Index Diachronica: involving /ʕ/

27 results from /ʕ/   22 results to /ʕ/   7 results with context involving /ʕ/   

plain ʕʷ ʕ̞

from /ʕ/

27 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6.1 Proto-Afro-Asiatic to Proto-Omoticq ʕ → ʔ h Proto-North Erythrean to Proto-Chadicħ ʕ → h ʔ Proto-Boreafrasian to Egypto-BerberCVʕ → ħʔ / ! C = ɡw
ʕ → i / #_VR Classical Arabic to Egyptian Arabicʕ → {ʕ̞,ħ} / _h Classical Arabic to Iraqi Arabicʕ → ʔˤ Proto-Semitic to Biblical Hebrewʕ → ∅ / _{$,#} Biblical Hebrew to Modern Israeli Hebrewx ʕ → χ ʔ
8 Altaic8.5.1.2 Proto-Kypchak to Kyrgyzæ Vh {ʕ,h} → ɑː Vː ∅ (seems to have largely been confined to loanwords from Persian)
12 Northwest Caucasian12.1 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Proto-Abazgiʁʕ → ʕ
12.1.1 Proto-Abazgi to Ashkharywa Abaza”Vʕ ʕ”V → ”aa a”a (but stays /ʕ/ sometimes?)
ʕʷ → ɥ
12.1.3 Proto-Abazgi to Ahchypsy Abkhaz”Vʕ ʕ”V → ”aa a”a
ʕ ʕʷ → aː ɥ
12.1.4 Proto-Abazgi to Bzyp Abkhaz”Vʕ ʕ”V → ”aa a”a
ʕʷ → ɥ
12.1.5 Proto-Abazgi to Abzhywa Proper”Vʕ ʕ”V → ”aa a”a
ʕ ʕʷ → aː ɥ
12.1.6 Proto-Abazgi to Tsabal Abzhywa”Vʕ ʕ”V → ”aa a”a
ʕ ʕʷ → aː ɥ
12.1.7 Proto-Abazgi to Khaltsys Sadz”Vʕ ʕ”V → ”aa a”a
ʕʷ → ɥ
12.1.8 Proto-Abazgi to Tswydzhy Sadz”Vʕ ʕ”V → ”aa a”a
ʕʷ → ɥ
20 Khoisan20.2.2 Proto-Kx’a to Northwestern !Xunʕ → ʔ / _m
20.2.3 Proto-Kx’a to Southeastern !Xunʕm → {b,ɓ}
47 Most-Wanted Sound Changes47.1 List 1: Simple Consonant Changesʕ → ŋ (allegedly in European Hebrew, both Sephardic and Ashkenazi, but possibly not a sound change so much as a substitution) (,,

to /ʕ/

22 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6. Proto-Boreafrasian to Egypto-BerberɡwVq → ʕ
ʔ → ʕ / _V{n,r,ɡ}
{h,ħ,q} → ʕ / C[+voice]_V
qh → ʕħ
ɣ → ʕ / ħ_ Proto-Boreafrasian to Proto-Semiticq → ʕ
ʔ → ʕ / #K_r# Classical Arabic to Cypriot Arabicɣ ħ → ʕ x Classical Arabic to Egyptian Arabicʕ → {ʕ̞,ħ} / _h Proto-Semitic to Biblical Hebrewx ɣ kˤ → ħ ʕ q
10 Austronesian10.2.5 Proto-Malayo-Polynesian to Palauanq → χ (→ ʕ)
11 Northeast Caucasian11.2 Proto-Northeast Caucasian to Dargiqːʼ → ʕ
11.6 Proto-Northeast Caucasian to Nakhtɬ(ː) tɬʼ tɬːʼ → x qʼ ʕ
12 Northwest Caucasian12.1 Proto-Northwest Caucasian to Proto-Abazgiχ(ʲ) ʁ(ʲ) → ħ ʕ
χʷ ʁʷ → ħʷ ʕʷ
qʷʲʼ → ʕʷ (qʷʼ?)
χʷʲ ʁʷʲ → ħ(ʷ) ʕ(ʷ)
qˤː qˤʼ → ʕ ħ (this latter is marked as dubious)
ʁʕ → ʕ
χˤʲ ʁˤʲ → ħ ʕ
qˤʷ qˤʷː qˤʷʼ χˤʷ ʁˤʷ → ħʷ ʕʷ qʷ(ʼ) ħʷ (ħʷ?)
qˤʷʲ qˤʷʲ qˤʷʲʼ ʁˤʷʲ → qʷ ʕʷ ħʷ ʕʷ

with context involving /ʕ/

7 matches

6 Afro-Asiatic6.1 Proto-Afro-Asiatic to Proto-Omotica(ː) → e(ː) / _{ʕ,q}$ Classical Arabic to Cypriot Arabicuː iː → oː eː / _ʕ
uː iː → oː eː / ʕ_
i → a / Cˤ_{q,ɣ,ʕ}
i → a / {q,ɣ,ʕ}_Cˤ
u → o / _{ʕ,ɣ,x,r}
u → o / {ʕ,ɣ,x,r}_