
aʊ → aɪ / !_{ɾ,r,s̺,s̻} (Souletin, Roncalese)