Index Diachronica: involving /yː/

17 results from /yː/   24 results to /yː/   3 results with context involving /yː/   


from /yː/

17 matches

17 Indo-European17.5.2 Proto-Celtic to Middle Welshyː → ɨ Old English to Kentish Middle Englishɑː y(ː) → ɔː e(ː) Old English to Midlands Middle Englishɑː y(ː) → ɔː i(ː) Old English to Northern Middle Englishy(ː) → i(ː) Early Northern Middle English to Scots— iː eː ɛː aː oː uː {øː,yː} → əi i {i,e} e o u ø Old English to Southern Middle Englishy(ː) → i(ː) Middle Dutch to Modern Dutchiː yː → ɛi œy Middle High German to Standard Germany(ː) yə ø(ː) øy → i(ː) iə e(ː) ei (intermittent)
uː yː iː → ou øy ei, except in certain unstressed endings and monosyllables, _C{C,V,#} (“especially before /xt/”), and Low German borrowings Old Norse to Early Icelandicu oː aː ʏɪ {y,i} {y,i}ː æː eː ey → ʏ ou au ai y ɪ i je ei Old Norse to Orkney Nornyː → ø / _j
yː → i Old Norse to Shetland Norn{ɒ,ey} j{u,o,a}ː yː → o ø u / Ḱ_
yː → ø / _O[+ dental/alveolar]
46 Vowel Shifts46.5 Old English-to-Scots Vowel Shiftsiː eː ɛː aː oː uː {øː,yː} → əi i {i,e} e o u ø
46.8 Greek Vowel Shifty(ː) ɔː → i(ː) ɔ
46.13 Old Norse to Faroese Vowel Shift{iː,yː} → ʊi / ʊ(i)

to /yː/

24 matches

8 Altaic8.5.1.2 Proto-Kypchak to Kyrgyz{u,ɯ}w {i,y}w aw {æ,e}w → uː yː oː øː
17 Indo-European17.5.2 Proto-Celtic to Middle Welshuː {oi,ɔː} → yː uː Old Low Franconian to Middle Dutchuː → yː
iu → {yː,io} (outcome varies depending upon dialect; the former seems more typical) Middle High German to Standard Germanuə yə iə → uː yː iː
17.7.3 Common Germanic to Proto-Norseiu → yː Proto-Norse to Old Norseu {o,ɒ} a au juː → y ø æ y yː / _(C)(C)(C)j
{(j)u,we}ː {o,ɒ}ː aː au → yː øː æː æy
u {o,ɒ} a au juː → y ø æ æy yː / _(C)(C)(C)i
{u,we,wi} {o,ɒ} a au juː → y ø æ æy yː / _(C)(C)(C)i
wa we wi → ɒː øː yː / #P_
u {o,ɒ} a au juː → y ø æ æy yː / _(C)(C)(C)j
u {o,ɒ} a au juː → y ø æ æy yː / #(C)(C)_ʀ
ɪʊ → yː Old Norse to Early Icelandicu o a ø y e i → uː oː aː øi yː ei iː / _{ɲc,ɲɟ,ŋk,ŋɡ}
u o a øː eː y i → ʏɪ oi ai øi ei yː iː / _j
17.8.2 Proto-Indo-European to Attic Greeku(ː)(j) → y(ː)(j)
oj → øj → yj (→ yː sometimes)
17.8.8 Proto-Indo-European to Ionic Greeku(ː)(j) → y(ː)(j)
oj → øj → yj (→ yː sometimes)
42 Uralic42. Standard Finnish to Modern Standard Finnishie yɤ uo → iː yː uː / _A
42.1.2 Proto-Finnic to Livonianeː øː oː ɤ(ː) → iːe yːø uːo ɨ(ː)
46 Vowel Shifts46.8 Greek Vowel Shiftu(ː) → y(ː)
ai ɔi → ɛ yː

with context involving /yː/

3 matches

17 Indo-European17.7.2.3 Middle High German to Standard Germanw → ∅ / {ou,øy,yː}_ Proto-Norse to Old Norse∅ → j / {y,e}(ː)_a
42 Uralic42.1.1.1 Proto-Finnic to Proto-Finnish∅ → ʋ / #_{yː,øː,oː}