Index Diachronica: involving /ǁ/

4 results from /ǁ/   7 results to /ǁ/   

plain ǁˀ

from /ǁ/

4 matches

20 Khoisan20.1.5 Proto-Khoe to Nama{ǁˀ,ǁxʼ} → ǁ
20.1.7 Proto-Khoe to !Oraǁˀ → {ǁˀ,ǁ}
20.1.8 Proto-Khoe to Tetiǁˀ ǁxʼ → {ǁˀ,∅} ǁˀ
20.1.9 Proto-Khoe to Tsʔixaǁxʼ → ǁˀ

to /ǁ/

7 matches

20 Khoisan20.1.5 Proto-Khoe to Nama{ǁˀ,ǁxʼ} → ǁ
20.1.7 Proto-Khoe to !Oraǁˀ → {ǁˀ,ǁ}
20.1.8 Proto-Khoe to Tetiǁˀ ǁxʼ → {ǁˀ,∅} ǁˀ
20.1.9 Proto-Khoe to Tsʔixaǁxʼ → ǁˀ
20.2.1 Proto-Kx’a to ǂHoan!! → ǁ
20.2.2 Proto-Kx’a to Northwestern !Xun!! ʘ → ǁ ǀ
20.2.3 Proto-Kx’a to Southeastern !Xun!! ʘ → ǁ ǀ