Index Diachronica: involving /ue/

8 results from /ue/   3 results to /ue/   1 result with context involving /ue/   

plain ue̯


from /ue/

8 matches

10 Austronesian10.3.2 Proto-Oceanic to Hiwu(C)V[+ high] u(C)e u(C)o u(C)a → {u,i}(C) u(C)ə e(C)ə {u,ɵ}(C)ə
23 Macro-Chibchan23. Proto-Chibchan to Motilón{ue,aja} → ə
38 Tai-Kadai38. Central Tai to Lungchow{uɨ̯,ua̯,ue̯} → uː North Tai to Po-Aiue̯ → u / _C%
ue̯ → uː Southwest Tai to Lü{uɨ̯,ua̯,ue̯} {ɨa̯,ɨe̯} ie̯ → o ə e Southwest Tai to Shan{uɨ̯,ua̯,ue̯} {ɨa̯,ɨe̯} ie̯ → o ə e Southwest Tai to White Tai{uɨ̯,ua̯,ue̯} {ɨa̯,ɨe̯} ie̯ → o ə e

to /ue/

3 matches

17 Indo-European17. Latin to Catalanɛj ɔj → jɛj uei / i {u,ui} / stressed
36 Sino-Tibetan36. Proto-rGyalrongic to Tsa Ku Naouj → ue
44 Vasconic44.2 Proto-Basque to Basqueoa ea → u(e) i(e) / _#

with context involving /ue/

1 match

17 Indo-European17. Vulgar Latin to Spanishf → h / ! _{ue,L}