Index Diachronica: involving /vʷ/

4 results from /vʷ/   4 results to /vʷ/   

from /vʷ/

4 matches

10 Austronesian10.3.8 Proto-Oceanic to Tolomakomʷ b(ʷ) vʷ → m p b Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Anejomv(ʷ) → h Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Proto-Erromangomʷ pʷ bʷ vʷ → m p b v Proto-Southern Vanuatu to Proto-Tanna{vʷ,w} → kʷ

to /vʷ/

4 matches

10 Austronesian10.3.7 Proto-Oceanic to Shark Bayp pʷ k → v vʷ ɣ
10.3.8 Proto-Oceanic to Tolomakop(ʷ) k → v(ʷ) ɣ Proto-Utupua to Nebaopʷ → vʷ
10.3.11 Proto-Oceanic to Proto-Southern Vanuatup → vʷ / _u (a change thetha reconstructs in order to account for phenomena in later posts about this group of languages)