Index Diachronica: involving /ɾ/

25 results from /ɾ/   47 results to /ɾ/   13 results with context involving /ɾ/   

plain ɾ̥

from /ɾ/

25 matches

10 Austronesian10.2.2 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Chamorroɾ → ɡ Proto-North Sarawak to Kiput{l,ɾ} → n / _#
14 Elamo-Dravidian14.3.1 Standard Tamil to Colloquial Tamil{ɾ,l,ɭ} → ∅ / V_S
17 Indo-European17. Vulgar Latin to Spanishpt {ɾs,ps} → tː sː
ɾj pj → jɾ jp / V_
nː lː ɾɾ → ɲ ʎ r
Vɾ → ɾV / C_#
— ml nɾ → lm ɾn (sometimes)
/dɾ/ [ðɾ] → ɾ / V_V
tɾ → {tɾ̥,tʃ,tʂ}
ɾ → l / _$
18 Je-Tupı́-Carib18.1.1 Pre-Bakairi to Eastern Bakairiɾ → ∅ / V_V, when neither vowel is stressed
18.1.2 Pre-Bakairi to Western Bakairiɾ → ∅ / V_V, where at least one of the vowels is nasalized
21 Lakes Plain21.1 Proto-Lakes Plain to Proto-Far Westɾ → ∅ Proto-Central Tariku to Iauɾ → ∅ / V_V
21.2.2 Proto-Tariku to Proto-East Tarikuɾ → ɾ~∅ / V_V Proto-East Tariku to Doutaiɾ → ∅ / ! _C Proto-East Tariku to Waritaiɾ → ∅ / ! C_
21.2.3 Proto-Tariku to Proto-West Tarikuɾ → ɾ~∅ / V_V
44 Vasconic44.2 Proto-Basque to Basque{ɾ,r} → ∅ / #_
ɾ → r / _C
Cr → Cɾ → CVɾ (perhaps not a sound change per se, just a historical tendency)
ɾ → ∅ / V_V (Souletin)
*-ɾ → -h stuff in compounds
{ɾ,r} → ʎ / {i,j}_ (eastern dialects)

to /ɾ/

47 matches

10 Austronesian10.2.6.1 Proto-North Sarawak to Kiputʀ → {l,ɾ} / ! _# (the latter is more common)
ʀ → ɾ
14 Elamo-Dravidian14.3.1 Standard Tamil to Colloquial Tamilr → ɾ “in most dialects”
17 Indo-European17.1.2 Proto-Indo-European to Tosk Albaniann → ɾ
l r → {l,ɫ} {ɾ,r} Early Modern English to American English{t,d} → ɾ / V_V[-stress] Early Modern English to Australian Englisht d → ɾ / V_V[-stress] Vulgar Latin to Spanishɾj pj → jɾ jp / V_
Vɾ → ɾV / C_#
— n → {l,ɾ} / _m
— n → {ɾ,l} / nɡ_
— n → ɾ / nd_
— ml nɾ → lm ɾn (sometimes)
— mn ml → mbɾ mbl
/dɾ/ [ðɾ] → ɾ / V_V
tɾ → {tɾ̥,tʃ,tʂ}
l → ɾ / _$
s → ɾ / _θ
21 Lakes Plain21.1 Proto-Lakes Plain to Proto-Far Westd → ɾ / V_V
21.1.1 Proto-Far West to Awerab d ɡ → β~w ɾ~∅ ɣ / V_V
t d → t~ɾ~n n / #_
21.1.2 Proto-Far West to Saponip b d k → p~f w ɾ ɡ~ɣ / V_V
iiɛ Vdiɛ → dzɛ ɾɛ
21.1.3 Proto-Far West to Rasawap b d k → ɸ β ɾ x~k / V_V
21.2 Proto-Lakes Plain to Proto-Tarikup d → ɸ ɾ / V_V
21.2.1 Proto-Tariku to Proto-Central Tarikud → ɾ~d / V_V
21.2.2 Proto-Tariku to Proto-East Tarikuɾ → ɾ~∅ / V_V
21.2.3 Proto-Tariku to Proto-West Tarikuɾ → ɾ~∅ / V_V Proto-West Tariku to Deirateb d k → b~β ɾ~l~∅ k~x~ɡ~ɣ / V_V Proto-West Tariku to Faiab d k → b~β ɾ~∅ k~x~ɡ~ɣ / V_V Proto-West Tariku to Fayub d k → b~β ɾ~∅ k~x~ɡ~ɣ / V_V Proto-West Tariku to Kirikirib d k → b~β ɾ~l~∅ k~x~ɡ~ɣ / V_V Proto-West Tariku to Sehudateb d k → b~β ɾ~∅ k~x~ɡ~ɣ / V_V Proto-West Tariku to Tauseb d k → b~β ɾ~∅ k~x~ɡ~ɣ / V_V Proto-West Tariku to Weirateb d k → b~β ɾ~l~∅ k~x~ɡ~ɣ / V_V
23 Macro-Chibchan23.1.1 Proto-Lenmichian to Proto-Chibchanl → ɾ
32 Oto-Manguean32.1.1 Proto-Chatino to Papabuco Chatinot → ɾ / _{u,ẽ} when unstressed
t → ɾ / _”a
kʷ → ɾ / #_ek
33 Penutian33.1.1 Proto-Utian to Proto-Costanoan (Ohlone)l → ɾ / ! _$ or o_ Proto-Costanoan to Chochenyol → ɾ / V_V Proto-Costanoan to Mutsunl → ɾ / V_V Proto-Costanoan to Rumsenl → ɾ / V_V
44 Vasconic44.1 Proto-Vasconic to Aquitanianr[+ fortis] → ɾ / _#
44.2 Proto-Basque to Basquel → ɾ / V_V
r → ɾ / _#
Cr → Cɾ → CVɾ (perhaps not a sound change per se, just a historical tendency)

with context involving /ɾ/

13 matches

17 Indo-European17. Vulgar Latin to Spanishe → ∅ / V{d,s,n,l,ɾ}_#
— ∅ → b / m_ɾ
— ∅ → d / n_ɾ
b ɡ → β ɣ / {l,ɾ}_
d → ð / ɾ_
33 Penutian33.1.1 Proto-Utian to Proto-Costanoan (Ohlone)i$Ci → e$Ce / _C ! _ɾ
ɨ$Cɨ → e$Ce / _C ! _ɾ Proto-Costanoan to Mutsunʈ → {ʈ,ts,tʃ} / _{j,ɾ} Proto-Costanoan to Rumsenʈ → {ʈ,tʃ} / _{j,ɾ}
44 Vasconic44.2 Proto-Basque to Basque— V → ∅ / S_{ɾ,l} (more common in Roncalese and Salazarese, but also in Navarrese and Aescoan?)
— V → ∅ / C[+ sibilant]_ɾ (Roncalese and Salazarese)
— V → ∅ / {O,ɾ,r}_O (Roncalese, Salazarese, Navarrese, Aescoan)
aʊ → aɪ / !_{ɾ,r,s̺,s̻} (Souletin, Roncalese)