Index Diachronica: involving /u̯/

19 results from /u̯/   5 results to /u̯/   4 results with context involving /u̯/   

au̯ iu̯ u̯a u̯o u̯ɔ u̯əi u̯ɨ əu̯

from /u̯/

19 matches

10 Austronesian10.2.6.1 Proto-North Sarawak to Kiputiu̯ → ui̯
əi̯ əu̯ → ai̯ au̯ / ! O[+voiced] earlier in the word Proto-Kenyah to Òma Lónghai̯ au̯ → ɛ ɔ
{ui̯,iu̯} → e
17 Indo-European17.1.1 Proto-Indo-European to Gheg Albanianu̯ → v
17.1.2 Proto-Indo-European to Tosk Albanianu̯ → v
17.4.1 Proto-Indo-European to Avestanu̯ → v
38 Tai-Kadai38. Central Tai to Lungchowu̯ɨ u̯o → {ɨ,ə} u
o {u̯ɔ,ɨɔ,ɔ} → u oː
u̯əi uəi uai i̯əu iau → oːi uːi uːiau oːu
u̯əi → oːi Proto-Tai to North Taiu̯o i̯o → u o
{u̯ɔ,u̯a} → ua~uə North Tai to Po-Aiu̯ɨ → ɔ / m_
u̯ɨ → ɨ
u̯əi ɔi → (w)iː oːi Southwest Tai to Siamese{u̯o,u̯ɨ} u̯ɔ → o ɔː
u̯a → aː
{u̯əi,ɔi} → ɔːi

to /u̯/

5 matches

10 Austronesian10.2.6.1 Proto-North Sarawak to Kiputai au → ai̯ au̯ / _#
i u → əi̯ əu̯ / _#
i u → əi̯ əu̯ / _(ʔ)#
əi̯ əu̯ → ai̯ au̯ / ! O[+voiced] earlier in the word
17 Indo-European17.7.1 Common Germanic to Gothicw → u̯ / V[- long]_{#,C}

with context involving /u̯/

4 matches

17 Indo-European17.1.1 Proto-Indo-European to Gheg Albanianḱ → s / _{u̯,u,i̯,i}
s → ʃ / V{i̯,u̯,r,k}_V
17.1.2 Proto-Indo-European to Tosk Albanianḱ → s / _{u̯,u,i̯,i}
s → ʃ / V{i̯,u̯,r,k}_V